Creation Default Contract Services

Creation Default Contract Services

To create the default services of the offer, use the button Create Default Services on the Financed Object Card (or in the Course Overview).


When the OC is pressed, it creates the services that were marked as Default = A. The system creates all services, including their details, so the amount of installments of individual services is immediately known after opening the contract service card.

Before creating default services, we recommend checking the technical data on the item card – some of them have a direct impact on the value of the services (mainly tires, raffias, date of first registration, etc.).

When the OC button is pressed, it asks if the user wants to create default services. After confirmation, the OC will create and display an informative message about their number:


The details of the services can be checked in the contract services (to be described below).

If you press the Create default services button again, the OC will not duplicate them, it will display the message: "Default services have been created:"

 After creating services, it is possible to check e.g. Via the Contract Elements/Services option.

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