To the insurance rate, the system inherits the properties specified on the insurance company's set, framework agreement, and product. At the level of the rate, the responsible user can change it.
The user can create insurance rates by copying existing ones. Selects a rate on the report and runs the copy function:
Including commissions
Insurance Rate Card – General
Number (No.)
The set number is assigned from the number series
Description (Description)
The description is created automatically from the fields Tenant Rate + Possible Filters for Group, Subgroup, Make, Model, Model Line + Participation
Insurance Company No. (Insurance Company No.)
for which the rate is created
Insurance Product No. (Insurance Product No.)
for which the rate is created
Insurance Company Framework Agreement No. (Insurance Company Famework Agreement No.)
for which the rate is created
Set No.
for which the rate is created
It is also possible to set filters that limit the subject for which the typesetting will be intended:
Category, Group Filter, Subgroup, Kind, Make Filter, Model Line Filter, Model Filter, Model Type Filter.
Calculation Method No. (Calculation Method No.)
The premium calculation method is filtered to the rate by set.
Number Interval (Interval No.)
If a method with an interval of values is specified, the user must assign a specific interval row to the rate. For example, in third-party insurance, the method is based on engine capacity. On a rate, the user must assign a row with a volume interval for that rate.
Product Variant Code (Product Variant Code)
Selection of variants set on the insurance company's product, mandatory field
Valid From (Valid From)
The system writes the date into the rate from the set. When a user edits, the system selects the Specific Validity box, and this rate is not controlled by the set's validity.
Valid To (Valid To)
The system writes the date into the rate from the set. When a user edits, the system selects the Specific Validity box, and this rate is not controlled by the set's validity.
Insurance Code (Insurance Code)
Does the system fill in automatically if the "insurance code" is filled in at the Insurance Calculation Interval,
It is filled in from the Insurance Code tab.
It is used for reporting purposes if required by the insurance company.
Object Usage Type (Object Usage Type)
The user can select a specific type of use of the object from the list. The rate is then available only to the item with the given type of use.
Start of Insurance (Insurance Start)
The rate inherits from the set, the user can change the
Include In Payments (Include In Payments)
The default value is Yes, the user can change it to No, e.g. when entering rates for removed items
With the rate is transferred to the insurance contract
Insurance Rate Card – Calculation
Rate Calculation Method (Rate Calculation Method)
Automatic is filled in Sum / Percent according to the Insurance Calculation Method setting
Tenant Rate (Client Rate)
The always editable field is filled by the user
Insurance Company Rate (Insurance Company Rate)
Field editable according to the setting on Set, Different Rate field
Participation (Participation)
The type of deductible is specified on the insurance company's product
A specific deductible can be set on the Variant, then it will be added to the rate from the Variant. In other cases, the deductible details of the rate can be entered
First Risk (First Risk)
To enter the coverage limit, the user ticks and thus makes available the following fields Cover Limit and Cover Description
Cover Limit (Cover Limit)
Registration field on rate, not transferred to insurance contract
Cover Description (Cover Description)
Registration field on rate, not transferred to insurance contract
Fix Rate (Fix Rate)
The field is transferred from the set, here the user can change the
Insurance Rate Card - Discounts/Surcharges
A discount / surcharge can be applied to the insurance rate from the discount code list set for the given insurance company's product.
Discount / Surcharge (Discounts / Surcharges)
Specifies that the rate has a discount/surcharge
Attention, if the user turns on and then turns off the discount, the system will update the field
"Tenant Rate" based on the "Basic Rate" field
"Insurance Company Rate" based on the "Basic Rate (Insurance Company) field"
Discount / Surcharge Code (Discounts / Surcharges Code)
Selection from the list Discounts / surcharges
To enter a rate correction in % or amount, the user selects a record with flag "Correction" = Yes
Discount / Surcharge Type (Discounts / Surcharges Type)
Fills in the system according to the selected code, whether it is a discount or a surcharge
Basic Rate (Basic Rate), Basic Rate (Insurance Company) (Basic Rate (Ins. Company))
The user enters the base rate to which the Discount/Surcharge applies
Discount/Surcharge Coefficient (Discount / Surcharge Coefficient)
Discounts and surcharges can be entered both by % and by coefficient. One value is entered by the user and the other is calculated by the system.
Rate Correction % (Rate Correction%)
The user enters the amount of the correction of the rate for the customer and the rate for the insurance company in % (+-)
Correction can only be entered if "Insurance Calculation Methods" = Percentage
Forbidden Discount
If the user ticks this box, it will not be possible to enter a discount on the insurance contract. When selecting a discount from the discount list on an insurance company's product, the system displays an error message: "Discount is forbidden for insurance rate XXX!". You can choose a surcharge.
Exception (Exception)
Indicating that this is an exemption rate
Exception Customer No. (Exception Customer No)
Select the number of the customer for whom the rate is intended. At the same time, the customer's name is filled in
Package No. (Insurance Package No.)
Select the package number from the Insurance Package List, if the rate is included in it.
Insurance Rate Card - Concatenated Discounts
Discount Concatenating (Discount Cocatenating)
The user selects whether it is necessary to concatenate Yes/No discounts for the entered rate.
Basic Rate (Basic Rate)
Specifies the height of the base for the concatenation calculation - it can be an absolute value or a percentage.
Final Rate (Final Rate)
The user enters the resulting rate provided by the insurance company.
Last Concatenated Discount (Last Concatenated Discount)
Last discount calculated by the program
Concatenated Discounts (Concatenated Discounts)
Discounts entered into the Concatenated Discounts window
The user selects whether it is necessary to concatenate Yes/No discounts for the entered rate. Specifies the height of the base for the concatenation calculation - it can be an absolute value or a percentage. The User enters the Resulting Rate provided by the insurance company. Individual discounts are entered by the user into the Chained Discounts table (Concatenated Discounts) in the menu on the Insurance Rate tab. The system calculates the last discount from the Resulting Rate to 5 decimal places.
E.g. Number of concatenated discounts 3.
The basis is €370 The first discount is 60% (coefficient 0.4), the second discount is 20% (coefficient 0.8) and the resulting rate granted is €74.70.
Step 1 - Multiply base 370 by the first discount coefficient 0.4 = 148
We multiply this intermediate result by the coefficient of the second discount 148 x 0.8 = 118.4
The coefficient of the third discount is the ratio of the resulting percentage to the intermediate result from step 2. 74.70 / 118.4 = 0.630912
The percentage of the third discount is (1 – coefficient of the 3rd discount) x 100 = 36.91
The calculated coefficient is 0.630912, which is 36.91%. Coefficients are pulled into IMPEX.
Insurance Rate Card – Other
Date of issue (Created At)
When the rate was created
Created (Created By Name)
The user who created the rate
Changed (Modified At)
Last Modified Date
Changed (Modified By Name)
The user who made the last change
Rate Code (Rate Code)
Rate designation, which is used to automatically search for subsequent rates by the Change Variable Rate on Insurance Contracts task
Pay Cost Commission
List of options to whom the insurance cost commission is paid: Do not pay / Salesperson / Dealer / Branch
The field is only record-keeping, ready for further development