Insurance Contract Card

Insurance Contract Card

By clicking on an insurance contract in the insurance contract overview, the system will display the Insurance Contract Card.

  • The insurance contract card has the following tabs:

  • General

  • Other Insurance Conditions (Other Insurance Conditions

  • Calculation

  • Object

  • Posting

  • Combined Insurance

  • Discounts/Surcharges

Insurance contracts are automatically created for the duration of the leasing contract. Fixed-term insurance policies may be an exception.

Every insurance contract has its own status.

Insurance Contract Status

  • Preparation

    • A newly created contract is always in the Preparation. Contracts in Status Preparation can be changed and deleted by the user

  • Active

    • Insurance contract in status Active is a regular contract, valid for the agreed period (Valid From - Valid To)

    • Changing Status From Preparation on Active

      • automatically - Contract Activation about financing (activation wizard) recalculates insurance contracts, changes the insurance start date according to Handover Date (Handover Date) and changes the status of insurance contracts to Active

      • Insurance contracts must be in Preparation, the user must not manually change them to active, otherwise the system will display a message during activation and the activation will not be able to be completed

      • manually - User changes status from Preparation on Active manually in the event of a change of insurance during the life of the financing contract. Changes are made to the change copy/variant, when transferring the change copy/variant, the insurance contract and the payment calendar of the recalculated and insurance contracts must be in the status Active, otherwise the system will print a message and the transfer of the change copy will be unsuccessful

    • Changing the status of an insurance contract to an active financing contract is only possible via a change copy. Otherwise, the system will display an error message.

    • When a new insurance policy on the change copy is switched to Active if it is on the framework agreement Insurance Verification Required = Yes, the system checks if the fields on the insurance policy are filled in Verified, Business Case No. Online, Quote / Calculation No.. If they are not filled in, it prints an error message

    • If the insurance policy contains a framework agreement with OnLine Reporting and at the same time it is a third-party insurance with a mandatory green card number, the system does not check the completion of the green card number when activating the policy on the "change copy" or "variant", the system does not check that the green card number has been filled in. The green card number will be added to the insurance contract only after successful reporting to the insurance company

  • Change Copy

    • Insurance contracts have a status of Change Copy during the time when the Change Copy from the Financing Contract is created. Transferring a change copy will return the status of insurance contracts to their original status, or to a new status if a change has been made to the status of the insurance contract

  • Unrealized

    • The user can only switch an unreported insurance contract (Insurance Company Check-in Date = empty) for which nothing is posted

  • Canceled

    • Only an unreported insurance contract on which the user canceled posted lines can switch to this state

    • If the user triggers the cancellation of the lease payment, the system creates a credit memo and cancels the posted flag on the insurance calendar line for the client as well

  • Closed

    • An insurance contract can be switched to this state or transferred by a batch job if:

      • all calendar lines for the client are posted, and

      • The lines in the insurance company's calendar are reconciled (Sent = Yes)

    • From Closed, the user can return the agreement to Active

General Tab


  • No. (No.)

    • Assigns the system according to the set number series

  • Description

    • User Comment Field

  • Insurance Company No.

    • No./code of the insurance company with which the insurance contract will be maintained

    • Fills the system according to the selection of insurance through the wizard for creating an insurance contract from the table Insurance Company

  • Insurance Company Name

    • Name of the insurance company with which the insurance contract will be maintained

    • Fills the system according to the selection of insurance through the wizard for creating an insurance contract from the table Insurance Company

  • Insurance Product No., Insurance Product Name

    • Insurance Product No. and Name

    • Fills the system of your choice of insurance through the wizard for creating an insurance contract

  • Product Base Type

    • Field Value Options:

      • Property

      • Liability Insurance (Liability)

      • Supplementary

      • Other

    • The system will be completed according to the selected product

  • Product Variant Code

    • Fulfills the system according to the insurance selection in the wizard for creating an insurance contract

    • For automatically created insurance policies (e.g. items removed when the financing contract status changes), the system takes the variant from the Insurance Settings in the Default Variant Code field

  • Framework Agreement No.

    • Fulfills the system according to the insurance selection in the wizard for creating an insurance contract

  • Insurance Company Agreement No.

    • The system fulfils the number of the framework agreement, under which it is registered in the insurance company, from the entered Framework Insurance Contract. The field is used by the system when reporting (insurance statements) and matching insurance revenue commissions

  • Framework Agreement Type Code

    • Performs the system from the selected framework agreement

    • It is not possible to change the type of framework agreement on an insurance contract if insurance calendars exist

  • Insurance Type

    • Fulfills the system from the selected type of framework agreement from the table Framework Contract Types

  • Insurance Subtype

    • Fulfills the system from the selected type of framework agreement from the table Framework Contract Types

  • Set No.

    • Fulfills the system according to the insurance selection in the wizard for creating an insurance contract

  • Rate No.

    • Fills the system of your choice of insurance through the wizard for creating an insurance contract

  • Rate Description

    • Fills the system according to the selected rate number

  • Rate Code

    • Fills the system according to the selected rate number

  • Addition to Product Type

    • If it is an insurance contract for a product with a link to another product (supplementary insurance), the system fulfills the product number of the main insurance product. For example, the Windshield add-on with a link to the main product Kasko will have Kasko listed in this field

  • Addition to Contract No.

    • When creating an insurance contract with insurance type = Additional The system will complete the insurance contract number (created for the financing contract), which will have in the field Framework Agreement No. (Framework Agreement No. (15)) the same value as in the Base Framework Agreement No. (Base Framework Agreement No. (80)) on the framework agreement entered in the field Framework Agreement No. (Framework Agreement No. (15)) on a newly created insurance contract for an add-on

    • If the user changes the Valid to on the basic insurance contract, the system announces that there is an add-on to this insurance contract, whether it does not want to change Valid to and on the insurance contract of the complementary product.

    • When copying contracts manually, it is necessary to check the correct link to the basic insurance number. If filled in incorrectly, the system will not add the add-in to the insurance company's report.

  • Base Contract Insurance Company Year Amount

    • Fulfills the system with the annual premium of the main insurance

  • Insurance Package No.

    • It fulfills the system if the insurance contract is created as part of an insurance package

  • Status

    • Insurance contract statuses described in detail in chapter Insurance Contract Statuses

  • Valid From

    • Insurance Contract Validity Begins

    • In the case of a link to a financing contract when creating insurance policies via the Insurance Contract Creation Wizard before activation, the system fills in the automatic data from the Date field Expected handover from the header of the financing contract (setting on the rate in the Start of Insurance = Handover of the financed object)

    • When reinsurging after activation, the Contract Composition Wizard fills in the field Valid from Current Date, Date of Creation. This date must be manually adjusted by the user. Date From must not interfere with an already booked/agreed period (insurance calendar of the client / insurance company)

    • When a user changes the date in a field Valid From, the system updates:

      • Definition of revenue commission on the insurance contract

      • Calculating the Age of the Vehicle on the Insurance Contract Header

      • Coefficients of parameters on the insurance contract

  • Valid To

    • Insurance Contract Expiration

    • In the case of a link to a financing contract, the system automatically fills in the data from the field Expected Termination Date From the Financing Contract Header

    • When renewing a financing contract using the Change Contract Terms Wizard and the table Insurance Product And Status Relation is in the box Contract Extension Wizard Allowed = YES for a given product and detailed contract status Active, the system updates Valid To a new date of expected termination of the financing contract

    • If there is an insurance contract with a different validity than the expected end date on the financing contract during the extension, the system does not extend the contract, but reports this situation to the user with the message: "Some insurance contracts have not been renewed."

    • In the event of an extension of a financing contract under the Informal, the system changes the date in the field Valid To New Date After Extension

    • To terminate the insurance contract without any further changes to the financing contract, the user enters Valid To manually

For insurance contracts where the beginning (Valid from) is equal to Expected Handover Date and the end (Valid To) is the same as the Expected Termination Date The system updates the data on the fuses identically.

When activating a financing contract, the activation wizard updates both dates according to the actual receipt of the object.

If the user changes the date, e.g. shortens it by a year, the end of the policy is not the same as the expected termination of the contract, the system does not update the date during activation.

  • Insurance Duration (month)

    • The system will add the number of months of insurance duration according to the dates in the fields Insurance Payment From and Insurance Prescription Date To

  • Financing Contract No.

    • Does the system fill in the number of the financing contract for which the insurance contract is based

  • Financed Object No.

    • Does the system fill in the number of the financed object for which the insurance contract is based

  • Financed Object Name

    • Does the system fill in the name of the financed object according to the entered financing number

    • By clicking on it is possible to display the card of the financed object

  • Licence Plate No.

    • Fills the system from the Financed Objects Card

  • Customer No.

    • Fulfils the system from the financing contract

  • Customer Name

    • Fills the system according to the entered customer number

  • Company Identification No. (Registration No.)

    • Fills the system according to the entered customer number

  • Draft No.

    • The user can fill in the insurance contract draft number

    • The system uses the fields when reporting and matching insurance commissions

  • Insurance Company Contract No.

    • The user can fill in the insurance contract number under which the insurance company maintains the policy.

    • The system uses insurance commissions when reporting and matching

    • The system can also fill in the field automatically when issuing an insurance statement of type Strain If these numbers were imported into the system when checking the trunk

  • Green Card No.

    • Does the system fill up automatically according to the settings for insurance contracts with the product = Liability

    • Filling according to the settings in the tables:

      • Insurance Product

        • Mandatory Green Card Numbers = Yes

      • Insurance Company Product

        • Green Card Numbers Masks

          • Imported Series

          • Insurance Company Framework Agreement No.

          • Financing Contract No.

          • Draft No.

      • Master Agreement

        • Green Card Assigning Method

          • Contract Creation

            • The system assigns a green card number when an insurance contract is created

          • Contract Activation

            • The system assigns a green card number when the insurance contract is activated. Suitable for imported green card number series.

    • If a full-fledged insurance contract has already been created at the time of creating a pre-insurance contract that does not have a green card number filled in, the green card number is also added to the full-fledged insurance policy

  • Pledge Of Insurance Released

    • Flag on the registration of pledge of insurance paid in favour of the leasing company

    • It is used for individual insurance contracts, after delivery of the confirmed pledge, the user changes it to Yes

  • Early Terminated

    • Switches the system if the contract is terminated early

  • Termination Code

    • Fills the system from the table Termination of Insurance according to the settings in the table Insurance Product And Status Relation

  • Termination Date

    • This is the end date of the policy retroactively (the insurance company termination date is lower than the Valid To date)

    • The field becomes editable when the field is filled in Termination Code

    • The connection is essential for resetting unsent lines in the calendar for the insurance company, see chapter Insuring from the beginning or insuring multiple periods

  • Verified

    • Flag that the insurance contract/rate is verified

    • The array serves as preparation for integration

    • The field is editable if the user has permissions, i.e. the field Allow change of insurance check-in/check-out date in User Setup

  • Verification Date

    • Insurance Contract Verification/Rate Date

    • The system will automatically fill in the current day after checking the box Verified

    • The array serves as preparation for integration

    • The field is editable if the user has permissions, i.e. the field Allow change of insurance check-in/check-out date in User Setup

  • OnLine Business Case No.

    • Business case number received during insurance contract verification from insurance company/intermediary

    • The array serves as preparation for integration

    • The field is editable if the user has permissions, i.e. the field Allow change of insurance check-in/check-out date in User Setup

  • Offer / Calculation No.

    • The number of the offer received during the verification of the insurance contract from the insurance company/intermediary

    • The array serves as preparation for integration

    • The field is editable if the user has permissions, i.e. the field Allow change of insurance check-in/check-out date in User Setup

  • Change the field to report to the insurance company

    • Preparation for reporting changes to insurance contracts online

  • Pre-Insurance

    • A sign that the insurance contract is a "pre-insurance", i.e. an insurance contract concluded before the handover of the financed object for the period from the registration of the vehicle to its takeover by the customer

  • Insurance Reporting Online

    • A symptom that the addition/decrease/change is reported to the insurance company/intermediary online

    • Populates the system when creating an insurance contract/validating fields Framework Agreement No. from the framework insurance contract

    • Non-editable field

    • The array serves as preparation for integration

  • Object Handover Date

    • Adds to the system when the contract is activated or the handover date is changed

    • Non-editable field

Other Insurance Condition tab


  • Register Insurace Value (Free)

    • The system inherits this property from the set

    • It is checked if it is required to record the value of the insurance free of charge. E.g. the first period is free of charge, which the client does not pay, but a commission is calculated from the premium

  • Insurance Value (Free)

    • If the field is checked Register Insurance Value (Free) the system writes the value of the premium for the free period for the purposes of reporting to the insurance company or calculating the commission

  • Don't Check Encrypt

    • The system will allow the user with the appropriate right (in User Setup) to turn off security device checking

  • Insurance Contract - Indefinite Duration

    • The system will be fulfilled from the framework insurance contract

  • Territorial Validity

    • The system will be filled from the framework insurance contract

  • Participation

    • The system fills from the settings on the rate

  • Participation %

    • The system fills from the settings on the rate

  • Participation ABS

    • The system fills from the settings on the rate

  • Participation MIN (Participation MIN)

    • The system fills from the settings on the rate

  • Participation MAX

    • The system fills from the settings on the rate

  • Participation Code

    • Completes the system automatically from the table Insurance deductibles, according to the values in the fields Participation, Participation % Participation ABS, Participation MIN, Participation MAX on the insurance contract

    • If the system does not find a record with the values of the above fields in the code list, the field is left blank

  • Salesperson No.

    • Fulfills the system from the header of the financing contract from the field Salesperson Code

    • The user can change the pre-filled value

  • Insurance Agent

    • The contact number of the insurance broker. It fulfils the system according to the type of insurance:

      • Bulk

        • From the Framework Agreement

      • Individual

        • From Framework Agreement Type

  • Insurance Agent Name

    • Contact Name by Entered Insurance Agent No.

  • Original Contract No.

    • The system will fill in the number of the original insurance contract in the case of creating a change copy of the financing contract (by creating a change copy of the insurance contract to acquire the number with the postfix COPY)

  • Original Customer No.

    • The system stores the original customer's number in case of transfer – CESE (transfer of the financing contract to a new customer)

  • Change Copy Exists

    • Flag that informs you on the original insurance contract whether there is a change copy for the contract

    • Changes the system automatically to Yes when a change copy is created

  • Change Copy

    • Flag that indicates that the insurance contract is a change copy

  • Change Copy User ID

    • ID of the user who created the change copy

  • Mandatory (Mandatory)

    • A flag that indicates that an insurance contract for a given product is mandatory. The system will take this flag from the financing product or from the financing template when creating an insurance contract.

    • If the user wants to delete the insurance contract with the Mandatory = Yes flag after creation, the system will ask if the user really wants to continue.

  • Created At

    • Does the system automatically fill in the date and time of the insurance contract creation

  • Created By Name

    • Does the system automatically fill in the ID of the user who created the insurance contract.

  • Modified At

    • Does the system automatically fill in the date and time of the last change of the insurance contract

  • Modified By Name

    • Does the system automatically fill in the ID of the user who last changed the insurance contract

Calculation Tab

Based on the selected rate, the system calculates the fields on the Calculation tab.


  • Client Year Insurance Amount

    • Annual Client Insurance Amount in Contract Currency

    • The system calculates after selecting the insurance rate, based on the premium calculation method, base and rate

  • Client Year Insurance Amount (LCY)

    • Annual insurance premium against the tenant converted into local currency

  • Insurance Company Year Amount

    • Insurance Company Year Amount in Contract Currency

    • The system calculates after selecting the insurance rate, based on the method of calculating the insurance base and the rate

    • In the settings, it is possible to define a different rate for the client and a different one for the insurance company

  • Insurance Company Year Amount (LCY)

    • Annual insurance premium to the insurance company converted into local currency

  • Client Month Insurance Amount

    • Client Monthly Insurance Amount in Contract Currency

    • The system calculates based on the method of calculation on the insurance company's product from the annual insurance

  • Client Month Insurance Amount (LCY)

    • Monthly Insurance Amount Against Client in Local Currency

  • Insurance Company Month Amount

    • Monthly Insurance Company Amount

    • The system calculates based on the method of calculation on the insurance company's product from the annual insurance

  • Insurance Value

    • The system will be supplemented from Calculation Input field Insurance Totalif a field is marked on the calculation input To Insurance = Yes

  • Invoice Amount Incl. VAT

    • The system completes as the sum of the fields Base Amount + VAT AmountCalculation Input

  • Payment Including Insurance

    • The system calculates if one of the following fields is the basis for calculating the premium:

      • Payment Including Insurance

      • Payment without insurance

      • Annual Payment Including Insurance

      • Annual Payment without Insurance

    • The system calculates the average lease payment including the premium from the instalments from the date of validity of the given insurance contract (Instalment including VAT and including the insurance premium that is already on the LS)

  • Payment without Insurance

    • The system calculates if one of the following fields is the basis for calculating the premium:

      • Payment Including Insurance

      • Payment without insurance

      • Annual Payment Including Insurance

      • Annual Payment without Insurance

    • The system calculates the average lease payment from the validity date of the insurance contract

  • Year Payment including Insurance

    • The system calculates if one of the following fields is the basis for calculating the premium:

      • Payment Including Insurance

      • Payment without insurance

      • Annual Payment Including Insurance

      • Annual Payment without Insurance

    • From the average payment including insurance, the system calculates the annual value – in the case of a monthly lease payment, it is the payment including insurance * 12. (This field can be used by the user as a basis for calculating insurance premiums – CPI)

    • The user can edit and the system will take the field as a basis for the calculation

  • Year Payment without Insurance

    • The system calculates if one of the following fields is the basis for calculating the premium:

      • Payment Including Insurance

      • Payment without insurance

      • Annual Payment Including Insurance

      • Annual Payment without Insurance

    • From the average payment without insurance, the system calculates the annual value – in the case of a monthly lease payment, it is an installment without insurance * 12

    • Annual values are calculated only in advance, from the date of commencement of insurance on the given insurance contract

    • After the initial filling, the field don't update automatically. (Only if the user deletes them, they are recalculated from the current values. Please note that after the modification, it is necessary to update the payment calendar of the leasing contract by substituting it and only then make another change to the insurance)

  • Final Coefficient

    • Product of coefficients from set insurance parameters. The coefficients for the insurance contract are in the Insurance Contract Coefficients table (above the insurance contract Process / Coefficients).

    • If the coefficients are not set for the insurance contract, the resulting coefficient = 1

  • Basic Commission % (Basic Commission %)

    • The system writes the commission rate from the definition of commissions of the insurance contract with the commission code that is marked in the Insurance Setup afield Basic Commission Code

  • Base Commission Amount

    • The system will transcribe the amount of the basic commission according to the commission calendar

  • Client Insurance Amount Total

    • Calculated Field

    • The sum of payments from the client's calendar. When you click on the value of the field, the system displays KClient's Calendar

  • Insurance Company Amount Total

    • Calculated Field

    • The sum of payments from the insurance company's calendar. When you click on the value of the field, the system displays KInsurance Company Alendář

  • Paid Client Insurance Amount

    • Calculated Field

    • The sum of payments from the client's calendar for which the field is Billed = Yes. When you click on the value of the field, the system displays KClient's allegiance, filtered to the field

  • Paid Insurance Company Amount

    • Calculated Field

    • The sum of payments from the insurance company's calendar for which the field is Sent = Yes, Cancelled = No. When you click on the value of the field, the system displays KInsurance Company Alendář filtered to the field

  • Pro Rata Amount Client

    • Calculated Field

    • The amount from the client calendar line that is flagged Pro rata. When you click on the value of the field, the system displays Client Calendar Line Tagged Pro rata = Yes

  • Pro Rata Amount Ins. Company

    • Calculated Field

    • An amount from an insurance company calendar line that is flagged Pro rata. When you click on the value of the field, the system displays Insurance Company Calendar Line Tagged Pro rata = Yes

  • Calculation Method

    • The system fills in according to the selected set and rate (Calculation Method No.)

  • Calculation Basis Code

    • According to the selected rate according to the number of the calculation method, the system fills in what is the basis for the calculation

  • Calculation Basis Value

    • After selecting the rate, the system fills in the value of the insurance calculation base from the calculation method specified on the rate

  • Interval Unit of Measure Code

    • If an interval-based rate is used to calculate the premium, the system indicates the unit of measure in this field. For example, if the engine capacity is the basis for the calculation, CM3 will be in this field

  • Interval From Value

    • If an interval-based rate is used to calculate premiums, the system indicates the lower end of the interval in this field

  • Interval To Value

    • If an interval-based rate is used to calculate premiums, the system indicates the upper end of the interval in this field

  • Calculation Method No.

    • The system fills in the calculation method number from the insurance rate

  • Interval No.

    • The system will add the interval for calculating the premium from the insurance rate if the interval-based rate is used for the calculation of the premium

  • Different Payment Period

    • The user ticks the box if it is necessary to use a different periodicity for the client's insurance payment and another for the insurance company payment

  • Client Payment Period

    • The system will complement the periodicity of the insurance framework contract

    • If the Different Insurance Periodicity field is checked, the user fills in the payment periodicity for the client

  • Ins. Company Payment Period

    • The system will complement the periodicity from the framework agreement

  • Client Calculation Method

    • This is the calculation of the start of the premium. The system is supplemented from the definition on the insurance product. The user can make changes (e.g. the client is not entitled to the first period free of charge)

  • Include in Payment

    • It is defined in the framework agreement. The user can change. A check mark means that the premium will be part of the payment of the financing contract

  • Client Rate (Client Rate)

    • The system adds the amount of the rate for the client from the selected insurance rate (the rate is always in the local currency and is converted into the currency of the "insurance contract" by the currency factor for the client)

    • If there are parameters with a coefficient on the insurance contract, the amount of the rate is affected by the coefficients

    • If there is a discount/surcharge on the insurance contract, the resulting value is multiplied by the discount/surcharge coefficient

  • Client Rate (LCY)

    • The system will add the rate for the client in the local currency

    • If there are parameters with a coefficient on the insurance contract, the amount of the rate in the local currency is affected by the coefficients

    • If there is a discount/surcharge on the insurance contract, the resulting value in local currency is multiplied by the discount/surcharge coefficient

  • Insurance Company Rate

    • The system will add the rate for the insurance company from the selected insurance rate (the rate is always in the local currency and is converted into the currency of the "insurance contract" by the currency factor for the insurance company)

    • If there are parameters with a coefficient on the insurance contract, the amount of the rate is affected by the coefficients

    • If there is a discount/surcharge on the insurance contract, the resulting value is multiplied by the discount/surcharge coefficient only if the Apply discount only to client = NO field is in the Insurance Settings. If Apply discount to client only = YES, the discount/surcharge does not affect the rate towards the insurance company (CR 226)

  • Insurance Company Rate (LCY)

    • The system will add the rate for the insurance company in the local currency (the rate is always in the local currency)

    • If there are parameters with a coefficient on the insurance contract, the amount of the rate is affected by the coefficients

    • If there is a discount/surcharge on the insurance contract, the resulting value is multiplied by the discount/surcharge coefficient only if the Apply discount only to client = NO field is in the Insurance Settings. If Apply discount to client only = YES, the discount/surcharge does not affect the rate towards the insurance company (CR 226)

  • Insurance Value

    • Completes the system from the calculation input from the field Lock amount

  • Insurance Value (LCY)

    • The system adds the insurance value in the local currency

  • Insurance Value Ins. Company Currency

    • Adds the insured value in the insurer's currency from the Currency

  • Do Not Update Insurance Value

    • The field is hidden by default, and its default value = No

    • The user can add to the page via Personalization

    • The user changes the value to Yes (checks) if he does not want the insurance value to be updated from the calculation input

    • It can be used in cases where the selected insurance contract has a different sum of insured value than other insurance contracts (e.g. the insurance contract for the GAP product has an insured value equal to the purchase price after discount, but for accident insurance the insured value is the purchase price after discount)  

  • Year Insurance (First Period Free)

    • Some insurance companies require you to report premiums even for the first period free of charge

    • Insurance amount to be filled in manually by the user

  • Don ́t Create Client Calendar

    • Complements the system from the insurance framework contract

    • It is used for removed items where only the insurance calendar is created

  • Non-Regular Contract for Accruals

    • Changes the system automatically to Yes Based on settings Calculation method of insurance premiums for the client, for the elections First Month Free or First Period Free

    • In the system, it is possible to set that the accruals will be calculated based on the modality (periodicity) of the contract and/or the irregularity of the contract

  • Insurance Margin Amount

    • Fills in the system automatically when recalculating the insurance contract according to the formula:

      • (Client Month Insurance Amount – Insurance Company Month Amount)* Insurance Duration (month))

    • The field is hidden on the tab

  • Resulting Rates

    • If a change in the insurance contract rate has been made, the system will mark a check mark after entering the "Insurance Contract Rate Change" table

    • A change in the insurance contract rate is described in the Mass Insurance Change documentation

  • Last Rate Change

    • The date of the last policy rate change made

  • Current Ins. Client Year Amount

    • Annual insurance premium towards the tenant in the currency of the contract updated by any last change in the insurance contract rate

  • Current Ins. Company Year Amount

    • Annual insurance premium to the insurance company in the currency of the insurance company updated by the last change in the insurance contract rate, if any.

  • Current Ins. Client Month Amount

    • Monthly insurance premium towards the tenant in the currency of the contract updated by any last change in the insurance contract rate

  • Current Ins. Company Month Amount

    • Monthly insurance premium towards the insurance company in the currency of the insurance company updated by the last change in the insurance contract rate

Object Tab


  • Financed Object No.

    • The number of the object that is insured by the insurance contract

    • Completes the system

  • Financed Object Name

    • Completes the system according to the financing object number from the object card

  • Licence Plate No.

    • Completes the system according to the financing object number from the object card

  • Chassis No. (VIN) (VIN)

    • Completes the system according to the financing object number from the object card

  • Serial Number

    • Completes the system according to the financing object number from the object card

  • Object Category, Commodity Code, Group, Subgroup

    • Completes the system according to the financing object number from the object card

  • Type, Make Code, Model Line Code, Model, Model Type

    • Completes the system according to the financing object number from the object card

  • Vehicle age for calculation (Y)

    • The system calculates = Valid from (Insurance Contract Card) - Date of commissioning (from the financed object). The result is given in years

    • Date of Putting into Operation (Date of Putting into Operation(1010)), is a hidden field on the Financed Object card and is always filled in from the Date of First Registration.

  • Vehicle age for calculation (M)

    • The system calculates = Valid from (Insurance Contract Card) - Date of commissioning (from the financed object). The result is given in months

    • Date of Putting into Operation (Date of Putting into Operation(1010)), is a hidden field on the Financed Object card and is always filled in from the Date of First Registration.

  • Object Return Date

    • The user can enter the return date of an object that was insured by the contract.

  • Object Return Date

    • The user can enter the return date of an object that was insured by the contract

Posting Tab


  • General Bus. Posting Group (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)

    • The system will add financing contracts from accounting (according to the customer)

  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group

    • The system is completed from the settings on the insurance framework contract

  • VAT Bus. Posting Group)

    • The system will add financing contracts from accounting (according to the customer)

  • VAT Prod. Posting Group

    • The system is completed from the settings on the insurance framework contract

  • Financing Contract Currency Code

    • It will complement the system from the financing contract

    • If the field is empty, it is the domestic currency

  • Currency Code Client

    • It will replenish the system with the same currency as the one on the financing contract

    • The user can change by selecting the currency and entering the exchange rate

  • Currency Date Client

    • The system will automatically fill in the date of the exchange rate used

  • Currency Code Ins. Company

    • Will the system complement the currency code from the framework agreement

    • User can change by selecting currency

  • Currency Date Ins. Company

    • The system will automatically fill in the date of the exchange rate used

  • Original Valid To

    • The system retains its original validity before an extraordinary termination in case of a possible recovery

    • Original Date Valid To following the extension of the contract (Informal)

  • Insurance Payment From

    • When calculating the payment calendar, the system stores the date from the Period from field of the first payment of the client calendar here

  • Insurance Payment To

    • When calculating the payment calendar, the system stores the date from the Period to field for the last installments of the client's insurance calendar

    • Field is not updated with the new date in case of contract renewal (Informal)

  • Insurance Company Check-in Date

    • Date of reporting the new insurance contract to the insurance company

    • For Insurance Contracts with Flag Insurance Reporting Online on the insurance framework contract

      • Yes

        • Adds to the system after reporting the insurance contract

      • No

        • The system will add the date of issue of the insurance statement of the type Additions

    • Editable for users with permissions, i.e. flag Allow Change Index/Unload Date poj. = Yes in the table User Setup

  • Insurance Company Check-out

    • Terminated Insurance Contract Check-Out Date

    • For Insurance Contracts with Flag Insurance Reporting Online on the insurance framework contract

      • Yes

        • Completes the system after unsubscribing from the insurance contract

      • No

        • The system will add the date of issue of the insurance statement of the type Decreases

    • Editable for users with permissions, i.e. flag Allow Change Index/Unload Date poj. = Yes in the table User Setup

  • First Posting Date

    • The user enters the date that will be used as the Posting date for additional insurance retrospectively

There are hidden fields on the insurance policy, which are filled in by a batch job from the lease (extension of insurance policies for LS with debt) or the transfer wizard in special extraordinary termination situations, when the insurance contract is extended beyond the scope of the leasing contract. The marked field will turn off the search for the lease contract payment:

  • Insurance after the end of financing

    • Field 670 - Yes/No

  • Last Financing Contract Payment Date

    • Field 675

Contract cannot be reactivated - when transferring from Terminated Contract again to Active Contract, insurance policies cannot be included in the payment!

Combined Insurance Tab


  • Combined Insurance

    • Designation Yes, if it is a policy with "combined insurance", i.e. the resulting rate is the sum of several different calculations

  • Combined Insurance Value 1 to 5

    • The value of each calculation. A maximum of 5 calculations can be set in the system, which contribute to the resulting rate. This is where the individual intermediate results are stored

  • Combined Insurance Text 1 to 5

    • Text can be saved for each calculation.

The setup for combined insurance is described in the Insurance Product Management document.

Discounts/Surchages tab


  • Discount / Surcharge

    • Yes, if a discount or surcharge is applied to the contract

    • Adds the system from the selected insurance rate (tab General) or changed manually by the user

  • Discount / Surcharge Code

    • The discount/surcharge code is filled according to the settings on the financing product/template

    • A user can only provide a discount up to the amount allowed in the user settings

    • To enter a rate correction in % or amount, the user selects a record with flag "Correction" = Yes

    • If the Prohibited discount field is checked on the rate and the user on the insurance policy wants to select a discount from the discount code list on the insurance company's product, the system prints the error message "Discount is forbidden for the insurance rate XXX!". You can choose a markup.

  • Discount Surcharge Type

    • According to the discount / surcharge code, OC fulfills whether it is a discount or a surcharge

  • Basic Rate % (Basic Rate %)

    • The system will add a rate from the selected insurance rate

    • In the event that you Insurance Company Product is an array Coefficient Application Method = Rate, OC fulfills the value Base Rate x Coefficient parameters

  • Basic Rate

    • Adds to the system from the selected insurance rate

    • If the calculation method = percentage, the system will add the rate as a conversion Insurance Value x Rate Calculation Method/100 * Basic Rate %

  • Basic Rate % (Ins. Company)

    • Adds to the system from the selected insurance rate

    • If the setting on the insurance company's product Method of application coefficientu = Rate, OC fulfills the value of Base rate x coefficient of possible parameters

  • Basic Rate (Ins. Company)

    • Filling up the rate from the insurance rate card

    • If the calculation method = percentage, the system will add the rate as a recalculation Insurance Value x Rate (Calculation Method/100 * Basic Rate % (Insurance Company))

  • Discount / Surcharge Coefficient

    • Coefficient of provided discount alebo prisurky

    • Replenishes the system from the selected discount/surcharge in the field Discount/Surcharge Code

  • Rate Correction %

    • The user enters the amount of the correction of the rate for the customer and the rate for the insurance company in % (+-)

    • A correction can only be entered if the Discount/Surcharge Code contains a flagged value Correction = Yes

    • The correction will be applied in the case of Insurance Calculation Methods = Percentage

  • Rate Correction Amount

    • The user enters the amount of the correction of the insurance rate for the customer and the rate for the insurance company in absolute value (+-)

    • A correction can only be entered if the Discount/Surcharge Code contains a flagged value Correction = Yes

    • The correction will be applied in the case of Insurance Calculation Methods = Sum

  • Discount Concatenation

    • Adds to the system from the selected insurance rate

  • Last Concatenated Discount

    • Last discount calculated by the program

    • A more detailed description with an example is provided in the documentation Insurance Product Management

  • Concatenated Discount

    • Discounts entered into the Concatenated Discounts window

  • Discount User ID

    • Populates the system with the ID of the user who entered the discount

  • Months Without Claim

    • Records of non-claim months, filled in when entering the Number of Months Without Claim field when Selecting Insurance via the wizard

    • Used for the task Change Insurance Contract Bonus

  • Annual Month

    • The system fills in the month from the date in the field Valid From

  • Bonus Description

    • Description of the Bonus coefficient that was applied by the mass task "Change of Variable Rate and Bonus on Insurance Contracts"

  • Bonus Date

    • Date of imported bonus for redemption in task Change Insurance Contract Variable Rate and Bonus"

  • Last Annual Date

    • The last anniversary date by which the "Change Variable Rate and Bonus on Insurance Contracts" task closed the original policy and created a new one with a new bonus or even a new rate

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