Workflow Definition
WF definitions can be started with a button New/Newor open with the Manage / Edit From the workflow overview.
Below is an example of a detailed description of the definition of a Quotation application FL_1 workflow, i.e. one of the workflows for financial leasing.
Other workflows for approving offers differ only in the definition of On Condition (described in the chapters below), or in the setting of the approval group.
To be entered manually by the user when creating a WF
To be entered manually by the user when creating a WF
The user selects the WF category to which the WF wants to be assigned
Default No
The user turns the WF on (Yes) or off (No)
WF can only be edited if Enabled = No
Workflow Steps subform
When Event
Selects the user event that causes the WF step to run
The events will be described below
On Condition
Default = Always
The user can define the conditions that must be met for the event to be specified in the field When an event Occurred
The assumptions will be described below
Then response
Selects by the user what should happen when an event occurs when the conditions are met
It is also possible to add multiple responses or display messages for a given response
The responses are described below
The subform buttons are under the Manage (Decrease Indent, Increase Indent), enable optical distinguishing of steps (WF events):
Consecutive steps (no offset)
Alternate steps (if they are behind the step and have an offset from the previous step).
Description of events, assumptions, and responses
I. First Line
When an event
Approval of the offer is required
WF Initialization Event. Set when, according to the workflow conditions definition, approval of the quote is required and the user presses the Create Request button on the Approval Card
When you click in the field, the system opens a dialog box where you can define the prerequisites for the responses assigned to the event.
Prerequisites can be selected from a new table Approval History.
Then the response
Setting responses (what should happen) for a given event when the conditions are met according to Assumption.
There can be several responses for a given event. The response can be defined/edited by clicking in the field Afterwards oDezva:
Add Recording Restrictions
The response will block the menu and related entities (Item, Calculation Inputs, Fuses, Services, Service Details, Item Price and Equipment, Item Security, Contractual Mileage) from changes. It is not possible to change the offer, but it is possible to copy it. It is not possible to set other parameters on the response in the Options for the selected response
Create Request for Approval
For a record that uses an approver type Workflow User Group and Workflow User Group Code – this response will create a request for approval (approval item) according to the settings in Options for the selected response:
Calculating the Validity Date
It is possible to define the validity date of a given response (i.e. by what deadline it should be approved). After the expiration date, the request will be reminded (expired requests, see below). If empty, the approval request is automatically valid on the day of creation (i.e. 24:00 hours).
Delegate After
It is possible not to set the time after which the approval request should be delegated
Approver Type
It is possible to set the type of approver (Salesperson/Purchaser, Approver, Workflow User Group). In this case = Workflow User Group
Workflow User Group Code
For Approver Type It is possible to set which Worklflow user group should approve the request. That is, the response creates an approval entry for each member of the group
Send an approval request for a record and create an alert
After the approval request is created, the system creates Notification Entry and sends these items by e-mail to individual approvers
Set Status to Sent
Sets Approval Status = Sent in the table Approval History on a given line
II. Second line
When an event
The request for approval has been approved
What should happen if the request is approved
If the request is approved, responses will always be made
Remove Recording Restriction
Unblocks the menu and related entities from changes
Set Product Exemption Status to Approved
Sets Approval Status on Approved on that line in the Approval History
Approve the approval request for the record
Sets the status Approved on the approval item and sends a notification to the requestor and other approvers for approval
III. Third line
When an event
An approval request for a quote was declined
What should happen if the request is denied
If the request is denied, responses will always be made
Remove Recording Restriction
Unblocks the menu and related entities from changes
Set Product Exemption Status to Rejected
Sets Approval Status on Rejected on that line in the Approval History
Approve the approval request for the record and create an alert
Sets the status Rejected on the approval item and sends an email notification to the requestor and the other approvers in the group about the rejection
IV. The Fourth Line
When an event
An approval request for a quote has been canceled
What should happen if an approval request is cancelled by an applicant
A user on a card Approval Detail or from the overview Approval History Starts with the button Cancel Appoval
If a request is canceled, responses will always be made
Remove Recording Restriction
Unblocks the menu and related entities from changes
Cancel the approval request for the record and create an alert
Sets the status Canceled on the approval item and sends an email notification to the approvers in the group about cancellation
Set Product Exemption Status to Canceled
Sets Approval Status on Canceled on that line in the Approval History.