Sending Of Documents by E-mail From The Contract

Sending Of Documents by E-mail From The Contract

Button Send Documents (Send Document) allows you to generate an e-mail that contains a document attachment that was generated from a template (which were also defined in the Printout Definition).

When the button is pressed, the system executes:

  • Opens the filtered list of printouts (filtered list of printouts from the Printout Definition table on which):

    • the user has been assigned permissions (see Business Setup) and

    • table ID is set=4026397

    • meet the filters set in the Printout Definition against the dates of the given leasing contract and object:

    • Fields from Contract:

      • If the function is launched from a contract, it goes directly through the contract number

      • If the function is run from a subject, it first detects the contract number from the subject and then goes to the contract

      • These are the fields:

        • Customer No. – same as in the contract or empty

        • Financing Product Type Filter – must have the Financing Product Type from the contract or empty

        • Financing Product Filter - must have Financing Product Type from the contract or empty

        • Detailed Contract Status Filter - must have Detailed Contract Status from the contract or empty

        • Language Code – must have a Language Code (4047130) with a contract or empty

    • Fields from the subject:

      • If the function is run from an object, it goes directly through the object number

      • If the function is run from a contract, it first detects the number of the first object from the contract and then goes to the object

      • These are the fields:

        • Object Category – All or as on Item+1

        • Group – same as on the object or empty

        • Used Financed Object – All or the same as on the object (note that the object is a flag)

    • It does not filter fields from insurance or other fields.

The user then selects the printout he wants to print (Select=A) and if he wants the generated e-mail to open in the system's mail client, he also sets Parameter Input=A on the document and confirms the Ok button. The system then checks whether the necessary settings are defined in the Printout Definition (see Business Setup):

  • Custom Report Layout Code

  • Email Body Layout Code

  • E-mail Subject

  • E-mail Attachment Name

  • Send To

If all settings are entered, the system performs checks:

  • If the Check Colour=Y flag is enabled in the Printout Definition on a given document, the OC will check if the Colour Code (20025) field is not empty on the subject of the contract:

    • If it is empty, it will display an error message and will not allow you to continue:

    • If it is not empty, it continues.

  • If the Check Interior Colour=Y flag is enabled in the Printout Definition on a given document, the OC will check if the Interior Colour field (247) is not empty on the subject of the contract:

    •  If it is empty, it will display an error message and will not allow you to continue:

    • If it is not empty, it continues.

  • The system will open a standard dialog window to specify additional parameters.

If the checks were not performed or were in order, the e-mail opens the attachment with the document.

The user can then send the e-mail (Send email button), or edit the text, etc.

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