

To work with insurance contracts, you need to set up the following tables: 

API Insurance Setup 

In the table The insurance setup is Need to set a field:

  • Contract Change Warning Date

  • Contract Nos.

  • Insurance Contract Change Request Nos.

  • Set the numbering for each area used

Learn more about settings in a document Insurance Product Management

Insurance Product Relations (API Ins. Prod. And Status Rel.) 

In the table Insurance Product And Status Relation It is necessary to set for each insurance product in which detailed status it should be: 

  • Terminate insurance 

  • Create New Contracts Required 

  • New Contract Length (months) 

  • Property Framework Agreement No. 

  • Liability Framework Agreement No. 

  • Termination Code

  • Calculate Fuse Period Before (Calc. Insurance Period Before)

  • Financial Leasing, Operative Leasing, Credit, Instalment Sale, Fleet Management

  • Product Code

In the Insurance Product And Status Relation table, the user sets how the system should behave when the status of the financing contract changes.

Whether this change should also be linked to a change in the insurance contract of the given insurance product.

E.g. Changing the return status of an object will terminate the original insurance contract and conclude a new insurance contract for vehicles parked in the parking lot.

When changing the status of a contract, the wizard goes through the Insurance Product And Status Relation table

For more information on settings, see Insurance Product.


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