Insurance Contract Menu
There is a menu of buttons on the overview/tab of the insurance contract.
A feature that you can use to create insurance contracts by copying existing ones.
Individual Contract Card
Option to open the individual insurance contract card
The Individual Insurance Contract Card is above the same table as the Insurance Contract Card. Some fields are hidden on the card because the user does not need to keep track of them in the case of individual insurance contracts
For IPZ, only the commission calendar is calculated
Requested Documents
List of required documents for the given insurance contract with their status
Change Requests
List of Insurance Contract Change Requests
Pledge of Insurance
List of Pledges Issued to the Insurance Contract
Records of Insurance Contract Devinculations
In this overview, the user can record requests for devinculation with the result of consent, disagreement and the contact for whom it is issued (service, customer)
Records of object inspections
Insurance Contract Coefficient List
Insurance Condition Text
The user can see text conditions from all levels of insurance settings (product, variant, framework agreement, set, rate) that apply to the insurance contract
On the insurance contract, the text terms and conditions of the insurance are not editable. They can be divided into external and internal texts. They can be used for prints.
Contract Rate Change
List of changes made to insurance contract rates by coefficient
For details, see the Mass Insurance Change documentation
The function calculates the premium on the insurance contract, creates the Client Calendar, the Insurance Company Calendar and the Commission Calendar
If a Payment Calendar is not created on the Financing Contract, then even though the policy has Include in Payment = Yes, the calculation does not create Calendar for the client
Calendar for insurance company and Commission Calendar Functions always create
Commissions Calculation
If the user changes the definition of commission on the insurance contract, he can use this function to calculate the commission calendar
The function calculates only the Commission Calendar
Parameter Recalculation
The function calculates the parameters of the insurance contract, e.g. after changing the decisive field (date of first registration – age of the car, method of use, etc.)
Client Calendar
Insurance Company Calendar
Commissions Calendar
The insurance calendars system creates:
By calculating an insurance contract using the Calculate on Overview or Insurance Contract Card
By calculating the Financing Contract using the Complete Calculation or Calculator Linesthat can be run from the Financing Contract Overview/Header
Calculation when activating the contract via the wizard.
Client Calendar
Part Payment No.
The system automatically numbers insurance payments starting with 001
The first regular instalment and the first regular instalment are numbered with the same number 001
Financing Part Payment No.
If the policy is included in the payment of the financing contract, this field contains the payment number of the payment calendar in which the insurance payment is included
The system assigns the insurance payment to the payment from the SPK contract according to the Posting Date. Posting Date from the client's calendar row is from the interval Period From-To in the Contract Terms and Conditions
Period From
The beginning of the period of the given insurance payment. In the case of the first instalment, this is the beginning of the insurance – Valid From
Period To
End of the period of the given insurance payment. In the case of the last instalment, this is the end of the insurance – Valid To
Posting Date
Accounting period according to which the system deploys premiums to the financing repayment
Calculated value of the given payment
If the insurance policy was reported Online before the Handover Date (Handover Date > Valid From), the amount in the first line of the calendar will not correspond to the number of days in the period - see Insurance Period. "Modification of insurance calculation - in case of difference between reporting date and handover date" Insurance Calendars and Online Insurance
There may also be a difference at the end of the policy, if the policy is deregistered by the user on the current date, but "the date of handover of the object is in the past - see "Change of contract status and declaration/deregistration of insurance policies" Insurance Calendars and Online Insurance
Pro rata (Pro Rata)
For a product with a pro rata, the system marks the payment with the one calculated for the rata – the amount for the first incomplete period. Pro rata is posted to the following period.
Posted (Posted)
If the user posts a lease payment, the insurance payment is also posted. The check mark cannot be removed by the user. You can't change a posted period. The user can cancel the lease payment, whereby the system releases the payment and removes the flag Posted. Then it is possible to change the insurance contract using the change copy. When changing an insurance contract, the system also checks the insurance payment schedule for the insurance company and the commission calendar.
Include in Payment
An indication that the premium is part of the lease payment.
Insurance Company Calendar
Field description:
Part Payment No.
The system automatically numbers insurance payments starting with 001
The loss payment and the first regular payment are numbered with the same number 001
Period From
The beginning of the period of the given payment. In the case of the first instalment, this is the beginning of the insurance – Validity from
Period To
End of the payment period. In the case of the last instalment, this is the end of insurance – Valid to
Posting Date
Accounting period, for the payment of premiums to the insurance company. According to this date, the system reads contracts into the insurance statement of the type Strain
Calculated value of a given insurance payment for the insurance company
Pro rata (Pro Rata)
For a product with a pro rata (an incomplete period at the beginning), the system will mark the payment with the one calculated for the rate – the amount for the first incomplete period
After the insurance statement is issued, the system marks the type Strain with the given insurance payment. The period is thus closed for any changes
You can manually change the flag to No A user who has permissions in the User Setup –field Allow Unblock Insurance Report
Sent (Reported)
After the insurance statement is issued, the system marks the type Strain with the given insurance payment. The statement is the basis for the payment of premiums to the insurance company.
You can manually change the flag to No A user who has permissions in the User Setup –field Allow Unblock Insurance Report
Include In Payment
An indication that the premium is part of the lease payment.
Insurance Commission Calendar
Part Payment No.
The system automatically numbers insurance payments starting with 001
The loss payment and the first regular payment are numbered with the same number 001
Commission Code
Identification of a specific commission
Period From
Start of the commission payment period
Period To
End of the commission payment period
Posting Date
Posting period in which the system posted the premiums
Commission Amount
Calculated value of the commission from the insurance payment for the insurance company
Commission % (Commission %)
Commission percentage. Over time, the percentage may change even for insurance contracts that are already running.
Commission Paid
Matched Incoming Commission Amount (from Insurance Commission Payment Entries)
After the commission payment is settled from the incoming commission payment entries, the system removes the check mark in this field. Rows that are not open can no longer be changed. The system will consider the commission with the difference within the variance set in the Insurance Settings to be settled. Insurance Setup, General Tab, Commission Payment Variance field.
Commission Payment Date
Completes the system Posting Date from the received commission item after it has been paired with a commission calendar line
This section is displayed only when the field Insurance Reporting Online = Yes in Insurance settings.
Verification of insurance
The button is only available on insurance contracts that have a field in the framework agreement Insurance Verification Required = Yes
Preparation for integration, used to start a call to verify the insurance rate
Checks to run the function:
Insurance Verification Required = Yes on the insurance framework contract
Verified = No on Insurance Contract
Financing Contract Status < Active or Change Copy or Variant
Insurance Reporting Online
The button is only available on insurance contracts that have a field in the framework agreement Insurance Reporting Online = Yes
Preparation for integration, used to report the creation (addition) of an insurance contract before the activation of the financing contract
Can be used only before the activation of the financing contract
It is intended for the case when the contract is already in a detailed state with the flag set Reporting online = Yes
Checks to run the function:
Verified = Yes on an insurance contract that has Insurance Verification Required = Yes
Financing Contract Status < Active
Insurance Company Check-in Date = empty
Termination of insurance Before activating the FIN contract.
The button is only available on insurance contracts that have a field Insurance Reporting Online = Yes Before Financing Contract Activation
Preparation for integration, used to report the termination of an insurance contract before activating a financing contract
It is used to trigger a call to report the termination of the "second-hand" insurance policy (disposal) on the terminated financing contract and is in a state that does not require a change copy
Once the function is confirmed, the system checks:
Termination Code = Filled in
Reporting Online = Yes
Financing Contract Status < Active
Insurance Company Check-in Date = completed
Insurance Company Check-Out Date = empty
Valid to >= current day. If:
Checks if there is a flag on the Exit Code Allowed to terminate retroactively = Yes. If:
No = Displays a blocking message to the user and does not continue
Unsubscribing poj. removed items OnLine
The button is only available on insurance contracts that have:
Field Reporting online = Yes
When the function starts, the system checks:
On the insurance framework contract field Removed Items Contract = Yes
On the detailed contract status field Change without Change List = Yes (can only be run on the original contract)
Field Insurance Company Check-in Date = completed
Field Insurance Company Check-Out Date = empty
Field Valid to >= current day if
Preparation for integration, used to trigger a call to report the termination of the "second-hand" insurance policy (decrease)
Log poj. Online
Preparation for integration, overview of calls for a given insurance contract.