Creating Calculation/Contract by Copying

Creating Calculation/Contract by Copying

Calculation or Contract can be copied Create > Copy Calculation/Contract and the user confirms that they really want to copy and whether they want to view the new agreement.

After confirming Yes, the system will check:

  • If a calculation is being copied (the detailed contract status shows Calculation = A), the OC will check the Offer Creation Date and Validity Period to enable contract copying in OneCore Settings:

    • If the Offer Creation Date + Validity Period to allow copying is > the current date, the OC will not allow copying:

    • If Offer Creation Date + Validity Period for Permission to Copy =< current date, OC will copy and create a new calculation.

Once confirmed, the system will check:

  • Flag Mandatory Quote Approval in OneCore Setup. If the value of the field will be:

    • Yes

      • It displays the message "Approval of the quote is mandatory, it is not possible to create a copy. (Quote Approval is mandatory, it is not possible to create a copy)".

    • No

      • Proceeds to the next check

  • If copying from a change copy, variant or from a contract with a change copy is not running:

    • If so, the copy stops. "It is not possible to create a calculation/contract from the variant."

    • Or: "It is not possible to create a calculation/contract from the change copy."

    • Or: "The contract cannot be copied, it must be in the status Offer to Suspended"

    • If not, it moves on

  • If a calculation is being copied (there is Calculation=A on the detailed contract status), the OC will check the Offer Creation Date and Validity Period to allow the contract to be copied in OneCore Settings:

    • If the Offer Creation Date+Validity Period to allow copying is > the current date, the OC will not allow copying:

    • If Offer Creation Date+Validity Period for Permission to Copy =< current date, OC will copy and create a new calculation.

  • If the contract is being copied (the detailed contract status shows Calculation=N), the OC will perform a check

    • Contract Creation Date and Validity Period to enable agreement copy in OneCore Settings:

      • If the Contract Creation Date + Validity Period for Permit Copy is > the current date, the OC will not allow copying.

      • If Contract Creation Date + Validity Period for Permission to Copy =< current date, the OC proceeds to the next check.

    • Contract Status:

      • If > Status is Active, it will not allow the agreement to be copied

      • If the Status is < = Approved, Signed, or Active

  • If a contract is being copied (the detailed contract status shows Calculation = N), the OC will perform a check

    • Contract Creation Date and Validity Period to enable agreement copy in OneCore Settings:

      • If the Contract Creation Date + Validity Period for Permit Copy is > the current date, the OC will not allow copying:

      • If Contract Creation Date + Validity Period for Permission to Copy =< current date, the OC proceeds to the next check:

    • Contract Status:

      • If > Status is Active, it will not allow the agreement to be copied

      • If Status = Approved, Signed, or Active

  • By copying, the system creates a calculation or contract as the original image, performing the following actions:

    • The new entity will be created as the original image, but some data will be different from the source entity (described below)

    • The new entity will be created with a number and detailed status as follows:

      • If a calculation is being copied:

        • The new entity will receive a number from the number series for calculations according to the Financing Model in the Calculation Nos field,

        • The new entity will get the detailed status according to the Initial Detailed Calculation Status setting in OneCore Settings. Also, the Calculation Creation Date will have the current date

        • If the original calculation contains records in the Approval History, these will not be copied to the new calculation

      • If a contract is being copied:

        • The new entity will receive a number from the number series of contracts according to the Financing Model, the Contract Nos field.

        • The new entity will get a detailed status according to the Initial Detailed Contract Status setting in OneCore Settings. Also, the Contract Creation Date will have the current date

    • All numbers that are based on the calculation/contract number (e.g. object number) will be renumbered in relation to the new entity number

    • Insurance contracts within the new entity will be renumbered according to their number series

    • Approval Date and Signature Date are deleted if they were filled in in the source quote/contract

    • The last modified date and time is overwritten to the current system date and time

    • Changed overwrites according to the logged-in user

    • Created By (the field is not pulled in the Financing Contract tab) is overwritten according to the logged-in user

    • If the Chassis No. (VIN), Serial Number and Vehicle Registration Number, VTP/OEV Number, Green Card Number, Contract References were filled in in the original calculation/contract, they will not be transferred to the new entity

    • If an agreement is being copied and the Approver ID and Approval Protocol ID fields have been filled in, these values will not be transferred to the new entity

    • If the original contract contains any issued or posted items, they will not be transferred to the new contract

    • Payment calendars (contracts, services, and insurance) will not be transferred to the new entity:

      • The Complete calculation(4047060)) flag = will be set to N

      • Records in the Payment Calendar (API Financing Contract Line (4026398)) will not be transferred – i.e. the new entity will always be without a payment contract

      • Records in the API Service Payment Line (4026683)) will not be transferred – the new entity will be without payment cal. Services

      • Records in the Client Insurance Calendar (API Ins. Client Payment Cal. (4027105)) will not be transferred – the new entity will be without payment cal. poj. Client

      • Records in the Insurance Company Calendar (API Ins. Company Payment Cal. (4027106)) will not be transferred – the new entity will be without a payment cal. Insurance

      • Entries in the Commission Calendar (API Ins.Comm. Payment Calendar (4027107)) – the new entity will be without payment cal. commission

    • If the original contract contains Attachments to the contract or object, those attachments will also be copied

    • If the original contract contains entries in the Approval History, these will not be copied to the new contract

    • After the copy is created, you will see the message: "Contract No. OL00003 has been created. Do you want to show it?"

CZ localization (Luxury Tax):

If the user copies a calculation/contract created before the legislative change came into effect, then it is necessary to open the calc overview. inputs and close it again – the system will add the calculation input to the unclaimed part of VAT, if necessary, and then recalculate the contract instalments.

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