Calculation Sublimit And Excess Rates

Calculation Sublimit And Excess Rates

When calculating rates for km over and under limit, the system proceeds as follows:

  • when creating a calculation, it takes the field values from the financing template (if the calculation was created from a template) or from the financing product (Currency and Calculation Parameters subform) to the calculation fields of the same name (Operative Leasing and Fleet Management tab):

    • Calculate Excess km Rate

    • Calculate Sublimit km Rate

  • If the value of the parameter is Y, it continues to look up the necessary coefficients in the API Coeff table. of Oper. Unit Rates (4047062) depending on whether the calculations were created from a template or from a product. The table is available from the product/template via the Coefficients button.

  • Coefficient tracing and calculation are described below.

Calculation of the rate per excess operating unit

The rate calculation is based on the offer parameter Calculate Excess Rate (Y/N) - (Operative Leasing tab):

  • If the value is N, the rate value in the Excess Rate – Default field is not recalculated

  • If the value is A, the rate value in the Excess Rate – Default field is automatically calculated after the services are calculated. The OC will proceed as follows when calculating the rate:

    • In the table Coefficient of Rates of Operating Units, OC finds the Coefficient of Amortization, Coefficient of Service and Coefficient of Tire Service by:

      • Financing Product Numbers – if the offer was created from a product variant (i.e. the calculation template number is not filled in the offer)

      • Calculation Template Numbers – if the offer was created from a calculation template (i.e. the Calculation Template No. is filled in the offer)

      • Upper tolerance from calculation/contract – must be within the range of Field Unit from and Field Unit to (inclusive)

      • If the OC does not find a record in the table where the Operating unit is from < Upper tolerance <= Operating unit to (inclusive), it displays a message about the absence of coefficients.

      • Calculates the Excess Rate – Default value according to the formula:

        • Value = Coefficient of Amortization * ((Purchase Price Excl. VAT - Residual Value Excl. VAT)/Contractual Mileage) + Service Coefficient * (Total Calculation Value for Service/Contractual Mileage) + Tire Service Coefficient * (Total Calculation Value for Tire Service/Contractual Mileage)

          • Total Calculation Value for Service = sum of Total Calculation Values for Service Type=Service from the Contract Services table.

          • Total Calculation Value for Tire Service = sum of Total Calculation Values for Service Type = Tire Service from the Contract Services table.

          • Residual Value from Financing Contract Header

  • The value calculation function is started by the user using the installment calculation button in the menu button bar. In a similar way, it also triggers a recalculation in the event of a change in the parameters of the contract that have an impact on the rate value.

Calculation of the rate per sublimit operating unit

The calculation of the rate is governed by the menu parameter Calculate Sublimit Rate (Y/N) - (Operative Leasing tab):

  • If the value is N, the rate value in the Sublimit Rate – Default field is not recalculated

  • If the value is A, the rate value in the Sublimit Rate – Default field is automatically calculated:

    • After calculating and changing the values:

      • Annuity excl. VAT (in the header of the offer)

      • Total Calculation Value for Service Type = Service (Contract Services table)

      • Total Calculation Value for Service Type = Tire Service (Contract Services table)

      • If the value in the Upper Tolerance field changes

      • If the value in the Lower Tolerance field changes

    • The OC will proceed as follows when calculating the rate:

      • In the table Coefficient of Rates of Operating Units, OC finds the Coefficient of Amortization, Coefficient of Service and Coefficient of Tire Service by:

        • Product variant numbers – if the offer was created from a product variant (i.e. the calculation template number is not filled in the offer)

        • Calculation Template Numbers – if the offer was created from a calculation template (i.e. the Calculation Template No. is filled in the offer)

        • Lower tolerance from calculation/contract – must be within the range of Operating Unit from and Operating Unit to (inclusive), the Lower Tolerance value is found with a minus. Example: Lower tolerance = 4000 is found from the interval (-5000; 0).

        • If the OC does not find a record in the table where there is Operating unit from < Lower tolerance <= Operating unit to (inclusive), it displays a message about the absence of coefficients

    • Calculates the Sublimit Rate – default value according to the formula:

      • Value = Coefficient of Amortization * ((Purchase Price Excl. VAT - Residual Value Excl. VAT)/Contractual Mileage) + Service Coefficient * (Total Calculation Value for Service/Contractual Mileage) + Tire Service Coefficient * (Total Calculation Value for Tire Service/Contractual Mileage)

        • Total Calculation Value for Service = sum of Total Calculation Values for Service Type=Service from the Contract Services table.

        • Total Calculation Value for Tire Service = sum of Total Calculation Values for Service Type = Tire Service from the Contract Services table.

        • Residual Value Excl. VAT from Financing Contract Header

  • The value calculation function is started by the user using the installment calculation buttons in the menu button bar. In a similar way, it also triggers a recalculation in the event of a change in the parameters of the contract that have an impact on the rate value.

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