Transition Calculation To Contract.

Transition Calculation To Contract.

From the calculation (offer) it is possible to create contracts:

  • By gradually toggling the detailed state:

    • The procedure is not recommended. If the Status field is set for contract number assignment on the financing model, the contract is renumbered if the user sets this detailed status on the model.

  • Use the function (button) Create contract from calculation (is visible only for detailed contract statuses with Calculation=A, otherwise not)

    • Recommended actions

    • A new entity is created by copying, whereby:

      • It will have a number according to the Contract Numbering settings on the Financing Model

      • It will have a detailed status according to the Initial Detailed Contract Status setting in OneCore Settings

    • The original offer is preserved, it is possible to create any number of contracts from it

    • The contract creation date is automatically filled in as the workdate

Click on Create Contract from Calculation

After confirmation, the system performs a flag check Mandatory Quote Approval in Settings OneCore. If the value will be:

  • Yes:

    • Checks to see if the History connivance There is a record for the offer:

      • Financing Contract No. = same as the quote number from which the process is started

      • Approval Status = Approved

      • Active = Yes

      • If:

        • There is no (i.e. the offer does not have a valid approval)

          • Displays the message "The offer does not have a valid approval. (Offer No. .. Contract No.... doesn't have valid approval.)". After confirmation, it closes the message and does not continue the process

        • Exists

          • Checks already created contracts from the menu:

            • Filters contracts to Source Calculation No., for which:

            • Change Copy = No

            • Calculation Variant = No

            • Calculation on Detailed contract status = No

            • and find out their number

            • This number should be < than Number of ContractsApproval History

          • If:

            • Pays

            • Moving on to the next step

            • Does not apply

            • Displays the message "The number of contracts has been exhausted. (The number of contracts has been drawn.)". It does not continue after the message is closed

  • Well

    • Proceeds to the next check.

Approval of the offer is described in a special chapter Schválení nabídky

It proceeds to check if there is an allowed transition from the detailed calculation status to the initial detailed contract status (inic.det.contract status is set in OneCore Setup):

If it doesn't exist, it displays the message:


If it exists, it creates a contract and asks if we want to open it:


Once confirmed, the new contract card will open.

  • The contract was created by copying the offer (including all related entities). The created contract will have the following differences from the offer:

    • the contract number from the contract number series according to the settings in the Financing Model, the Contract Nos field. At the same time, the subject is renumbered, or the contract number is added to all related entities.

    • detailed status according to the settings in OneCore Setup, field Initiale Detailed Contract Status

    • Completed Contract Creation Date = Workdate of the system

    • filled in Source Calculation No.=number of the calculation from which the contract was created

    • filled in Date Created (Others tab) = sysdate

  • Copies records (the documents themselves will not be copied) Attachments belonging to the offer to the contract (so that they are available with the contract):

    • ID (48) - gets a new one

    • Table ID (2) - keep original

    • No. (3):

      • for Table ID (2)=4026397 - add new contract number

      • for Table ID (2)=4026560 - add the object number of the new contract

    • Copies the values of all other fields in the table, but does not change them

  • Course attachments are copied in a similar way

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