Contract Functions

Contract Functions

On the overview or contract card, there are options (buttons) that open overviews or trigger various functions.

Below is a brief description of the functions on the contract card – a detailed description of some functions may be provided in other PDs.


  • Approve Offer

    • The button is visible only if:

      • Mandatory Offer Approval = A in OneCore Settings and at the same time

      • On the Detailed Contract Status of the offer there is Calculation = A and at the same time

      • A record with Active = A does not exist in the Approval History table

    • Detailed description of the function in the chapter Quote Approval

  • Create Contract from Calculation

    • The meaning has been explained in the special chapter Calculation to Contract Transfer

  • Create Invoice

    • The user can use this button to create an individual invoice for the contract (e.g. for a fee)

    • Explained in detail in Fakturace prodej

  • Create Fin. Charge Memo

    • It is used to create a penalty invoice for the contract

    • The process is described in detail in the Vymáhání pohledávek

  • Copy Calculation/Contract


They open the relevant reports, always with a filter for the contract number.

Contract Services – this button is visible only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.


They are used for changes to the contract – detailed description in the Změny smlouvy


The meaning of the fields is explained in the chapter Splátkový kalendář smlouvy


The buttons are visible only if Leasing with delivery of goods=Y, the meaning of the buttons is explained in chapter Opravy po aktivaci smlouvy


They open the relevant reports, always with a filter for the contract number.

Some options are group buttons, below them are other options.


It is used to generate a printout or an email as an attachment with the printout.

Both functions open a filtered list of printouts that meet the filters for the Printout Definition table and for which the user has been assigned. For a description, see a separate chapter.

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