

OC allows you to create so-called multicalculations from calculations with the flag Financing with services=Y. It copies the source calculation as many times as there is a combination of contractual mileage and financing period, adds the appropriate combination to individual members and finds the service rates for them. See below for a detailed description.

To create a multi calculation, it is necessary to have the following set:

On the detailed contract status, Multi Calculation must be enabled=A

  • In User Settings, the user must have Enable Multi Calculation=A

  • On the Contract model, Multi Calculation must be enabled=A and the matrix dimensions must be set.

Creation Multi Calculation

The user starts the function to create multi calculation using the Create multi calculation button (on the Action button bar) on the financing contract form:


After pressing the OC button, it checks whether it is possible to create a multi-calculation from the menu:

  • If the user who creates multi calculation has the Enable multi calculations = N parameter set in User Settings, the OC displays a message that the user is not allowed to create multi calculation and stops the multi calculation creation process.

  • If the OC detects that the detail status parameter Allow multi calculations = N, it will display a message that the detailed status of the offer does not allow the creation of multi calculations and the process of creating multi calculations will be stopped.

  • If the OC finds out that Used Financed Object = A, it will display a message that it is not possible to create a multi calculation for the used item and the process of creating a multi calculation will be stopped.

  • If the OC detects that the financing product has Multi calculation = N, it will display a message that it is not possible to create a multi calculation from the given financing product and will stop the process of creating a multi calculation.

  • If the OC finds out that the calculation has already created a payment calendar, it will display a message that it is not possible to create a multi calculation from the given calculation and will stop the process of creating a multi calculation.

  • If the OC finds out that a multi calculation has already been created from the given calculation (parameter in the table Financing Contract Header Multi Calculation = A) or the corresponding calculation is part of the multi calculation, it will display the message "Do you want to separate it from the multi calculation and create a new multi calculation?"

    • If the user confirms Yes, the OC will perform:

      • changes the Multi Calculation = A parameter to N for the given calculation

      • deletes the Multi Calculation No. value on the given calculation

      • in the Multi Calculation Value table deletes the row of the given calculation

      • It continues with the process of creating a multi-calculation to step 1.

    • If the user confirms No, the process stops.

If the process of creating a multi calculation has not been stopped, the OC will run the wizard to enter the multi calculation parameters:

Step 1


X axis – yearly mileage

  • Yearly Mileage From:

    • Enter the lower limit of the yearly mileage

    • Default value 0

    • Required field, cannot continue without entering

  • Annual mileage to:

    • Enter the upper limit of the yearly mileage

    • Default value 0

    • Required field, cannot continue without entering

  • Step:

    • The OC will find out from the settings from the product – the Number of columns (mileage) field, e.g.: 5. The OC then calculates the step value according to the formula:

      • Step = (Year Mileage To – Year Mileage From) / (Number of Columns (Mileage) – 1)

      • E.g.: (30000-10000) / (5 – 1) = 5000

    • Editable, the user can enter only a lower value or the same value as originally calculated

  • Y axis – financing term in months

  • Financing Term From:

    • The user enters the lower limit of the financing period

    • After entering or editing the value, the OC will check:

      • Financing Term from must be >= Financing Period-min on the product and/or template. If it does not apply, the OC will display a message that the Financing Period to is lower than the Financing Term – min on the product/calculation template. After confirming OK, the user must adjust the value in the Financing Period From field to suit the condition.

      • Financing Term to must be <= Financing Period-max on Product Variant or Calculation Template. If it does not apply, the OC will display a message that Financing Term to is higher than Financing Term – max on product variant/calculation template. After confirming OK, the user must adjust the value in the Financing Period To field to suit the condition.

    • Required field, cannot continue without entering it.

    • E.g.: 12

  • Financing Term until:

    • Enter the upper limit of the mileage time by the user

    • After entering or editing the value, the OC will check:

      • Financing Term from must be >= Financing Period-min on Product Variant or Calculation Template. If it does not apply, the OC will display a message that the Financing Period to is lower than the Financing Period – min on the product variant/calculation template. After confirming OK, the user must adjust the value in the Financing Period From field to suit the condition.

      • Financing Term to must be <= Financing Period-max on Product Variant or Calculation Template. If it does not apply, the OC will display a message that Financing Term to is higher than Financing Term – max on product variant/calculation template. After confirming OK, the user must adjust the value in the Financing Period To field to suit the condition.

    • Required field, cannot continue without entering it.

    • E.g.: 36

  • Step:

    • The OC will find out from the settings from the variant (if the offer does not have the Calculation Template No. filled in) or from the calculation template (if the offer has the Calculation Template No. filled in) – the Number of Rows (Financing Period) field, e.g.: 5. The step value is then calculated by the OC according to the formula:

      • Step = (Financing Term To – Financing Term From) / (Number of Lines (Financing Period) – 1)

      • E.g.: (36-12) / (5 – 1) = 6

    • Editable, the user can enter only a lower value or the same value as originally calculated

At the end of step 1, the user has the following buttons:

  • Back – non-active button

  • Next – continues to the 2nd step of the wizard

  • Finish – inactive button

  • Close – after pressing the Close button, the OC will display the message "Do you really want to stop creating multi calculation?" If the user confirms Yes, OC closes the window without saving the record to the database. If they confirm No, you can continue to enter.

Step 2


  • The OC calculates the Yearly Mileage according to the data entered for the X-axis. The first row will contain the Yearly Mileage values, graded according to the data entered in step 1 for the X-axis.

  • The OC calculates the Financing Periods according to the data entered for the Y-axis. The first column will contain the values of the Financing Periods, graded according to the data entered in step 1 for the Y-axis.

  • The data are editable, but only those that fall under Number of Columns and Number of Rows (they contain pre-filled data). Explanation: This ensures that the maximum number of columns and rows according to the product variant or calculation template will be observed. In the example, the Yearly Mileage has been adjusted from 25000 to 22000.

  • It is also possible to delete some input data. In the example, the 60-month financing period is deleted.

  • When changing the financing period, the minimum and maximum financing period will be checked in a similar way as in the first step when adjusting the period.

At the end of step 2, the user has the following buttons:

  • Back – active button, returns to step 1

  • Next – non-active button

  • Finish – active button

  • Close – after pressing the Close button, the OC will display the message "Do you really want to stop creating multi calculation?" If the user confirms Yes, OC closes the window without saving the record to the database. If they confirm No, you can continue to enter.

After confirmation by the Finish button, the OC performs the following actions:

  • Adds the Multi Calculation = A flag to the source calculation

  • It creates new calculations by copying according to the current functionality for each combination Financing Period/Contractual Mileage (note: also for the same combination as was in the source offer).

  • New calculations will get the detailed status according to the Initial Detailed Calculation Status setting in OneCore Settings (part of copying).

  • In the individual calculations, it fills in the appropriate combination of Financing Period and Contractual Mileage, then updates the REFI code/rates, the calculation interest of the residual value, services and insurance, including rates, and then recalculates the calculation. The services will be updated with the original value of Adjustment Correction in %.

  • After creating the calculations, it displays the message "Multi Calculation No. ...... has been created. Do you want to see the values?" If:

    • User confirms Yes, the OC opens the Multi Calculation Values form

    • User confirms No, the OC does not open the form, leaving only the source quote form open.


The system has added to the members of the multi-calculation – the last tab on the financing contract card:

  • Multi Calculation=A

  • Multi Calculation No. (from settings)

  • Number of multi calculation calculations – click to open the list of contracts with a filter for the given multi calculation number.

On the General tab, he added the Number of the source calculation from which the multicalculations were created.

Display of multi calculation values

If the user confirms in the message after creating the multi calculation Yes, the OC opens the Multi Calculation Values form.

The form can also be opened from the Contract List or from the Financing Contract form using the Show Multi Calculation button.


  • Source Calculation No.

    • Automatically fills in the OC with the number of the source calculation from which the multicalculation was created.

    • Calculated field, click to open the source calculation

    • Non-editable

  • Multi Calculation No.

    • Fills in the OC automatically for the multi calculation number.

    • Calculated field, after clicking OC opens the Contract List form filtered to Multi Calculation Number.

    • Non-editable

  • Calculation No.

    • Automatically fills in the OC with the calculation number that was created when the multi calculation was created

    • Calculated field, after clicking OC opens the form of the given calculation

    • Non-editable

  • Financing Period - Multi Calculation

    • The OC will automatically fill in the financing period according to the matrix from Step 2 of the wizard (i.e. the required period).

    • Non-editable

  • Financing Period

    • It will automatically fill in the financing period from the given offer (i.e. the actual period).

    • Non-editable

  • Mileage Per Year-Multi Calculation

    • Automatically completes the OC with the yearly mileage according to the matrix from Step 2 of the wizard (i.e. the required mileage).

    • Non-editable

  • Yearly Mileage

    • The OC will automatically add the yearly mileage from the given calculation (i.e. the actual time).

    • Non-editable

  • Contractual Mileage-Multi Calculation

    • Automatically completes the OC with the contractual mileage according to the matrix from Step 2 of the wizard (i.e. the required mileage).

    • Non-editable

  • Contractual Mileage

    • Automatically completes the OC with the Contractual Mileage from the given calculation (i.e. the actual mileage).

    • Non-editable

  • Payment excl. VAT

    • It will automatically fill in the OC with the Instalment without VAT from the given calculation.

    • Non-editable

  • VAT Instalments

    • The OC will automatically add VAT payments from the given calculation.

    • Non-editable

  • Payment Incl. VAT

    • Fills in the OC automatically Payment with VAT from the given calculation

    • Non-editable

  • Date of issue

    • Automatically completes the OC with the creation date of the given calculation

    • Non-editable

  • Creation Result

    • Automatically completes the OC with the creation result after the calculation is created and updated.

    • If the update went well, i.e. without any error, the OC will add the text "No errors"

    • If the update did not go well, the OC will keep the financing period and contractual mileage from the source calculation in the given calculation and will display an error in this field as to why it was not possible to update the offer

    • If the message can exceed the maximum width of the field, the full text of the message is displayed by the user using the Show creation result button.

    • If any calculation resulted in an error, the user removes the reason for the error. It then copies the source calculation and creates a new multi calculation from the newly created one. It is recommended to delete the original multi calculation (Delete multi calculation button).  

Error logging in matrix calculation 

When creating a matrix calculation, the user can select parameters that do not meet the requirements of some calculations from the matrix, e.g. the limitation of the financing period on the variant or on the insurance company's product.

In this case, the system copies the fuses to all members of the matrix, but logs the errors into the Multi Calculation Values table. The user displays the "multi calculation values" via the Show multi calculations from financing contract button.

In the "Creation Result" column, there is the insurance contract number where the system recorded the error and the source of the error.

Edit calculation within multi calculation 

  • Editing most of the calculation fields results in the exclusion of the calculation from the multicalculation. This solution was chosen in order not to disrupt the internal logic of the multi-calculation.

  • If the user changes any field in the calculation that belongs to the multicalculation, the OC will check for the existence of the multicalculation and before saving the change, it will show the user a message that the change results in the exclusion of the calculation from the multicalculation and if the user really wants to make the change.

  • If the user confirms No, the OC will not save the change.

  • If the user confirms Yes, the OC allows the change to be made and at the same time performs the following steps:

    • Multi Calculation

      • Changes the values of A to N

    • Multi Calculation No.

      • Deletes the value

    • Number of multicalcutions=0

      • In the Matrix Calculation Value table, deletes the corresponding row for that calculation.


This excludes the calculation from the multi calculation.

Delete unnecessary multicalculation

To delete a matrix menu, the user can do the following:

  • Click on the Delete multi calculations from the list of offers

    • After confirming the selection, the system checks whether the calculation is a member of the matrix. If not, it will display the message:

    • If it is a member, it proceeds to the dialog box below.

  • Use the Delete multi calculations button from the Multi Calculation Values form

After starting the OC function, it displays a dialog window to select the multi calculation (with the addition of the number of the multi calculation).

  • By setting filters, the user identifies the relevant multicalculations to be deleted, then confirms the deletion process by clicking on the Ok button.

  • After confirmation by the Ok button, the deletion of the calculations will be performed. When executed, it displays an informative message that the deletion process has been completed.

As a result, all multi-calculation calculations (including the source calculation) are deleted from the system.

Occasional deletion of unused multicalculations is recommended due to the performance of the system.

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