Approval Criteria Definition

Approval Criteria Definition

The Quote Approval Criteria Definitions table is used to define contract parameters for automatic approval in the approval process of the business case.

The code list is available via a magnifying glass or the Configuration Booklet. After confirming the selection, the dial will open.


  • Code

    • The user enters the definition code

  • Financing Product No.

    • The user selects the financing product for which he wants to check the parameters on the line

  • Check Purchase Price

    • Changes the user to Yes in case they want to check the purchase price during the approval process

  • Purchase Price Excl. VAT From

    • The user fills in the lower limit of the purchase price excl. VAT for automatic approval if the Check purchase price field is Yes

  • Purchase Price Excl. VAT To (Incl.)

    • The user fills in the upper limit of the purchase price excl. VAT for automatic approval if the Check purchase price field is Yes

  • Check Down Payment

    • Changes the user to Yes if they want to check the amount of the down payment during the approval process

  • Down Payment % From (Down Payment % From)

    • Will the user fill in the lower limit of the down payment in % for automatic approval if the Check Down Payment field is Yes

  • Down Payment % To (incl.)

  • Will the user fill in the upper limit of the down payment in % for automatic approval if the Check Down Payment field is Yes

  • Check the amount paid by the customer (Check Am. Payed By Cust.)

    • Changes the user to Yes if they want to check the amount paid by the client during the approval process

  • Amount Payed By Cusstomer % From

    • The user fills in the lower limit of the amount paid by the customer in % for automatic approval

  • Amount Payed By Cusstomer % To (incl.)

    • Fills in the upper limit of the amount paid by the customer in % for automatic approval if the Check amount paid by customer field is Yes

  • Check Financed Amount

    • Changes the user to Yes if they want to check the amount of the financed value during the approval process

  • Financed Amount From

    • The user fills in the lower limit of the funded value for automatic approval if the value of the Check Financed Value field is Yes

  • Financed Amount To (Incl.)

    • The user fills in the upper limit of the funded value for automatic approval if the value of the Check Financed Value field is Yes

  • Not Insured Object

    • Changes the user to Yes if they want the system to check the existence of property insurance (in installments or individually)

  • Indiv. Individual Property Insurance

    • Changes the user to Yes if they want the system to check the existence of individual property insurance

  • Valid From    

    • The user fills in the beginning of the validity of the record

    • If the field is empty, the lower validity limit is unlimited

  • Valid To

    • The user fills in the expiration of the record

    • If the field is empty, the upper limit of validity is unlimited

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