Contract Guarantee

Contract Guarantee

A contract guarantee can be established:

  • To help with customer guarantee (to create a customer guarantee, see Address book)

  • No customer liability.

The list of contract guarantees can be opened using the Elements/Guarantees button.

Click to open the guarantee overview.

A guarantee can be created using the Create Guarantee button. When pressed, the system performs:

  • The system detects if there is a guarantee on the contract customer with Date From<=workdate<Date To and Status = Active.

    • If it does not exist, it proceeds to create a guarantee contract according to the current functionality (i.e. the guarantee will exist only for the given contract) by opening the guarantee card, while the system automatically fills in the following parameters:

      • Sets Type = Contract

      • Adds Financing Contract No. from the contract (filter) according to the current functionality

      • Adds Customer No. from the contract and displays the Customer Name for it

        • The user then proceeds to enter the individual guarantee fields.

        • If necessary, the user can also create a co-guarantor or the subject (detail) of the guarantee

    • If there are active guarantees on the customer with Date From=<workdate<Date To, the system checks if all these guarantees exist in the contract. The same guarantees are also the guarantees they have

      • Source Guarantee No. on Contract Guarantee = Customer Guarantee No.

      • Guarantee Category Same

      • Guarantee Type Same

    • If the contract contains all guarantees that are active on the customer and have Date From<=workdate<Date To, the system continues to create the guarantee according to the previous point (by adding Type, Fin. Contr. No., Customer No. and opening the guarantee card.

      • Note: this means that it will be possible to base a guarantee on the leasing contract even beyond the customer's existing guarantees.

    • If the contract does not contain all guarantees that are active on the customer with Date From<=workdate<Date To, the system will create the missing guarantee for the contract, including the details of the guarantee and co-guarantors – description in the next subchapter.

Creation of a Contract Guarantee

  • The system detects the value of the Max No.of Contracts field on the source guarantee on the customer.

  • If Max.No.of Contracts<>0 (non-zero), the system will detect how many calculators/contracts have contract guarantees with the same Source Guarantee No. as the customer's Guarantee No. that have Status=Submitted or Active.

    • If Max. No. of Contracts is >= number of found contracts, the system does not copy the guarantee, but continues to create another guarantee (if such a guarantee exists on the customer).

    • If Max.No.of Contracts is < the number of found contracts, it proceeds to create the guarantee by copying (see below).

  • If Max. No. of Contracts = 0 (empty), the system proceeds to create the contract guarantee by copying - it copies the customer guarantee line, then sets it

    • No. (guarantee number) from the appropriate number series (Guarantee Nos. V OneCore Setup)

    • Type=Contract

    • Source Guarantee No. = adds the customer guarantee number from which the guarantee was created

    • Deletes Date From A Date To

    • Sets Status=Preparation

    • If Dynamic Deposit = Y (is Deposit Coefficient<>0), it calculates Nominal Value=Payment Excl.VAT from the contract header * Deposit Coefficient and writes the Nominal Value to Current Value

    • Adds Nominal Value Date and Current Value Date (=workdate)

    • Add Last Modify Date (=workdate)

    •  Subsequently, the system proceeds to check the existence of the guarantee detail on the source guarantee (customer):

      • If there is a guarantee detail that has the flag Financed Object=N, the system will copy the guarantee detail to the contract guarantee

      • If there is a guarantee detail that has the flag Financed Object = Y, the system will create the detail of the guarantee by taking the number of the first object of the contract (_01) into the Guarantee Object No., then the data from the card of this object.

    • Subsequently, the system proceeds to check the existence of a co-guarantor on the source guarantee (customer):

      • If there are co-guarantors, copy them to guarantee the contract

      • These new co-guarantors will already have the guarantee number from the contract on them

      • They will be joined by Contract No. from the Contract Guarantee

    • After completing the creation of the contract guarantee (or co-guarantors), it will display the information message "x Contract Guarantees have been created." "EN: A contract guarantee has been created." After confirmation, the guarantee list will remain open, the system will not open any guarantee card.

Contract Guarantee Card

The Contract Guarantee Card is the same as the Customer Guarantee Card – below are just the differences (see for a detailed description Address book)

Differences from the customer's guarantee:

  • Source Guarantee No.

    • The system adds the customer's guarantee number from which the guarantee was created

  • Financing Contract No.

    • The system will add the number of the financing contract from which the guarantee was created

Change of guarantee data on an active contract

If the contract status is Active, then it is possible to insert, edit or delete records of the contract guarantee, guarantee detail and co-guarantors only by creating a change copy of the contract.

If the "Allow Guarantee Editing Without Change Copy" field is checked in the User Settings table, it is possible to insert, edit and delete records of contract guarantee, guarantee detail and co-guarantor without creating a change copy of the contract.    

Removal of Liability

The contract guarantee can be removed using the Remove from the list of contract guarantees or directly from the card of the contract guarantee.

  • Deletion can only be done in Guarantee Status = Preparation. Confirm by choice Yes the record is deleted, including the Guarantee Object and Co-Guarantor cards that were created under the contract guarantee

  • It is not possible to remove the guarantee in Guarantee Status = Active, in this case, the system will display an error message

Guarantees List

In the RoleCenter under the Risk Reports option, there are options:

  • Contract Guarantee

    • Opens an overview of all contract guarantees.

  • Customer Guarantee

    • Opens an overview of all customer guarantees.



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