Service Calculation and Service Payment Calendar
If the user wants to create a payment calendar (especially after activating the contract, there is no need to create payment calendars until then), then he uses the Calculateor Calculate Allthat creates a service payment calendar.
A contract payment calendar must exist before a service payment calendar can be created, otherwise the contract payment calendar must exist. A service calendar could not be created.
The Calculate option creates a payment calendar only for the service that the user is currently on. The Calculate All option creates payment calendars for all services that are in the contract service for the contract.
To view the service installments, click on Service Payment Calendar
The Service Payment Line window opens, where you can see the payments for the specific service. The card is non-editable, so the user does not have the option to manually change anything in the service payment schedule.
Currency Code
It is filled from Currency Code (62) from the service from API Contract Service (4026681)
Currency Factor
It is filled from the service from the API Contract Service (4026681), as 1/Currency Exchange Rate (70)
The length of the field is set to 2:6 (min:max of displayed places), the value is not rounded.
It is filled from the Calculation Amount Per Payment (80) from the service from the API Contract Service (4026681).
The first aliquot line is filled depending on the creation of the aliquot payment (see below).
Rounding according to the Service Rounding Code in the Financing Model of the contract.
Amount (LCY)
It counts:
Amount (LCY) = Amount (55) / Currency Factor (45)
Rounding according to the Service Rounding Code in the Financing Model of the contract.
Cost Amount
It is calculated from the Cost Amount Total (320) from the service from the API Contract Service (4026681).
Rounding according to the Service Rounding Code in the Financing Model of the contract.
Cost Amount (LCY)
It counts:
Cost Amount (LCY) = Cost Amount (65) / Currency Factor (45)
Rounding according to the Service Rounding Code in the Financing Model of the contract.
Payment schedule amounts are created according to the Aliquote Payment at Beginning flag on Contract models:
Aliquote Payment at Beginning=N (i.e. aliquot payment at the beginning and end of the contract):
Services other than Kind=Fee/Service
Total Calculation Amount Divided by Service Validity Period (equal to Financing Period)
This calculation is used in all cases where the service is created
Services where Kind=Fee/Service
Service created when the calculation is created (the service period is the same as the financing period)
Reflect Aliquot=NO, Full Aliquot Payment=NO
The regular payment is calculated as the Total Calculation Value divided by the validity of the service (equal to the financing period)
First Payment
(Value to Installment x Number of Days in 1st Installment ) / Number of Days of Month in 1st Installment
Last Payment
Total Calculation Amount minus SUM (of the first and all regular installments)
Take into account aliquot=NO, Full aliquot payment=YES
The amount of all installments is the same
Calculation Amount Total divided by (Service Validity Period (equal to Financing Period) plus one occurrence)
Reflect aliquot=YES
The regular payment is calculated as the Total Calculation Value divided by the validity of the service (equal to the financing period)
First Payment
(Value to Installment x Number of Days in 1st Installment ) / Number of Days of Month in 1st Installment
Last Payment
Total Calculation Amount minus SUM (of the first and all regular installments)
Service created during the life of the contract or when the financing period is changed (payments have already been posted)
Reflect Aliquot=NO, Full Aliquot Payment=NO
The regular payment is calculated according to the formula:
Calculation Amount Total/(Total number of service payments - 1)+((Number of days of the month in the 1st installment - Number of days of the 1st installment)/Number of days of the month in the 1st installment)
1. Instalment means the first instalment for the entire financing period, so it does not have to be equal to the first instalment of the service
Last Payment
Total Calculation Amount minus SUM of Due Payments
Take into account aliquot=NO, Full aliquot payment=YES
The amount of all installments is the same
Calculation Amount Total divided by (Service Validity Period (equal to Financing Period) plus one occurrence)
Reflect aliquot=YES
The regular payment is calculated according to the formula:
Calculation Amount Total/(Total number of service payments - 1)+((Number of days of the month in the 1st installment - Number of days of the 1st installment)/Number of days of the month in the 1st installment)
1. Instalment means the first instalment for the entire financing period, so it does not have to be equal to the first instalment of the service
Last Payment
Total Calculation Amount minus SUM of Due Payments
The amount of costs in the payment schedule is calculated in the same way as the amount for the client.
Aliquote Payment at Beginning=Y (i.e. aliquot payment only at the beginning of the contract):
The Expected Handover Date (or Handover Date after activation) is on the first day of the month (special case when overlies are not formed at the beginning):
The payment calendar will be created without an aliquot payment (payment numbers from 1).
the number of payments will be equal to the Financing Period (in Months).
do Amount The system will add the Calculation Amount Per Payment value to the contract services
Amount (LCY) is calculated by the Amount*currency factor (note: BL has contracts only in local currency, so Amount is always equal to Amount (LCY)
do Cost Amount takes the value from the service according to the current functionality
Cost Amount (LCY) is calculated by the Cost Amount*currency factor (note: BL has contracts only in local currency, so Cost Amount is always equal to Cost Amount (LCY)
The Expected Handover Date (or Handover Date after activation) is different from the first day of the month (an aliquot is formed):
the aliquot payment will only be at the beginning of the payment calendar (it will have the number 000A). The aliquot payment values are calculated:
Service Kind=Road Tax:
Amount = value of Calculation Amount Per Payment from Contract Services
Amount (LCY) = recalculation as currently unchanged
Cost Amount = Amount (road tax does not split value for customer and cost price)
Cost Amount (LCY) = recalculation as currently unchanged
Service Kind=Fee/Service with Full Aliquot Payment=Y (i.e. the full monthly value in aliquot payment)
Amount = value of Calculation Amount Per Payment from Contract Services
Amount (LCY) = recalculation as currently unchanged
Cost Amount = Amount (road tax does not split value for customer and cost price)
Cost Amount (LCY) = recalculation as currently unchanged
All other services
Amount = aliquot value according to the calculation of the aliquot payment at the beginning of the contract from the base Calculation Amount Per Payment from Contract Services
Amount (LCY) = recalculation as currently unchanged
Cost Amount = aliquot value according to the aliquot payment calculation at the beginning of the contract from the Cost Amount base
Cost Amount (LCY) = recalculation as currently unchanged
then the number of installments will be created according to the Financing Period (in Months), each installment will be for the whole month (installment numbers from 1 according to the current functionality)
always add the Calculation Amount Per Payment value from Contract Services
the result will be that the total number of payments will be one more than the Financing Period (in Months), i.e. aliquot + regular payments.
The values of Amount, Amount (LCY), Cost Amount and Cost Amount (LCY) are rounded according to the Rounding Service Code of the Financing Model contract.
The system retrieves the VAT % field from the VAT posting setup. If the value of the VAT Calculation Type field is equal to Normal in the given table, then the system will finalize the VAT % as it is in the corresponding row. However, if the value of the VAT Calculation Type field is equal to Refundable VAT, then the system will finalize VAT % equal to ZERO.
Flag Contract Extension=Y indicates lines from automatic contract extension – see Contract With Services
The flag Recalculation Settlement=Y indicates the line for recalculation settlement – see. Contract Changes
Last Payment Match
When recalculating the service payment schedule, the system performs the so-called top-up on the last installment:
If Migrated Service=Y is on a service, matching will not be performed on that service
Example: Migrated Service=Y is enabled on the Tire service. Then you can see that after recalculating the service payment schedule, the last payment is 37 without matching (Amount and Cost Amount), i.e. at the same amount as the other payments.
If Migrated Service=N is on the service, the system performs matching:
The function for summating the calculated field Amount Total (on the service) = sum from all rows of the SPK of the service is called. Before this value can be compared to Calc. Amount Total, so from it :
always subtracts the Amount from the line that has the financing payment number 000A,
subtracts Amount from the RS line (flag Recalc. Settlement=Y), if there is exactly one in the SPK and at the same time its Part Payment No. = 1.
Note: if there are more RS lines or there is only one, but it does not have Part Payment No.=1 (=migrated services with RS), then these RS rows will not be subtracted.
if it finds a difference between this sum and Calc.Amount Total, then the difference is added to the last payment.
Example: on the Tire service there is a flag Migrated Service=N. Then you can see that after recalculating the service payment schedule, the last payment is 37 with a match (Amount and Cost Amount), i.e. in a different amount as the other payments.
Similarly, matching for the Cost Amount in the service payment schedule vs. Purchase Price Total on the service works in the same way.