Customer's Print Templates

Customer's Print Templates

For a given customer, it is possible to define print release templates that can be used only for the customer.

To define these templates, the customer is linked to the Printout Definition table. The table can be opened from the customer card via the option Related – Financing –> Printout Definitions.

When pressed, the Printout Definition list opens with a filter for the given customer number.

If the user creates a row after opening the table from the customer card, the customer number (then the name) is automatically filled in when the row is created.

If a user wants to create a row for a customer in a table, and the report has not been opened from the customer, he must also select the Customer number (the customer's name will then be automatically completed). For a detailed description of the table, see Business Setup

When selecting Print Category, there cannot be two rows (templates) with the same non-empty Customer No. and Print Category. If the user selects the same category twice with the same customer number, the system displays an error message and does not allow continuing:


When selecting a Customer Number, there cannot be two rows (templates) with the same non-empty Customer No. and Print Category. If the user selects the same category a second time with the same customer number, the system will display an error message like above and will not allow continuing.


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