Printout Definition

Printout Definition

Dial Printout Definition It is used to define all printouts used in the leasing company and to set parameters for printing, for outputs that are printed from OneCore objects (e.g. Financing Contract, Financed Object, Framework Agreement, Insurance Contract, etc.). It does not apply to standard printouts such as invoices, credit memos, orders.

Dial Printout Right It is used to define specific users for the right to print a specific document.

Additional dial settings are required to complete.

To set up printouts, you need to set up two tables:

  • Printout Definiton

  • Printout Permissions

Printout Definition

Availability of the dial through the magnifying glass, Manual Setup or Configuration Book, name Printout Definiton. After confirming the selection, the Printout Definiton overview opens


  • Code

    • It represents a unique code that the user enters manually. The code can be alphanumeric with a maximum length of 20 characters. We recommend creating it in such a way that it is easy to remember and helps the user identify what type of printout it is by the code

  • Name

    • The user manually enters the name/description of the printout

  • Table ID

    • The user selects the ID of the spreadsheet from which this printout can be printed

  • Table Name

    • Completes the system automatically according to the selected table ID in the previous step

  • Report ID

    • The user selects the report ID from the object table – type = Report if the printout is the Report object

  • Report Name

    • Completes the system automatically according to the selected report ID in the previous step

  • Print Category

    • This hard-coded list allows you to specify the type of output category (what kind of output it is). The table manager can select one of the preset options:

      • Empty

      •  Master Agreement

      •  Contract Proposal

      •  Contract

      •  Object Order

      •  Handover Protocol

      •  Terms of trade

      •  Attachment

      •  Blocking the tank. Cards

      •  Obj. Additional Equipments

      •  Delivery Date Change Information

      •  3rd Party Information

      •  Information Not agreed handover date

      •  Information to the customer about the eyelets. Completion Date

      •  Driver drop-off information

      •  FMN Handover Date Information

      •  Tire Order

      •  Notification email GT

      •  Information on the approval of the draft contract

    • When selecting a print category on a line with a non-blank Customer Number, the system checks to see if there is another line with the same Customer No. and Print Category

      •  If it exists, it displays an error message and does not allow you to continue

      •  If it does not exist, it saves the Print Category

  • Customer No.

    • It is used to create a template for a given customer (see also Address book)

    • If the user creates a line from a customer, the Customer No. is filled in automatically

    • If not from customer, the user can select the customer number (lookup)

    • When a customer number is selected, the system checks to see if there is a line with the same non-empty Print Category:

      • If it exists, it displays an error message and does not allow to continue (there can be only one template with the same print category for a given customer

      • If it doesn't exist, it allows you to select the customer number

  • Customer Name

    • Completes the system automatically according to the customer's number

  • Number of Printed Copies

    • The user manually enters the integer for the number of printed copies of the given printout, at least 1

  • List (Sheet)

    • The code list manager selects the sheet of the XLS file that is the template for the print output and has been imported into the OC

  • Customer Report Layout Code

    • The user selects the template code of the printout if a custom layout has been created for the report

  • Customer Report Layout Description

    • A description of the custom report layout, the system will fill in the blanks automatically

  • Email Body Layout Code

    • The code of the email body template, based on which the body of the email is then populated

  • Email Body Layout Description

    • Description of the e-mail body template, based on what the e-mail body is then filled, will be filled in automatically by the system

  • Email Subject (Mail Subject)

    • A mask based on which the system fills in the subject of the email. It is possible to use text variables:

      • %1 Contract No.

  • Mail Attachment Name

    • Mask,and based on which the system creates the name of the email attachment. You can use certain text variables:

      • %1 Contract No.

  • Send To E-mail Address

    • The user can enter a specific email address where the email with the attachment will be sent

  • Send To Work Responsibility (Send To)

    • The user selects the Job Responsibility of the customer's contact person to whom the email should be sent. As the recipient of the email, the system selects a contact person who has a set and valid Job Responsibility (in our case, Fleet Manager)

  • Send To Driver

    • If it is A, the email will also be sent to the driver who is entered on the subject

  • Send CC

    • If entered, the email is also CC'd to this email address

  • Send BCC

    • If entered, the email is also sent in BCC to this email address

  • Financing Product Type Filter

    • The user selects the types of financing product for which the printout should be printed

    • If the field is blank, the printout is printed for all financing product types

  • Financing Product Filter

    • The user selects the financing products for which the printout is to be printed

    • If the field is blank, the printout is printed for all financing products

  • Detailed Contract Status Filter

    • The user can manually enter a filter for the set of detailed contract statuses that must match the detailed status on the financing contract in order for the system to print the given printout for this contract

  • Language Code Customer

    • The template language code filter for which the system will offer the given print inputs for printing

  • Object Category

    • The user can select the object category for which he defines the printout. Multiple choices:

      • All – applies to all object categories

      • Vehicle technology

      • Machine – Equipment

      • Real estate

  • Catalogue Group

    • The user can select a group from the "Catalogue Card Groups" code list for which he defines the given printout

    • If the field is left blank, it applies to all groups

  • Used Financed Object

    • Flag that specifies that the printout will be printed only for Financing Contracts with Financed Object used

  • Check Colour

    • If it is A, the OC will check if the Colour Code is entered on the object before printing or generating an email

  • Check Interior Colour

    • If it is A, the OC will check whether the interior color is specified on the object before printing or generating an email

  • Include In Payments

    • Filter for offering printouts from the insurance contract. This setting determines whether the system will offer a given printout on the insurance contract depending on the insurance contract parameter "Include in payments":

      • All – the system will offer a printout for printing regardless of the value of the "Include in installments" parameter on the insurance contract

      • Yes – the system will offer printout only for insurance contracts that have the parameter "Include in payments" = Yes

      • No - the system will offer printout only for insurance contracts that have the parameter "Include in payments" = No

  • Insurance Type

    • Filter for offering printouts from the insurance contract. This setting determines whether the system will offer a given printout on the insurance contract, depending on the insurance contract type. The code list administrator can select one of the options from a fixed list:

      • All – the printout will be printable for all types of insurance contracts

      • Direct debit – the printout can only be printed for collection insurance contracts

      • Mass RPZ – it will be possible to print the printout only for collective insurance contracts

      • Individual – it will be possible to print the printout only for individual insurance contracts

  • Insurance Company Filter

    • In this field, the administrator of the printout definition table enters the filter of the insurance company number for which he/she wishes to offer the given printout for selection in the "Print Documents" window of the insurance contract

    • If the field is empty, the system will offer the printout for insurance contracts of all insurance companies

  • Insurance Product Filter

    • In this field, the administrator of the printout definition table enters the filter of insurance product codes for which he wishes to offer the given printout for selection in the "Print Documents" window on the insurance contract

    • If the field is empty, the system will offer the printout for all insurance products

  • Framework Agreement Filter

    • In this field, the administrator of the printout definition table enters the filter of the framework agreement numbers for which he wishes to offer the given printout for selection in the "Print Documents" window on the insurance contract

    • If the field is empty, the system will offer the printout for all insurance contracts, regardless of the framework agreement number

  • Set Filter

    • In this field, the administrator of the printout definition table enters the filter of the insurance set for which he/she wishes to offer the given printout for selection in the "Print Documents" window of the insurance contract

    • If the field is empty, the system will offer the printout for all insurance contracts, regardless of the insurance set.

Printout permission definition

Accessibility via the Permissions Setup button from Printout Definiton - "Permission settings", where it is possible to define user rights directly to a specific printout.


  • User ID

    • User select the user ID from the "User Settings" code list, for whom you will set the right to print the document

  • Printout Code

    • The user selects the printout from the "Printout Definition" code list, which will be available for printing for the selected user in the previous step

    • When opening a spreadsheet from Printout Definition, the system automatically pre-fills the code from the row where the user stood when opening the spreadsheet

  • Printout Name

    • Fills the system automatically according to the selected printout code in the previous step

  • Company Name

    • The user selects the company for which the user's right to printout the document applies

  • Number of Copies for User

    • The user manually enters an integer for the number of printed copies

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