Creating Pre-Insurance

Creating Pre-Insurance

The insurance contract for pre-insurance is used to insure the subject of financing for the period from the registration of the vehicle to its handover by the customer.

For pre-insurance, the user creates an insurance contract using a wizard that automatically creates an insurance contract with a framework agreement, set and rate according to the settings on the financing product/template in the section Financing Product Insurance (Financing Template Insurance) – record with flag Pre-insurance = Yes.

The wizard for creating an insurance contract for pre-insurance can be started from the List of Financed Objects or from the Financed Object Card via Action -> Create pre-insurance.

After confirming the button, the system checks:

  • Whether the feature is triggered from a contract with a financing type

  • Whether the Chassis No. (VIN) field is filled in on the financed object. If:

    • No

      • Displays the message "The Chassis No. (VIN) field must have a value (Must not be zero or empty) in the Financed Object table: Number=XX."

    • Yes

      • Proceeds to the next check

  • Whether in the table Financing Product Insurance / Financing Template Insurance There is a flagged record Pre-Insurance = Yes. If:

    • No

      • Displays the message "There is no Financing Product Insurance/Financing Template in the filter. Filters: Type: Financing Product, Financing Product No. / Financing Template: XXX, Pre-Insurance: Yes" and the creation of the insurance contract stops

    • Yes

      • Proceeds to the next check

  • Whether it is on the record marked Pre-Insurance = Yes Flagged Framework Insurance Contract Don't Create Client Calendar = Yes. If:

    • No

      • Displays a message 'Do not create client calendar must be equal to 'Yes' in Insurance Framework Contract: Number=XXX. The present value is 'No.'" and Creating an Insurance Contract Stops

    • Yes

      • Continues to display the wizard

Wizard Field:

  • No. (No.)

    • The system will automatically fill in the number of the financed object

  • Financing Contract No.

    • The system automatically fills in the Financing Contract No. from the Financed Object

  • Customer-Contact No.

    • The system automatically fills in the customer's contact number from the financed object

  • Pre-insurance Starting Date

    • The system pre-fills the value from the field Leasing Company's First Registration Date From the Financed Object

    • The user can change the

After clicking on "Finish", the system will check if there is already an active pre-insurance contract with the same insurance product for the same period. In the event that:

  • Yes

    • Displays a warning message: "Contract No. XXX valid from DD.MM.RR to DD.MM.YY contains the same product. Continue?The user confirms:

      • Yes

        • The system goes ahead and automatically creates an insurance contract with insurance parameters that has a record on the flagged financing product/financing template Pre-Insurance =Yes, field:

          • Valid from = date entered in the wizard

          • Valid To = Estimated Termination Date from Financing Contract Header

          • Pre-Insurance = Yes

          • Status - Depends on the type of report:

            • Online = Preparation (Ready for integration connection, after calling the system will automatically change to the status Active after the wizard finishes)

            • Manually by issuing insurance statement = Active

      • No

        • The system does not create an insurance contract, the user can enter a new date or terminate the pre-insurance

  • No

    • Automatically creates an insurance contract with insurance parameters that has a record on the financing product/financing template flagged Pre-Insurance =Yes, field:

      • Valid from = date entered in the wizard

      • Valid To = Estimated Termination Date from Financing Contract Header

      • Pre-Insurance = Yes

      • Status - Depends on the type of report:

        • Online = Preparation (Ready for integration connection, after calling the system will automatically change to the status Active after the wizard finishes)

        • Manually by issuing insurance statement = Active

When creating an insurance contract for pre-insurance, the field is filled in Green Card No..

Termination of pre-insurance

If pre-insurance policies are set on the insurance framework contract Insurance Reporting Online = Yes, the termination of pre-insurance policies takes place on:

  • Guides Preparing to hand over the item, when to enter the field Valid To Completes the date calculated as Date of expected handover (from the Object Handover Preparation Guide) - 1D

  • Insurance Termination Button before activation of the financial contract (after using the change of detailed status for reporting) - preparation for integration connection

If it is not necessary to report pre-insurance policies Online, the termination will take place during the Financing Contract Activation, when the field Valid To Completes the date calculated as Handover Date - 1D.


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