

The Contract Balance field on the contract card displays the value that is being loaded from the Customer Ledger Entries table into the Remaining Amount for Contract Balance (LCY) field (Rem. Amt. for Contract Balance (LCY).

The Contract Balance Balance field when you open the General tab. The field is blank for customer ledger entries with filter for customer, see Fig. The value of the field is displayed only when clicking on the Contract Balance field from the contract.

The value of the Agreement Balance field is summed by a function that works with 2 resources, namely:

  • Open customer ledger entries that have a contract number in the dimension (that is, the contract code is filled in the document header), e.g. individual invoice, indiv. Credit note.

  • Open entries from invoices and credit notes that have:

    • in the dimension, the value from the Contract Settings from Services field, from the Contract Mass Dimension field.

    • have Mass Invoice YES in the customer's item tab.

Items that do not meet these conditions are not included in the value of the Contract Balance.

If the invoice or credit note is not partially or completely settled, then the amount to the Contract Balance = the sum of the amounts including VAT of the invoice/credit note lines with the dimension of the contract.


is partially applied to a credit memo in which the contract dimension is from the invoice line, the system settles the Contract Balance of the credit memo

  • The system finds a settled customer entry of the Credit Memo type for a mass invoice, it includes the remainder of the uncredited contract amount in the balance. If the partially cancelled invoice is partially paid, the partial payment will be calculated according to the ratio of the uncancelled contract amount to the uncancelled invoice amount.

  • There will be a partially settled mass credit memo with payment, the same functionality will be displayed in the contract balance in the same way in the mass invoice.

  • A mass credit memo will be partially settled with an invoice that:

    • If the invoice header has the contract dimension that appears in the credit memo lines, then the system will include only one in the contract balance of that contract

    • but if it doesn't have a dimension or piles in rows. If there is no dimension from the invoice, then this invoice is calculated into the balance of all contracts (it behaves as a steamed payment).

Example: Partial cancellation of a mass invoice for contract payments OL1700204, a customer entry (credit note) with the contract dimension was created.


The value of the Contract Balance after posting the mass invoice is 453,909.22 (see Faktbox)

In the Contract Balance overview, the mass invoice is included


Partial Credit Memo of Mass Invoice for OL Payment 1700204


After canceling the installment:


There is no invoice in the Contract Balance overview


The value on the contract was recalculated after clicking, it decreased 453,909.22 (previous value) - 25,404.35 (installment amount) = 428,504.87. (see Faktbox)

In customer ledger entries, the mass invoice is reduced by a partial credit memo. A partial credit has a contract number dimension.


On another contract from the mass invoice in the value of Contract Balance, the mass invoice remained


Example 2. The invoice is partially settled with a payment or partial credit memo from another contract. The system will reduce the individual values of the Contract Balance proportionally

  • the share of the given contract from the Mass Invoice Balance is calculated into the Contract Balance, i.e. it calculates the proportion of the given invoice/credit note lines according to the dimension, then calculates the given share from the invoice balance = the result is displayed in the Contract Balance field

Contract No. 1 - invoiced amount = 10 thousand

Contract No. 2 - invoiced amount = 20 thousand

Contract No. 3 - invoiced amount = 30 thousand

The collective invoice is in the total amount of 60 thousand.

Partial Credit Memo of Contract No. 2 from Mass Invoice. A mass invoice is no longer displayed in the contract balance in contract no. 2.

In the balance of contract No. 1, there is in the balance of contract 10 - The system calculated: Balance of the collective invoice 40 thousand * (10/(60/20))

and in the Balance of Contract No. 3 the value is 30 thousand. - System calculated: Mass invoice balance 40 thousand * (30/(60/20))

Subsequently, a partial payment of a collective invoice in the amount of 5 thousand came. The system displays:

  • in Contract Balance No. 1 (60-20-5) * (10/(60-20)) = 8750  

  • in Contract Balance No. 3 (60-20-5) * (30/(60-20)) = 26,250

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