Quote Approval
The calculation can be approved automatically, manually or sent for approval from the calculation/contract card using the "Approve offer" button (Create/Approve offer). Approval of the offer is checked when the calculation is transferred to the contract (see special chapter for description).
Approval settings are described here Schvalovací proces - Nastavení
Automatic Quote Approval
An offer can be automatically approved in the following cases:
Satisfies the criteria defined in the table Definition of Bid Approval Criteria
After confirming the button Approve Offer system:
Creates an entry in the Approval History where:
Approval Status = Approved
Automatic Approval = Yes
Approval Date and Time = System Date
Approver ID = Logged-in User ID
Displays the message "The offer has been automatically approved. Would you like to open the Quote Approval Card?" If the user confirms Yes, the system will open a tab with the relevant record
Satisfies Customer Frame
Chapter Described Quote Approval Process
The sender is a member of the approver group according to the corresponding workflow
If the quote parameters don't meet the definition of the criteria for automatic approval, the Customer Frame No. field is blank, the customer is not a member of the group, and the user requesting approval of the quote (the Create Request from the Approval Card) is a member of the approver group of the selected workfow and there is no need for multi-stage approval (Sequence number in the workflow user group for all users = 1), the system automatically approves the offer, i.e.:
Approval Status = Approved
Automatic Approval = No
Approval Date and Time = System Date
Approver ID = Logged-in User ID
Approval Entry Status = Approved
Approval Process
After confirming the button Approve Menu The system performs the following steps:
Checks if the "Customer Number" field is filled in on the header of the financing contract. If:
displays the message "Customer No. must be filled in". After confirming OK, the system terminates the process
Continues on to the next check
Creates a record in a table Approval History as described in the individual fields in the table (Chapter VIfrom Approval History)
Checks if the customer is a member of a group – the Group Member field in the Approval History table on the contract customer contact:
Proceeds on to check the limit
Displays the message "Customer is a member of a business group, please approve manually."
After confirming OK, the system closes the message and terminates the approval process.
Manual approval described in chapter Manual approval for a business group member
Checks that the "Customer Frame No. number" field is filled in on the header of the financing contract. If:
Continues to the next check - table "Definition of Bid Approval Criteria"
Updates the feature framework Update Frame and check the remaining amount of the frame (according to the drawing method):
It will include the offer in the frame, regardless of the detailed status setting of the offer (Limit Draw and Reservation Limit Draw) as if it were set to Reservation Limit Draw = Yes
For Limit Draw Method = Financed Value Uses the value in the field Financed Value From the record from Approval History
For Limit Draw Method = Residual Value Uses the value in the field Residual Value From the record from Approval History
For Limit Draw Method = Current Liability Checks if there is a record for the contract. If it does not exist, the system will run Update a commitment for a given customer. It then counts the contract's liability multiplied by the number in the field towards the limit Number of Contracts in Approval history
They will then find out if the following applies to the limit in the offer:
Limit Remaining Amount (LCY) ≥ the amount of the approved bid (according to the method of drawing the framework), if:
The offer is automatically approved, i.e. the system sets:
Approval Status = Approved
Automatic Approval = Yes
Approval Date and Time = System Date
Approver ID = Logged-in User ID
Displays the message "The offer has been automatically approved. Do you want to open the Quote Approval tab? If the user confirms Yes, the system will open a tab with the relevant record
Does not conform
Sets the values on the record in the Approval History:
Approval Status = Rejected
Automatic Approval = Yes
Approval Date and Time = System Date
Approver ID = Logged-in User ID
It displays the message "The customer's credit limit is not suitable." and terminates the process.
Sending an approval request
If the offer has not been automatically approved, the system will confirm the Approve Offer Creates a record in History connivance and displays to the user Approval Detail.
To send a quote for approval, the user uses the Create Request From the Approval Detail Card
The button is available only in the following cases:
Approval Status = New and at the same time
Active = Yes
After the button is confirmed, the system starts the approval workflow and creates approval requests for users from the approval group defined for the workflow.
After the approval entries are created, the system:
Displays the message "An approval request has been created for user XXX"
Sends an e-mail notification to users from the selected user group
Blocks menu for changes
Changes the Approval Status to Sent
The above steps must be set up in the appropriate Workflow.
If the sender of the approval request is a member of the approver group of the selected workflow and there is no need for multi-stage approval (Sequence number in the workflow user group for all users = 1), the system will automatically approve the offer. An approval item is created, where Status = Approved.
Cancel Approval
Cancellation of an approval can be done using the Cancel Approval From the Approval History overview or from the approval detail.
The button is used to "drop" the flag Active - In case the approver rejects the request and the user wants to request approval repeatedly, or after modifying the terms of the quote before creating the approval request.
The button is available only if:
Approval Status
Active = Yes
At the touch of a button, the system performs the following steps according to the approval status:
If the Approval Status is:
Sets Active = No
Approval Status = Canceled
Sets Active = No
Approval Status = Canceled
Cancels an approval request that originated through a workflow:
In Approval Items, sets:
Status = Cancelled
Sends a notification email to the approver about the cancellation of the approval request
Sets Active = No
Leaves the approval status unchanged
Displays the message "Approval of the quote has been canceled."
As a result, there is no row with Active = Yes, the user can then initiate the approval process again.
Manual approval for a business group member
If a customer is a member of a group of companies, they are always subject to special approval – usually with regard to the commitment or limit of the entire group. This process can be quite complex.
For this reason, there is only functionality in the OC that in this case the approver of the leasing contract with the authorization (Allow approval of offer = Yes in User Settings) can switch Approval Status to Approved or Rejected manually (described in chapter Approval History).
Approval History / Approval Detail
An overview of the approval history can be viewed from the list of financing contracts or from the offer/financing contract card via Related/History/Approval history.
Both the overview and the approval detail contain the same fields except for the field Applicant's Notethat is visible only on the approval detail card. All fields in the approval history overview are non-editable.
General Tab
Approval No.
Fills in the system automatically when creating a record, from the number series according to the Offer Approval Number setting in OneCore Settings
Financing Contract No.
When creating a record, the system adds the number of the contract for which the record was created
Customer No.
When creating a record, the system adds the customer number from the contract for which the record was created
Customer Name
When creating a record, the system adds the name of the customer from the contract for which the record was created
Group Member
Changes the system automatically to Yes If the customer's contact has a record in the table Contact Group Relations
Financed Product Type
When creating a record, the system will add the type of financing product from the contract for which the record was created
Financed Product Type
When creating a record, the system will fill in the financing product number from the contract for which the record was created
Financed Product Name
When creating a record, the system will fill in the name of the financing product from the contract for which the record was created
Financed Object No.
When creating a record, the system will fill in the number of the financed object from the contract for which the record was created
In the case of a multi-subject contract, the system will fill in the number of the last object (similarly as on the contract card)
Calculation Parameters Tab
Financed Object Name
When creating a record, the system fills in the name of the financed object from the contract for which the record was created
In the case of a multi-subject contract, the system will fill in the name of the last object (similarly as on the contract card)
Financing Period (month) (Financing Period (in month))
When creating a record, will the system add the financing period from the contract for which the record was created
Currency Code
When creating a record, the system will fill in the currency code from the contract for which the record was created
Purchase Price excl. VAT (Purchase Price excl. VAT)
Completes the system when creating a record as
Purchase Price excl. VAT from the contract for which the record was created * Number of Contracts From the Financing Contract Header
Input Price excl. VAT (Input Price excl. VAT)
Completes the system when creating a record as
Input Price Excl. VAT from the contract for which the record was created * Number of Contracts From the Financing Contract Header
Down Payment % (Down Payment %)
When creating a record, the system will add the down payment amount in % of the contract for which the record was created
Down Payment
Completes the system when creating a record as
Advance payment from the contract for which the record was created * Number of Contracts From the Financing Contract Header
Amount Payed By Customer %
When creating a record, the system will add the amount paid by the customer in % of the contract for which the record was created
Amount Payed By Customer
Completes the system when creating a record as
Amount paid by customer from the contract for which the record was created * Number of Contracts From the Financing Contract Header
Financed Amount
Completes the system when creating a record as
Financed Value from the contract for which the record was created * Number of Contracts From the Financing Contract Header
Calculation Residual Value
Completes the system when creating a record as
Calculation Residual Value from the contract for which the record was created * Number of Contracts From the Financing Contract Header
Calculation Interest Rate %
When creating a record, will the system fill in the value of the Calculation Interest % field from the contract for which the record was created
Payment Excl. VAT (Payment Excl. VAT)
Completes the system when creating a record as
Payment excl. VAT from the contract for which the record was created * Number of Contracts From the Financing Contract Header
Without Property
Changes the system automatically to Yes When creating a record if there is no insurance contract for the financing contract:
Status = Preparation
Product Type = Property
Indiv. Individual Property Insurance
Changes the system automatically to Yes When creating a record if there is no insurance contract for the financing contract:
Status = Preparation
Product Type = Property
Insurance Type = Individual
Approval Tab
Applicant's Note
The user adds a note for the approver
The field is editable only if the logged-in user has User Setup symptom Allow Quote Approval = Yes
Number of Contracts
Completes the system when creating a record from the contract for which the record was created
Customer Score
Displays the system value entered by the client on the approval detail for the record
The field is editable only if the logged-in user has User Setup symptom Allow Quote Approval = Yes
Object Score
Displays the system value entered by the client on the approval detail for the record
The field is editable only if the logged-in user has User Setup symptom Allow Quote Approval = Yes
Customer Credit Limit No.
When creating a record, the system will add the customer frame number from the contract for which the record was created
Sending Date and Time
The system will automatically fill in the system date when creating a record
User ID
The system automatically fills in the ID of the user who started the approval (Approve Offer function)
Approval Date and Time
The system automatically fills in the system date when the record status is changed to Approved or Rejected
Approval Status
Fills in the system automatically, or the user (approver) if the customer is a member of a group (manual approval)
The status can have the following values:
Default value after record creation
Adds to the system in case of sending an approval request according to the workflow settings (function Create Request)
Fills in the system automatically after the offer is approved (by the approver or by automatic approval)
Completes the system automatically after rejection of approval (by the approver or automatically in case of insufficient balance on the selected customer framework)
Completes the system automatically after canceling the approval request (function Cancel Approval)
It is only possible to manually switch to the Approved or Rejected. If the user selects a different status, the system will display the message "Possible statuses are Approved or Rejected" and does not allow the value to be set
Automatic Approval
Sets the system to Yes in the event that automatic approval occurs (for a description of automatic approval in chapter Approval bids
Approver ID
The system will automatically fill in the ID of the user who approved the offer
Approver Name
The system adds the name of the approver according to the approver ID
Approval Contiditons
Specifies the approver to approve the offer, if any
The field is editable only if the logged-in user has User Setup symptom Allow Quote Approval = Yes
Changes the system automatically to Yes When creating a record
Only one record on a contract can have a value Yes
Changing the value to No can occur by cancelling the approval (detailed description in chapter Cancellation approval)