Print Documents from Contract

Print Documents from Contract

The user can print documents from the list of contracts (if he selects multiple contracts, the selected document is printed for each) or from the Contracts tab – option Reports/Print Documents.

Similarly, it is possible to print from the list of courses (even with multiple items) or from the course card.

Button Print Documents allows you to generate a printout from the contract from the document templates that are defined in the Printout definition table. The output can be in doc, xls or pdf format. Once confirmed, the system performs the following steps:

  • Opens a filtered list of printouts (a filtered list of printouts from the Printout Definition table, which):

    • the user has been assigned permissions (see PD on Business Settings) and

    • table ID is set=4026397

    • meet the filters set in the Printout Definition against the data from the given leasing contract and object:

      • Fields from Contract:

        • If the function is launched from a contract, it goes directly through the contract number

        • If the function is run from a subject, it first detects the contract number from the subject and then goes to the contract

        • These are the fields:

          • Customer No. – same as in the contract or blank

          • Financing Product Type Filter – must have a Financing Product Type from the contract or empty

          • Financing Product Filter - must have Financing Product Type from the contract or empty

          • Detailed Contract Status Filter - must have Detailed Contract Status from the contract or blank

          • Language Code – must have a Language Code (4047130) with a contract or empty

      • Fields from the subject:

        • If the function is run from an object, it goes directly through the object number

        • If the function is run from a contract, it first detects the number of the first object from the contract and then goes to the object

        • These are the fields:

          • Object Category – All or as on Item+1

          • Group – same as on the object or empty

          • Used Financed Object – All or the same as on the object (note that the object is a boolean)

      • It does not filter fields from insurance or other fields.

The user then selects the printout he wants to print (Select=A) and if he wants to select the format or other parameters, he also sets Parameter Input=A on the document and confirms the Ok button. If Parameter input=A has been set, the system will check the user after confirmation to see if he/she has permissions in User Settings. Allow printing to XLS/DOC=A:

  • If the user has Enable printing to XLS/DOC=N – the system displays an error message and does not allow printing to continue:

  • If the user has Enable printing to XLS/DOC=A, the system proceeds to the next step.

  • If the Check Colour=Y flag is enabled in the Printout Definition on the document, the OC will check if the Colour Code (20025) field on the subject of the contract is empty:

    • If it is empty, it displays an error message and does not allow you to continue:

    • If it is not empty, it continues.

  • If the Check Interior Colour=Y flag is enabled in the Printout Definition on the given document, the OC will check if the Interior Colour field (247) is not empty on the subject of the contract:

    •  If it is empty, it will display an error message and will not allow you to continue:

    • If it is not empty, it continues.

  • The system will open a standard dialog window to specify additional parameters:

  • In the filter of the Number field, there is the number of the leasing agreement from which the print is started


  • Send to...

    • Allows the user to select the output format (note: the template of the output must allow these output formats, if not, the operation may not complete):

  • Press

    • Opens the generated printout in a browser from where the user can print the output.

  • Preview

    • Opens the generated document in a standard browser preview from where the user can print the output.

  • Cancellation

    • Reverse an operation

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