Contract Profitability

Contract Profitability

In the faktbox Contract Profitability The individual components of the total profitability as well as the profitability of the contract (the sum of partial values) are listed.

The values are predicted – they do not take into account, for example, the actual costs of services, interest, etc., and are calculated if payments are calculated without a payment schedule or with a payment schedule.

Margins of service, tires and other services are calculated only for contracts with Financing with services=A (i.e. not for FL, UV, SP and OL without services) – they are not calculated for so-called simple service and insurance. Insurance margins are calculated only from insurance contracts that are part of the installments and are recorded in the insurance module.

  • Interest Margin

    • Displays the value of the matched field from the financing contract (hidden field)

    • The fulfillment of the field (calculation) differs according to the existence of the contract payment calendar:

      • If there is no payment calendar, the field is calculated by the year after pressing the Payment Calculation button. Formula:

        • Interest Margin=Financing Period (in Months)*(Annuity excl. VAT) - PMT(formula such as pre Annuity Excl.VAT ale s použitovovej rate, Reference Rate % nauseia nauseia Calculation Interest Rate %(p.a))

      • If a payment calendar exists, the field is calculated as the sum of the Interest Margin values from the payment calendar. The Interest Margin field in the payment calendar is recalculated each time the payment calendar is recalculated on unposted calendar lines as follows (ratio calculation):

        • Interest Margin = (Interest Margin % / Calculation Interest Rate % (150)) * Interest (16)

  • Maintenance Margin

    • The system finds in the API Contract Service (4026681 Services:

      • Services with Service Kind=Maintenance

      • In Status=Preparation|Active|Terminated|Change Copy (i.e. nie v stave=Cancelled)

    •  Maintenance Margin = sum of Margin Total values (85)

    •  When clicked, it opens the Services overview of the contract with a filter for the given services.

  • Tyres Margin

    • The system finds in the API Contract Service (4026681):

      • Services with Service Kind=Tire Service

      • In Status=Preparation|Active|Terminated|Change Copy (i.e. nie v stave=Cancelled)

    •  Tyres Margin = sum of Margin Total values (85)

    •  Note: The set of services determined in this way will include all tire services of the contract (tires, rims, tire change, storage, accessories)

    •  When clicked, it opens the Services overview of the contract with a filter for the given services.

  • Other Services Margin

    • The system finds in the API Contract Service (4026681):

      • Services with Service Kind=Fee/Service|Replacement Car|Highway Ticket|Fuel Card (i.e. services with the exception of Maintenance, Tire Service and Road Tax)

      • In Status=Preparation|Active|Terminated|Change Copy (i.e. nie v stave=Cancelled)

    •  Other Services Margin = sum of Margin Total values (85)

    •  When clicked, it opens the Services overview of the contract with a filter for the given services.

  • Liability Ins.Margin

    • The system finds insurance contracts:

      • Product Base Type=Liability

      • Status=Preparation|Active|Closed|Change Copy i.e. it will not take into account the fuses in the state Unrealised, Canceled

    • Liability Ins.Margin = sum of Insurance Margin fields from insurance contracts found in this way Insurance Margin is calculated on the insurance contract:

      • Insurance Margin = (Client Month Insurance Amount – Insurance Company Month Amount) * Insurance Duration (month)

    •  After clicking, it opens an overview of insurance contracts with a filter for the given insurance contracts.

  • Property Ins.Margin

    •  The system finds insurance contracts:

      • Product Base Type=Property

      • Status=Preparation|Active|Closed|Change Copy i.e. it will not take into account the fuses in the state Unrealised, Canceled

    • Property Ins.Margin = sum of Insurance Margin fields from insurance contracts found in this way

    •  After clicking, it opens an overview of insurance contracts with a filter for the given insurance contracts.

  • Other Ins.Margin

    • The system finds insurance contracts:

      • Product Base Type=Supplementary

      • Status=Preparation|Active|Closed|Change Copy i.e. it will not take into account the fuses in the state Unrealised, Canceled

    • Other Ins.Margin = sum of Insurance Margin fields from insurance contracts found in this way

    •  After clicking, it opens an overview of insurance contracts with a filter for the given insurance contracts.

  • Contract Margin

    •  is the sum of Interest Margin+Maintenance Margin+Tires Margin+Other Services Margin+Property Ins.Margin+Liability Ins.Margin+Other Ins.Margin

A similar factbox can be found on the customer card – see detailed description Address book

It is also possible to use the report in Reports/Customer Profitability to determine the customer margin – see detailed description Contract Changes

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