Insurance Framework Contracts

Insurance Framework Contracts

On the Framework Agreement card, the user enters the parameters for the insurance contract.

The Framework Agreement tab has three tabs: General, Calculation, Other

The user can create new framework agreements by copying existing ones. To create copies, it is necessary to set the number sequence for RPZ and check Default numbers (Preset numbers) on the number series.

When copying, the user selects, including what he wants to make a copy:

  • Including Calculation Methods

  • Including Documents

  • Including commissions

  • Including indexes

  • Including parameters

Framework Agreement Card – General


  • Number (No.)

    • User enters framework agreement number

  • Insurance Company Framework Agreement No. (Insurance Company Famework Agreement No.)

    • The user enters the number that needs to be provided for the insurance company

  • Framework Agreement Type (Framework Agreement Type)

    • The user selects the type by which the properties specified in the framework agreement type will be inherited. At the level of the framework agreement, the user can change them.

  • Insurance Company No. (Insurance Company No.)

    • If the user selects an insurance company, the system automatically fills in its name

  • Insurance Product No. (Insurance Product No.)

    • After selecting an insurance product, the system automatically fills in the product name

  • Status (Status)

    • When entering a new framework agreement, the status is Preparation. In order for a framework agreement to be offered in insurance contracts, the user must switch the framework agreement to the Active status. In this state, RPZ can no longer be changed. If a change needs to be made, the user must switch the RPZ to the Change status.

    • If the user concludes the framework agreement (change the status to "Closed"), it is necessary to ensure its replacement for the active framework agreement in the table Financing Product Insurance and Financing Template Insurance. If a framework agreement remains on the financing products/templates, the system will display an error message when trying to create insurance contracts using the "Create Insurance Contracts" wizard

  • Related to financing (Related To Financing)

    • If the user ticks this box, the RPZ will be offered in the bidding system when creating insurance contracts for leasing contracts.

  • Complement Contract with Constraint (Addition to Product Contract)

    • The user ticks if it is an insurance product that is tied – an add-on to the product. In this case, they must fill in the following fields.

  • Base Framework Agreement No. (Base Framework Agreement No,)

    • The user selects the RPZ of the product master to which they are linked. E.g. the Kasko framework agreement in the case of CPI, which is linked to Kasko.

  • Insurance contract for an indefinite period of time (Insurance Contract – Indefinite Duration)

    • Informational designation only

  • Removed Objects Contract (Removed Objects Contract)

    • User ticks only for removed items

  • Estate (Real Estate)

    • User ticks only in the case of real estate

  • Number Of Sets (Numer Of Sets)

    • Calculated field with the number of created sets for a given framework agreement

  • Insurance Company Verification Required

    • The user ticks if it is necessary to verify the rates from the code list in the OC with the insurance company on insurance contracts with the given framework contract

    • Editable only for users with permission – field Allow Change Elevation Date / odhl. On poj. = Yes in User Setup

  • Insurance Reporting Online

    • The user ticks if insurance contracts with the given insurance framework contract need to be reported online

    • Editable only for users with permission – field Allow Change Elevation Date / odhl. On poj. = Yes in User Setup

  • Insurance intermediary Online

    • In the event that online reporting to insurance companies will take place through an intermediary, the user selects the appropriate supplier who performs the service

Framework Agreement Card – Calculation


  • Different Rates (Different Rate)

    • The user ticks the box if there are different rates for the client and for the insurance company. If the field is not filled in, the rate entered for the client is copied into the Insurance Company Rate field.

  • Fixed-term insurance (Fixed Time Insurance)

    • If the user ticks this box, the expected termination date will not be transferred from the leasing agreement. The user must then enter the "Valid until" date on the insurance contract.

  • Payment Period for Insurance Companies Fixed Time Period)

    • The user enters the usual periodicity according to which the system will create an insurance calendar for the insurance company

  • Payment period for the client (Client Payment Period)

    • The user enters the usual periodicity according to which the system will create an insurance calendar for the client

  • One-time premium for insurance company (One-time Ins.Company Amount)

    • The user ticks if it is necessary to pay the premium to the insurance company in one payment at the beginning of the period. On the insurance contract, only one line is created in the calendar for the insurance company with the premium for payment to the insurance company. If the One-time Insurance Company Payment Period is filled in when the One-time Insurance Company Insurance Company field is checked, it is a "one-time payment with recurrence" (for removed items, a one-off payment is made for 6 months, if the contract ends during this half year, the premium is not refunded).

  • One-time premium for the client (One-time Client Amount)

    • The user ticks if the client pays the premium in one payment at the beginning of the period. On the insurance contract, only one line is created in the calendar for the client.

  • Insurance Company Payment Terms Code (Ins.Company Payment Terms)

    • The user selects the payment terms code according to the agreement with the insurance company

  • Client Calculation Method (Client Calculation Method) / Insurance Company Calculation Method (Insurance Company Calculation Method)

    • The user selects the method by which the system creates insurance calendars

      • Pro Rata Month (Pro Rata Month) – an incomplete period at the beginning of insurance is counted as "pro rata" (e.g. for UGS). With this option, the system calculates the "pro rata" for the first incomplete month, regardless of periodicity.

      • First Month Free (First Month Free) – the premium is calculated only from the following month (regardless of periodicity).

      • Technical period at the beginning (Technical Period (begin)) – the system will create insurance calendars according to validity from – the beginning of the period from on each line will be on the same day of the specific month. The incomplete period will only be in the last installment. The posting date will be at the beginning of the payment period. E.g. an insurance contract is valid from 21.5.2013 and valid until 30.5.2014. Individual lines of the insurance calendar are created by the system Period from 21.MM.YY and Period to 20.MM.YY. The last incomplete payment will be for the period 21.5.2014 - 30.5.2014

      • Technical Period at the End (Technical Period (end)) - The system creates insurance calendars in the same way as in the previous point, but the payment is posted at the end of the period – e.g. at the end of the year period.

      • First Period Free (First Period Free) – The system creates a line with an amount of 0.00 for an incomplete period at the beginning of the insurance contract. The premium is calculated from the following period according to the periodicity (With an annual period, an incomplete year from the beginning of the insurance would be free of charge.)

      • Pro Rata Period (Pro Rata Period) - The system creates a special insurance payment for an incomplete period - pro rata. It is posted in the same period as the first payment. In the repayment schedule, the pro rata is added to the first installment (with an annual period, it would be pro rata for an incomplete year from the beginning of the insurance)

  • Don't create calendar for client (Don't Create Client Calendar)

    • If the user ticks this box,

      • the system will not create an insurance calendar for the client,

      • It will not write the premiums in the lease payment schedule. The user must then manually create an insurance invoice for the client.

  • Fix Rate (Fix Rate)

    • The settings are inherited from the insurance company's product. Possibility of change.

Framework Agreement Card – Other


  • Bank Account No. (Bank Account No.)

    • The user enters the bank account number that the system will use when paying insurance premiums to the insurance company - report Insurance Payments Summary

  • Fixed Variable Symbol (Fix Variable Symbol)

    • If the insurance company uses a fixed variable, the user ticks this field and enters the variable symbol in the next field. It is used when paying premiums to an insurance company.

  • Mandatory Draft No. (Mandatory Draft No.)

    • The user ticks if it is necessary to enter the insurance company's proposal number for reports to the insurance company. It is not possible to activate an insurance contract without a draft number. If the field is checked, the user enters the design number mask in the following field.

  • Draft No. Mask (Draft No. Mask)

    • The user can enter a prefix that will appear in the draft number (e.g. the numerical designation of the product by the insurance company)

  • Draft Nos. (Draft Nos.)

    • The user can set up a number sequence for numbering proposals

  • Periodicity report (Reporting Period)

    • The user enters the periodicity for creating reports to the insurance company. This is an informative field

  • Last date report (Last Reporting Date)

    • When a report is issued, the system writes the date the report was created. (The date is also written to the reported set.)

  • Insurance Agent (Insurance Agent)

    • User selects insurance agent contact

  • Territorial Validity of Insurance (Territorial Validity)

    • The user selects the territorial validity of the insurance, which is then transferred to a lower level.

  • Currency Code (Currency)

    • The user selects the menu only if the payments to the insurance company are in a foreign currency and it is necessary to keep the calendars for the insurance company in a foreign currency

  • Don't Require Trunk Import (Don't Require Insurance Portfolio Import)

    • The user ticks this field if the insurance company does not send the trunk for inspection. In this case, importing the trunk will not be mandatory and the user can issue a visually inspected trunk, checked only through additions, disposals, and past periods.

  • Green Card Assigning Method (Green Card Assigning Method)

    • The user selects one of the options, taking into account the numbering settings of the green cards

      • Empty (blank)

        • User leaves blank when there is no need to assign a green card number

      • Contract Creation (Contract Creation)

        • Adds the system to the insurance contract when it is created

        • If this value is set and the insurance policy is created for calculation, the calculation number will be added as the green card number on the insurance contract

      • Contract Activation (Contract Activation)

        • The system assigns a green card number when the financing contract is activated. Suitable for imported green card number series.

Framework Agreement Card – MENU

  • The Calculation Methods, Commissions and Parameters are inherited by the Framework Agreement from the insurance company's product and can be changed by the User at the level of the Framework Agreement.

Posting Groups for Insurance (Posting Group)

  • In the insurance framework contract, the user sets up posting via the Posting groups button.

The user sets up insurance posting for the framework agreement:

  • Financing Type (Financing Type)

    • The user selects the appropriate financing type

  • Financing Product Type (Financing Product Type)

    • If they fill in "financing product type", the setting applies only to that type.

    • If the "Financing Product Type" field is blank, it applies to all "Financing Product Types".

  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group (Gen. Prod. Posting Group)

    • The user enters a general posting group of goods that the system will transfer to the insurance contract and use in leasing insurance posting

  • VAT Prod. Posting Group (VAT Prod. Posting Group

    • The user enters the VAT product posting group, which the system transfers to the insurance contract and uses for leasing insurance posting

Year Real Estate Index

  • The annual value conversion index is used for real estate. After entering the annual index into the table, the user runs a task that recalculates the sum insured based on this index:


Requested Insurance Document Types

In the insurance framework contract, the user enters the types of required documents. Furthermore, this property is inherited and can be changed at the next level. The user selects the document types from the Code List of Required Document Types for RPZ.

The user enters the properties of the document.

Via the Follow button, it is possible to go to the Sets and Rates of the given Framework Agreement.

  • Use the Sets button to specify the sets of the framework agreement.

  • Use the Rates button to enter the rates for the framework agreement.

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