User Setup

User Setup

Microsoft Dynamics BC includes a security program that ensures that only authorized users have access to the companies in the program.

You can use user IDs and passwords to control who has access to the program.

You can further enhance this protection by using roles to restrict individual user access rights—for example, to read information, create new information, or make changes to existing information.

In the User Settings table, you can limit whether a specific user is allowed to charge for a specific business. You can also set the program to register the length of time that an individual user works on a company.

You can also use the User Settings table to set up a user who can approve (or reject) specific documents. Set the highest sales or purchase amounts that a person can approve, and specify a representative who can replace the original approver in his or her absence.

You can create user settings only for those users who have been assigned a user ID as described above.

You can create user settings only for those users who have been assigned a User ID (i.e. they have been added to the system as Users).

Availability of the code list via magnifying glass, Manual Setup or Configuration Sheet - name User Setup. After confirming the selection, the list of users will open.

Using the Card button, it is possible to open a card where the settings that are used in leasing financing are extracted.

In the description, we describe only the most important fields.


General tab:

  • User ID

    • Selects a user from the User table (the User table is set by the system administrator)

  • User Name

    • Fill in manually

  • Employee No.

    • Selects a user from the Employee table. For some functions, the system can retrieve, for example, the user's contact details through this connection from employees.

  • E-mail (E-mail)

    •  To be completed manually by the user. The system may use this email address for some tasks.

  • Branch Code (Brach Code)

    • User selects manually from the table Stores (Brach)

  • Salesperson/Purchaser Code (Salespers./Purch. Code)

    •  User selects manually from the Salesperson/Purchaser table

  • License Type

    •  The system will display the user's license type

    •  Non-editable field

  • Created At

    •  Date and time the record was created

  • Modified At

    •  The date and time of the last change to the record

OneCore Tab (OneCore):

It contains the most important user settings for working with the OneCore module.

  • Allow Create Create Financing Product

    • Allows the user to create a financing product

  • Allow Create Financing Template

    • Allows the user to create a financing template

  • Allow Change Fin. Template To Active

    • Allows the user to set the status of the financing template to Active.

  • Allow Edit Active Financing Template

    • Allows the user to edit the active financing template.

  • Financial Leasing Permit

    • Allows the user to create calculations/contracts for financial leasing

  • Operative Leasing Permit

    • Allows the user to base calculations on operating lease

  • Credit/Loan Permit

    • Allows the user to create calculations/credit contracts

  • Installment Sale Permit

    • Allows the user to create calculations/contract for hire purchase

  • Fleet Management Permit

    • Allows the user to create a fleet management calculation

  • Allow Multi Calculation

    • Allows the user to create multi-calculations from calculations for operational leasing and fleet management.

  • Allow Print To XLS/DOC

    • It allows printing documents from the leasing contract as well as documents of the xls or doc type. If N, printing will be possible only to pdf

  • Allow Approve Document

    • If A, the user can approve the contract document (mark the document as delivered and approved) in the calculation and/or contract

  • Change Detail Status Without Approval

    • If A and the contract document is not marked as delivered, the OC will allow you to change the detailed status after confirming the query

  • Allow Change Chg.Copy Owner

    • Allows the user to change the owner of the change copy on the contract.

  • Allow Object Editing Without Change Copy

    • Allows the user to edit the item card without creating a change copy of the financing contract.

  • Allow Guarantee Editing Without Change Copy

    • Allows the user to edit on the Contract Guarantee tab without creating a change copy of the Financing Contract.

  • Contract Transfer

    • Allows the user to transfer the Financing Contract

  • Allow Quote Approval

    • Allows the user to manually approve the quote

Insurance tab:

  • Allow Change Green Card No.

    • Sets the right for the user to change the green card number on the contract in the active status.

  • Insurance Commissions

    • Allows the user to see the revenue commissions for the given insurance, the commission calendar, and the insurance commission payment items on the insurance contract

  • Allow Insurance Discount

    • Allows the user to enter a discount on the insurance contract according to the set level (1, 2, 3).

  • When entering a discount, the system checks whether the user has permission to enter the discount and its level

    • The maximum discount limit for each level can be set on the insurance company's product

  • Allow Change Check Ensure

    • If insurance security is set up on an insurance product and the item does not have it, a user with this permission can turn off this check on the insurance contract so that they can calculate it

  • Allow Change Status Requestion

    • Authorization of the user to run the function to change the status of a request for an exception from the Request status in the Insurance Change Requests Register

  • Allow Ind.Ins.Contract Change Without Change Copy

    • Allows changing the parameters of individual insurance contracts on an active financing contract without creating a change copy of the financing contract

  • Allow Unblock Ins. Reporting

    • Allows the user to release the period blocked by the released insurance statement

    • The user has the right to edit the following fields in the Insurance Company Calendar:

      • Blocked

      • Sent

  • Allow Change Insurance Contract Rate

    • Allows the user to run the Mass Insurance Contract Change task or to manually change the entry in the Insurance Contract Rate Change table

  • Allow Change Preview Date / odhl. On poj.

    • A user with this permission can edit or delete fields on the insurance contract

      • Insurance Company Check-in Date (Insurance Company Check-in)

      • Insurance Company Check-out Date (Insurance Company Check-out)

      • Verified (Verified)

      • Verification Data (Date of Verification)

      • Business Case No. Online (Case ID OnLine Insurance)

      • Offer / Calculation No. (Quote/Calculation No.)

Posting tab:

  • Check Location Code

    • Allows the user to check the Location Code that is allowed for posting (set in lines) (not used for OC)

  • Check Release Location Code

    • Allows the user to check the Release Location Code that is allowed for posting

  • Check Bank Accounts

    • Not used for OC

  • Check Journal Templates

    • Not used for OC

  • Check Dimension Values

    • Not used for OC

  • Allow Posting to Closed Period

    • Specifies the option to allow or not allow posting to a closed period

  • Counter. Stock Movement Templates (Check Invt. Movement Templates)

    • Not used for OC

  • Allow Item Unapply

    • Specifies the option to allow or not allow the item

  • Allow Posting From

    • Allows the user to post the document from the specified date. This setting is the parent setting in the General Ledger Setup table

  • Allow Posting To

    • Allows the user to post the document by the specified date. This setting is the parent setting in the General Ledger Setup table

  • Allow FA Posting From

    • Allows the user to post about the asset from the specified date. This setting is the parent setting in the FA Settings table

  • Allow FA Posting To

    • Allows the user to post about the asset until the specified date. This setting is the parent setting in the FA Settings table

  • Allow VAT Posting From

    • Allows the user to charge VAT from the specified date. This setting is the parent setting in the General Ledger Setup table

  • Allow VAT Posting To

    • Allows the user to charge VAT from the specified date. This setting is the parent setting in the General Ledger Setup table.

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