Insurance Contract Change

Insurance Contract Change

After activating the financing contract, the user can make changes to the insurance contract only by using the

  • Change Copies

  • Variants

This issue is described in detail in the document Contract Changes .

De-insurance from the beginning or de-insurance for several periods

When deinsurance retrospectively, the user cannot change due to a posted payment schedule Valid To for multiple periods retrospectively. It can change the current period.

To deactivate, the user will perform the following steps:

  • Terminates the insurance contract, in the Valid To inscribes current date

  • Afield Termination Code selects the appropriate termination code from the code list

  • After the exit code is inserted, the field is editable Expiration datewhere the user enters the actual date they want to end the contract (lower date as Valid To).

    • Field Expiration date is essential for Reset rows in the calendar for the insurance company, where Sent = No,

    • Instalments between Valid To and End Date, if Sent = No, the recalculation resets. Only those sent can be cancelled):

 After you enter the current date in the Valid To and calculation, the system deletes insurance calendar lines after the current date.

  • Cancel calendar lines for insurance company, but do not change the calendar for the client (there is no VAT and will issue a credit note separately). On a change copy or without a change copy.

    • Insurance Payment Calendar for Insurance Company

      • symptom Canceled On the line

        • Boolean –system will be filled in automatically upon cancellation

      • Cancellation Date

        • The system fills in the cancellation date


In the calendar for the insurance company, the user starts the function Cancel Marked Lines

  • If the user selects rows in a field Cancellation, the system fills in the current date in the field Cancellation Date

  • If the user deselects already canceled rows and the field is not yet filled in Sent, both the cancellation check mark and the cancellation date are removed

  • Unsent rows cannot be reversed

    • Lines that haven't been sent to the insurance company but can't be changed because of the client's calendar Valid Towill be reset to zero during recalculation

    • In this case, the following is essential for recalculation: Expiration date On the Insurance Contract Card

    • Retrospective Insurance the worker reports to the insurance company and in the following period the amount will be 0

  • Statements for the insurance company

    • Insurance contracts that have been deinsured shall be reported by the user to the insurance company separately for a refund of the premium

    • A user who has terminated insurance contracts must inform the employee who sends reports to the insurance company. He will send a request for a refund of the insurance premium

    • A period that could not be cancelled in the calendar for the insurance company and meets the condition

      • Posting Date > End Date of PZ It is reset in the commission calendar. The line remains, but in the amount is 0

If the End Date of PZ empty, the recalculation does not reset the amounts.

Retrospective Insurance

In the lease payment schedule, the user forgot about insurance. E.g. 4 lease payments have already been posted.

The user creates a change copy and creates a new insurance contract from the validity date retroactively.

The free posting period for the 05th instalment is 1/10/2021 – 31/10/2021.


On the Posting FastTab, in the First Posting Date Enters Posting Date First Available Leasing repayments:

Insurance is deployed in leasing on the basis of Period From To on a lease payment. All lines that have Period From To Less Than Specified First Posting Date, they will take over Posting Date from this field.

According to Posting Date the insurance contract is then added to the lease payment, the lines are added up. For example, the first four lines are added together to the first free lease payment (three old and current)