Insurance setup

Insurance setup

Role Center - Insurance

It is recommended to set up and manage insurance in Role Centre OneCore - Insurance.

To access the individual reports and tabs that you set:

  • by clicking on the corresponding button on the home screen of the Role Center - Insurance.

  • Search using the magnifying glass in the menu, by typing the name of the searched page

  • via Manual Settings - Basic Settings

    • Settings – Manual Setup – Filter to Category: Insurance OneCore

Framework Contract Types

On the Framework Agreement Type Card, the user enters the basic parameters for the insurance contract.

Access, via magnifying glass by entering: Framework Contract Types.


  • Code (Code)

    • The user enters the code of the framework agreement type

  • Insurance Type (Insurance Type)

    • The user selects whether the insurance is Direct debit (Debits) / Mass RPS (Multiple) /Individual (Individual)

      • Cashing (Debits) – the insured is the client, but the premium is paid through a leasing company (this type of insurance cannot be used for operating leases, where insurance is part of the service – always collective RPS. Check during calculation. Collected insurance is not subject to VAT

      • Bulk RPS (Multiple) – the insured is a leasing company (rights and obligations are transferred to the client) the insurance is part of the financial service subject to tax - i.e. VAT as a financial Service

      • Individual (Individual) – the client has his/her own insurance policy, does not pay the premium through the leasing company, but directly to the insurance company, proves the pledge of insurance

  • Insurance Subtype (Insurance Subtype)

    • User selects subtype = sales channel for individual insurance

  • Period for Delivery of Pledge (Period For Delivery Pledge Of Insurance)

    • The user enters a time formula (e.g. number of days) for delivery of the pledge

  • Period for Inspection (Period For Inspection)

    • The user enters a time formula (e.g. number of days) for the inspection

  • Inspection Reminder Period (Period For Inspection Reminder)

    • The user enters a time formula for the inspection reminder

  • Insurance Premiums Into Installments (Insurance With Payments)

    • User ticks if the insurance premium will be part of the payment

  • Insurance Agent (Insurance Agent)

    • The user selects a contact for the provider. If it is a provider, the user must select a contact for that company.

  • Don't calculate commissions (Don't Calculate Commissions)

    • The user ticks this field for the type intended for third-party insurance policies (the client has arranged the insurance himself, there is no commission on them and they are recorded due to pledges.

  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group (Gen. Prod. Posting Group)

    • Here, the user selects a posting group. The field must be entered by the user if the Include in installments field is checked. For individual insurance, the field will be empty.

  • VAT Prod. Posting Group (VAT Prod. Posting Group)

    • Here, the user selects a VAT posting group. The field must be entered by the user if the Include in installments field is checked. For individual insurance, the field will be empty.

  • Client Calculation Method (Client Calculation Mathod)

    • For individual insurance contracts, the user selects one of the premium methods – Pro Rata Month (Pro Rata Month) / First Month Free (First Month Free) / Technical Period (begin) (Technical Period (begin))/ Technical Period (end) (Technical Period (end)) / First Period Free (First Period Free) / Pro Rata Period (Pro Rata Period). This setting applies only to individual contracts. For collections and bulk payments, the system transfers the settings from the framework agreement and the set to which they are transferred from the insurance company's product.

  • Insurance Company Calculation Method (Insurance Company Calculation Method)

    • The user sets the calculation method for the insurance company by choosing from the same options as in the previous field

Insurance Setup

Basic behavior of the insurance module is specified by the responsible user in the insurance settings

  • To find your insurance settings:

    • via Manual Setup

    • through the magnifying glass by entering Insurance Settings

Settings - Manual settings – Insurance settings = three tabs General, Number series, Default

General Tab


  • Temporary Indemnity Account (Ins. Coverage Temp G/L Account)

    • Here, the user selects the financial account to which the insurance indemnity will be charged after the payment arrives from the insurance company. Based on the settings, the system will match the entries of this account to insurance claims.

  • E-mail to send a request for exception (E-mail to send a request for exception)

    • The user enters the insurance agent's email. Based on this setting, the system sends a notification if a merchant has created and issued a new request for an exception.

  • Document Repair Limit (Document Repair Limit)

    • Here, the user enters the formula of time length = the number of days to correct an error in the delivered document. In the framework agreement, the user enters the required documents for the RPS. The user can record errors in the required documents in the insurance contract according to the RPS. Date to correct the error – "Correct by" is calculated from this information. Also, when a pledge is created, the system adds the number of days set here to the creation date and calculates the date for correcting the error.

  • Financial Settlement Deadline (Finance Settlement Limit)

    • Here, the user enters the time length formula to calculate the time limit for settling the financial settlement after entering the end date. For example, in an insurance claim of the type of theft, the user entered the date of termination of the contract. Deadline for settling financial settlement in the insured event card = contract termination date + deadline for settling financial settlement (from settings)

  • Change Request Warning Date (Change Request Warning Date)

    • User enters negative—this is a data formula. The entered number of days is subtracted by the system. This formula is applied if the user has submitted a request to change the premium. In the application, the planned implementation date is entered. Change Notification Date is calculated = Planned Realization Date – the number of days entered here.

  • Company – Customer No. (Company – Customer No. for Re-insurance)

    • Here, the user must select the customer number for the insurance company. The system will use, for example, this customer when creating reinsurance of removed items.

  • Basic Commission Code (Basic Commission Code)

    • User select commission code – the system will use the incoming commission when creating an individual insurance contract (commission has run out and there is no insurance contract to which it can be assigned).

    • The basic commission code is also used to determine which revenue commission the system should write to the insurance contract card – the Calculation tab, the "Basic Commission %", "Basic Commission Amount" fields.

  • Commission Payment Variance (Commission Payment Tolerance)

    • The user enters the amount. If the difference between the incoming commission and the calculated one is less than or equal to this amount, the commission is settled (the Open field is not checked).

  • Statement Variance (Statement Payment Tolerance)

    • The user enters the amount. When checking a trunk, the system will tolerate the difference between the amount in the statement and the imported trunk according to this setting

  • Insurance Contract Discount (Insurance Contract Discount)

    • User ticks if the option to add discount to insurance contract is enabled

  • Check for duplicate rate code (Check Rate Code Duplicate)

    • If it is necessary to check the "rate code" field on the rate, which is used to find the subsequent rate for floating rates (marked on the insurance company's product Fixed = NO). The check takes place when a rate is entered and for a given period according to the set, which means that subsequent rates must be entered in the next set. The periods on the sets must not overlap, they must be consecutive.

  • Security Check (Check Ensure)

    • The user ticks the box if it is necessary to check the mandatory security of the object defined on the insurance company's product.

  • Gen. Journal Template (Gen. Journal Template)

    • In this field, the user selects a general journal template to which he will automatically generate payments for the customer's open ledger entries from the insurance claim.

  • Gen. Journal Batch (Gen. Journal Batch)

    • We recommend that you create a separate general journal batch for reposting payments from insurance claims.

    • If it is not set, the system will print the following message when preparing the fulfillment line:



  • Insurance Reporting Online

    • Default value = No

    • If set to YES, there are visible/editable buttons on the insurance contract with the OnLine call

    • If set to NO, the buttons cannot be used

Numbering Tab (No. Series)


  • Product Numbers (Product Nos.)

  • Framework Agreement Numbers (Framework Agreement Nos.)

  • Set Numbers (Set Nos.)

  • Rate Nos. (Rate Nos.)

  • Contract Nos. (Contract Nos.)

  • Insurance Claim Nos. (Insurance Claim Nos.)

  • Insurance Claim Payment Numbers (Incurance Claim Payment Nos.)

  • Insurance Unblockage Numbers (Insurance Unblockage Nos.)

  • Pledge Of Insurance Numbers (Pledge Of Insurance Nos.)

  • Numbers report (Report Nos.)

  • Exception Request Numbers (Request Exception Nos.)

  • Insurance Contract Change Request Nos. (Ins. Con. Change Request Nos.)

  • Insurance Debtor Numbers (Insurance Debtor Nos.)

  • Cancellation Numbers (Ins. Cancellation Nos.)

  • Insurance Inspection Numbers (Insurance Inspection Nos.)

  • Package Numbers (Package Nos.)

  • Text Nos. (Text Nos.)

The user enters a number sequence for each range used. Setting up number sequences is described in Nastavení Číselných řad

Default tab


  • Rounding of Annual Premium/Monthly Premium/ Pro Rata (Year Ins./ Month Ins./ ProRata Rounding Method)

    • Here, the user selects the rounding method for annual premium, monthly premium, and pro rata

  • Base Framework Agreement Type (Base Framework Agreement Type Code)

    • The user selects the type of framework agreement that the system will use when automatically creating an individual insurance contract from the incoming premium.

  • Default Individual Contract Duration (Default Individual Contract Duration)

    • The user enters a time formula according to which the validity of the individual insurance contract will be calculated

  • Default Object Usage Type (Default Object Usage Type)

    • The user selects the type from the usage code list, which the system pre-fills into the typesetting. The user can change it at the rate

  • Default Variant Code (Default Variant Code)

    • The user enters a default variant. When you create a new insurance company's product, the system creates this default variant automatically.

    • For automatically created fuses (e.g. removed items), the system takes the variant from this field. The field cannot be empty. If it is necessary to create both third-party liability and property insurance policies for the removed items, the same varinta code must be entered in the settings of both insurance company products.

Insurance Product and Status Relation

Magnifying View - Insurance Product Status Relation

Session settings are used for reinsurance based on a change in the status of a financing contract.

Both the Contract Status Change Wizard and the Mass Reinsurance Report go through the Insurance Product and Status Relation table.


  • Insurance Product No. (Insurance Product No.)

    • The user selects Product from the Insurance Products Overview, the base key for defining the relation

  • Detailed Contract Status (Detailed Contract Status)

    • The user selects a detailed status from the Detailed Contract Statuses list for which he wants to enter a relation

  • Object Category (Object Category)

    • The user selects the subject category as an additional required key to enter the relation

  • Commodity Code (Commodity Code)

    • The user can select the Commodity Code for which the relation will be set. If the field is blank, the relation applies to all commodities of that category for the product and detailed status

  • Group (Group)

    • User selection, if field is empty, the relationship applies to all

  • Terminate Insurance (Terminate Insurance)

    • Check the user to define the termination of the insurance contract for the given key (product, status, category, group)

  • New Contract Creation Required (New Contract Required)

    • By checking this box, the user specifies that the wizard creates a new insurance contract when changing the status to the target detailed status in the key

  • New Contract Length (months) (New Contract length (Months))

    • The user enters the number of months for which the system should base new insurance contracts

  • Contract Extension Allowed by Wizard (Contract Prolongation Req. by Wizard)

    • The user ticks the box in case of extension of the financing contract. If a financing contract is extended, the Extended i insurance contracts for the same period.

    • Automatic Renewal Expires on Insurance Contracts Occurs at Startup   Contract Length Change Guide.

  • Framework Agreement No. – Assets (Property Framework Agreement No.)

    • The user enters the default framework agreement for the automatic creation of an insurance contract – property insurance of removed objects

  • Framework Agreement No. – UGS (Liability Framework Agreement No.)

    • User enters a default framework agreement for automatic creation of an insurance contract for UGS of removed objects

  • Termination Code (Termination Code)

    • The user enters the termination code, selection from the user code list, which will be added to the terminated insurance contracts, when changing the product defined on the line.

    • If the change of status was triggered by the user from an insurance claim, the system transfers the termination code from the insurance claim type to the terminated insurance contracts.

  • Calculate insurance policy period before (Calc. Insurance Period Before)

    • The setting creates pre-insurance for the period from the registration of the vehicle to the receipt of the object by the client.

  • Financial Leasing / Operative Leasing / Credit / Instalment Sale / Fleet Management (Financial Leasing / Operative Leasing / Credit / Installment Sale / Fleet Management)

    • Define the validity of settings for individual product types

  • Product Code (Product Code)

    • The user can select a specific "product code", then the session is valid only for that product

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