Service Correction

Service Correction

On the details of the services, the user can change their value using the so-called "service details". Correction – applies to all services except road tax:

  • The default value of Correction (+-%) can be set on the services of the financing product and the services of the financing template. Then:

    • If the contract contains a template (the template number is filled in), the default Correction value is taken from the template service (Default Service Correction in % field) to the Contract Services when the service is created

    • If the contract does not contain a template (i.e. it was created only from the product), the default Correction value is transferred from the product service (field Default Service Correction in %) to the Contract Services when the service is created

  • Similarly, the values Allowed Service Correction minus % and Allowed Service Correction plus % will be transferred to the contract services.

  • The value of Correction (+-%) can then be adjusted by the user between Allowed Service Correction minus % and Allowed Service Correction plus % of the service in the Contract Services.

    • If Service Correction Enabled minus %<=Correction +-%<=Service Correction Allowed plus %, the user continues without a message

    • If it does not apply, the system displays an error message and does not save the correction value (example from tire service):


If the user changes the value of the service through another field as a correction, the value of the Correction +-% is recalculated and compared with the limit values in a similar way as described above.

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