Contract Documents Approving and Change the Detailed Status

Contract Documents Approving and Change the Detailed Status

To create a calculation and/or a financing contract, use the Create Calculation/Contract Wizard (for contracts without services) or the Create Calculation with Services Wizard (contracts with services).

If documents are defined for a given type of financing product in the Documents to be approved table, the OC will copy those documents for the calculation/contract that have:

  • In the Legal Form Filter the same value as the customer's legal form

  • They have Valid From=< Workdate <=Valid To

On the Financing Contract form, in the Related section, there is a Contract Documents button.

After pressing the button, the Contract Documents form for approval opens. If documents for a given legal form were defined in the Product Type, or if they were also valid, the system created them for the given contract.


  • Type

    • Fills in the OC automatically:

      • When creating a record on the calculation/contract, add "Contract"

    • Hidden field

  • Number

    • Fills in the OC automatically:

      • When creating a record on the calculation/contract, he/she fills in the calculation (contract) number

    • Hidden field

  • Document Code

  • Description

  • Legal Form Filter

  • Detail Status Filter

  • Delivered

    • The user changes the value if the backerant has delivered the document

    • Editable

  • Shipment Date

    • The user enters the delivery date of the document

    • Editable

  • Scope of delivery

    •  The field has the values Empty, Complete, Partial

    •  Enter manually if the user wants to record whether the document is delivered in full or in part (e.g. with errors).

  • Approved

    • Editable if Delivered=A, Delivery Date is filled in and the user has the right to approve documents (in User Settings the value of the field Enable Approval of Documents=A)

  • Note

    • Editable, the user can enter a text note for the document

  • Approved ID

    • Fills in the system automatically when set to Approved = A

    • Deletes the system automatically when set to Approved = N

    • Non-editable

  • Approval Date and Time

    • Fills in the system automatically when set to Approved = A

    • Deletes the system automatically when set to Approved = N

    • Non-editable

If the user wants to set the detailed status:

  • and in User Settings it has Allow changing detailed status without approving documents = N

  • and does not have an approved document, the OC displays a message, or does not allow to change the detailed status of the contract: "Changing the detailed status cannot be performed. The contract has an unapproved document."

If the user wants to set the detailed status:

  • and in User Settings it has Allow changing detailed status without approving documents = And

  • and does not have an approved document, the OC displays a message asking if the user wants to continue: "The contract has an unapproved document. Do you want to continue?"

Approval of documents is done by the user by entering the data for the document one by one:

  • If the user has the Enable document approval = N flag in User Settings, when entering the Approved value, the OC will display a message that the user does not have the right to change the Approved field: "User ...... does not have the right to change the Approved field!" 

  • If a user has the Enable document approval = A flag in User Settings, they can fill in the data one by one. When set to Approved=Yes, the OC automatically fills in the Approved ID and the Approval Date and Time.

Copying a calculation, creating a contract from a calculation

The contract documents are transferred in their entirety to the new entity as part of copying or creating a contract from the calculation.

Create a change copy, variation and transfer it

As part of these functionalities, the contract documents will be transferred in their entirety to the new entity.

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