Master Agreements Customer

Master Agreements Customer

It is also possible to create a Customer Master Agreement directly from the customer – the Master Agreement button. It is used for the needs of operational leasing with services or fleet management.

Open the Framework Contract List

There are several ways to open the framework contract overview:

  • From the Role Center, click the Customer Master Agreement button. A list of all Master Agreements of all customers opens.

  • By searching using the Search function (magnifying glass). A list of all Master Agreements of all customers opens.

  • From the customer card by selecting Process – Master Agreement. An overview of the customer's master agreements opens with a filter to Customer No. The advantage is that if the framework agreement is then created through the filtered overview, the Customer No. and the Customer Contact No. are automatically added to the RS.

  • From the funding tab on selected Role Centres. A list of all Master Agreements of all customers opens.

  • From the Financing Contracts tab in the Operative Leasing and Fleet Management tab. When you click on the field, a list of Customer Master Agreements opens filtered to Customer No., Status = Active, Signing Date must be <= as System Date, and Valid Date must be >= as System Date.

Creation of a customer master agreement

The recommendation is to create RS from the customer, then the customer's data will be automatically downloaded. When you click on the Master Agreement button, a filtered overview of the Customer Master Agreement (see above) opens. Then, after clicking on the New option, the Master Agreement tab opens:

General Tab


  • No. (No.)

    • depending on the number sequence setting. If the number sequence is set to Default number=A, the system will automatically fill in the number from the number sequence when clicked in any field.

  • Description

    • The text field is used to enter the name or designation of the framework agreement.

  • No.-Customer

    • Customer is used to record the customer number of the framework agreement (if it is different as the system number). By default, the framework agreement number is displayed, but the user has the option to edit this number.

  • Contact No.

    • If the RS is created from a customer, it will fill in the OC automatically,

    • If RS is created differently, the user selects from the contacts. When you select a contact number, the customer number (if any) is automatically reached.

  • Contact Name

    • It will be tightened automatically.

  • Customer No.

    • If the RS is created from a customer, it will fill in the OC automatically,

    • If the RS is created differently, the user selects from the customer. At the same time, the customer's contact number is automatically filled in.

  • Customer Name

    • It will be tightened automatically.

  • Legal Form Code

    • It will be tightened automatically.

  • Signing Date

    • To be completed manually by the user

  • Validity Date From

    • Completes OC automatically after entering the Signature Date

    • The user can change it manually, but the value must be greater than or equal to the Signature Date

  • Validity Date To

    • To be completed manually by the user if he/she wants to terminate the validity of the RS

  • Status

    • Option=Ready, Active, Finished

    • Default is Preparation, user switches manually

  • Create By Name

    • ID of the user who created RS

    • Fills in OC automatically, non-editable

  • Created On

    • System date when RS was founded

    • Fills in OC automatically, non-editable

  • Modified By Name

    • ID of the user who last modified RS

    • Fills in OC automatically, non-editable

  • Last Modified Date (Modified At)

    • System date when RS was changed

    • Fills in OC automatically, non-editable

Product Tab


  • Financing Type

    • Choice of options: Financial Leasing, Operative Leasing, Credit/Loan, Instalment Sale, Fleet Management

    • Default is Operative Leasing.

  • Product Type Filter

    • User selects manually Financing Product Types for which RS will be valid

    • When selecting, it already filters to Financing Type

    • If the field is left blank, there is a framework agreement for all product types

  • Contract Currency Code

    • Empty by default (=RS applies to local currency)

    • Selects the user if he wants the RS to be on a foreign currency

Others tab


  • Branch Code

    • To be completed by the user if RS wants to assign a leasing company to a branch

  • Salesperson Code

    • To be completed by the user if RS wants to assign leasing companies to the dealer

  • Contract Administrator

    • To be added by the user if RS wants to assign leasing companies to a specific contract manager

  • Insurance Incident Admin

    • To be completed by the user if RS wants to assign insurance to a specific insurance manager. Leasing Company Events

  • General. Gen. Terms and Conditions Code

    • Empty by default.

    • When you create a Financing Template, the value from this field is transferred to the field of the same name in the Financing Template you created. Or when creating a contract, if the user only enters the framework agreement in wizard. In this way, the value from this field is transferred to the field of the same name in the created financing contract

    • After selection, according to the code of the general order. Terms of Charge Code, Finance Charge Terms Code and Reminder Terms Code will be finalized.

  • Payment Terms Code

    • Adds OC automatically from the customer, if it is specified on the customer. It is possible to change it manually.

    • After selecting the code of the General Terms and Conditions, it will be retrieved from the General Terms and Conditions.

    • When changing to a different value, the OC displays a message if the user wants to overwrite the new value in the customer's contracts with the given Master Agreement number:




  • Fin. Charge Terms Code

    • Adds OC automatically from the customer, if it is specified on the customer. It is possible to change it manually.

    • After selecting the code of the General Terms and Conditions, it will be retrieved from the General Terms and Conditions.

    • When changing to a different value, the OC displays a message if the user wants to overwrite the new value in the customer's contracts with the given Master Agreement number:




  • Reminder Terms Code

    • Adds OC automatically from the customer, if it is specified on the customer.

    • After selecting the Code of the General Terms and Conditions, it will be retrieved from the General Terms and Conditions. In case of changing the value of the field manually or by selecting from the reminder codes, the OC will check whether there are calculations or contracts with the customer's master agreement. If:

      • No

        • OC will change the reminder condition code without a message

      • Yes

        • The OC displays the message "There are contracts with the customer's master agreement. Do you want to make a change to the contracts?"

        • If the user confirms

          • Yes

            • OC will change the reminder code on all contracts with the customer's master agreement

          • No

            • The OC will change the reminder code only on the customer's master agreement

Faktbox Master Agreement Details

The details of the Framework Agreement contain the statistics of the framework agreement, e.g. how many calculations, contracts, etc., have been created from the given RS. You can also see the Customer Balance, Contract Balance (which are under the given RS), Number of templates (which were created from the RS), etc.

Functions of the Framework Agreement

Copy The Master Agreement

RS can be copied using the Copy Framework Agreement button.

When copying a framework agreement, a new framework agreement number is automatically assigned to the new RS. If a customer number has been entered, this number is automatically deleted or overwritten with the new framework agreement number.

On the new RS, the system automatically adjusts the Created by date according to the current system date and Created by according to the logged-in user.

The new RS is created as a copy of the original, but without the related calculations and contracts.

It is possible to create multiple RS functions of copying a contract on one contact.

Create Financing Template

From the customer's RS, the user can create a Financing Template that will be linked to the RS. After clicking on the Create Financing Template button, the Financing Products List opens, which is filtered to Financing Type, Financing Product Type, Legal Form Code, Currency Code that are in RS.

The user selects the Financing Product from which the template is to be created and confirms OK. After confirmation, the OC will create a template and display the message: "Financing template FT00002 has been successfully created. Would you like to open it?"

If the user confirms Yes, the OC will open the template and the user can edit it as needed.

This template already contains the number of the framework agreement from which it was created. For the method of editing the template, see PD on the product.

If the Gen. Terms and Conditions, this code will also be transferred to the Currency and calculation parameters subform line:

  • Type (1) = Financing Template

  • Prod.Var./Calc.Templ.No (5) = Same

  • Currency Code (15) = Contract Currency Code (90) from the Framework Agreement.

The number of RS templates is displayed in the fact box Details of the Framework Agreement.

Preffered Vendors

By the Preferred Suppliers button it is possible to assign preferred suppliers to the given RS. At the click of a button, an overview of preferred suppliers opens:


  • Type

    • Options Subject/Service/Tire Service

    • This is a field that determines what the preferred vendor delivers

  • Vendor No.

    • selects manually by the user from the supplier directory

  • Vendor Name

    • completes the system automatically after entering the vendor number

  • Brand

    • selects manually by the user from the list of object markers

  • Note

    • possibility to enter a short note about the supplier

Delete Master Agreement

You can delete a framework agreement from the Framework Agreements Overview by selecting Manage – Delete. The system removes the RS mark. Deletion of RS is possible only until the RS has a calculation or contract linked to it in any status and the field RS signing date is empty.

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