Customer Comments/Contract Comments

Customer Comments/Contract Comments

If notes have been created for the customer, it is possible to view them from each of the customer's financing contracts (for entering notes on the customer, see Address book):

  • By clicking on the Customer Comments button or by clicking on the Number of Customer Comments (Contract Details fact box), the user opens the Customer Notes Sheet, where the user can view all notes that have been entered for the customer, or from all contracts of the customer.

    • If the user wants to create a new note, they can do so using the New button. A new note is created so that it is automatically assigned to the customer and the contract.

  • By clicking on the Contract Notes button (Navigation) or by clicking on the Number of Contract Comments (fact box), the user opens the Notes Sheet, where the user can view all notes that have been entered only for the given agreement:

    • If the user wants to create a new note, they can do so using the New button. A new note is created so that it is automatically assigned to the customer and the contract. In the event that the contract is transferred to a new customer, these notes will be visible even after the transfer has taken place.


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