

Codeunit 7026398, funkce CalculationAPR

  • The APR is always calculated independently of the type of financing, the person of the contract or other parameters if the Calculate APR = Yes flag is filled in on the contract header.

  • The principle of the calculation is an iterative calculation of finding the interest rate in %, where the discounted amount of cash flow from the temp table matches the input price according to the formula:

    • Input Price = SUM(Amount Amount / (1+ (Iterated Interest % / 100))Number of Days/365.25

    • Where is the number of days (Payment Due Date - Object Handover Date)

    • Input Price = for Loan Sum(Financed Amount) ( from CI for To Acquisition = Yes, To Calculation = Yes)

  • for other types of financing sum(Amount of base from CI for To Acquisition = Yes, To Calculation = Yes)

  • The following are included in the cash flow (note: Leasing with delivery of goods is not applied in OneCore):

Cash Flow Amount

Decisive date


Line.Amount - Liability Insurance Amount - Crash Insurance Amount - Other Insurance Amount - Amount VAT Insurance

Line.Due Date


Insurance Client Cal.Amount + VAT Amount for policies where InsProduct." Included in APR"=Yes and Include In Payments = Yes and Status <=Active

Line.Due Date


For Leasing with delivery of goods, the VAT Amount is not added


Initial Fee (The initial fee from the ContractHeader." Initial Fee")

Handover Date

VAT is added to the fee (depending on the

Closing Fee (Fee at the end - from Gen. Terms and Conditions. Contract Finish Cost Amount

ContractHeader." Expected Termination Date"

VAT is added to the fee (depending on the setting)


The calculation model is shown here: OC_vzor_vypocetRPSN_KK.xlsx


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