Contract Function (Buttons)

Contract Function (Buttons)

On the overview or contract card, there are options (buttons) that open overviews or trigger various functions.

Below is a brief description – a detailed description of some functions may be provided in other PDs.


  • Create Contract from Calculation

    • The meaning has been explained in the special chapter Calculation Transition to Contract

    • The button is only visible if the detailed contract status says Calculation=Not otherwise.

  • Create Invoice

    • The user can use this button to create an individual invoice for the contract (e.g. for a fee)

    • Explained in detail in Invoicing Sales.

  • Create Fin. Charge Memo

    • It is used to create a penalty invoice for the contract

    • The process is described in detail in the Workout.

    • The button is visible only if there is Calculation=N on the detailed contract status.

  • Create Financial Settlement

    • The button is visible only if there is Calculation=N on the detailed contract status.

    • It is used to create a financial settlement of the contract, described in detail in the Financial Settlement.

  • Copy Calculation/Contract

    • The meaning has been explained in a special chapter.

  • Create Multi Calculations

    • The meaning has been explained in the special chapter Creating Multi Calculation


They open the relevant reports, always with a filter for the contract number.

Contract Services – this button is visible only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.


They are used for changes to the contract – detailed description in the Contract Changes.


The meaning of the fields is explained in the chapter Payment Calendar.

Show Multi Calculation is described in chapter Creating Multi Calculation.


They open the relevant reports, always with a filter for the contract number.

Some are group buttons, below them are other options:

  • History

  • Operative Leasing

    • The button is only displayed for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Under the Operative leasing button, there are the following options:

    • Master Agreement

      • Opens the list of framework agreements with a filter to the framework agreement number that is entered in the leasing agreement

    • Contractual Mileage

      • Opens the Contract Mileage History overview

    • Maintenance Permission

      • Opens the contract service permission list

    • Odometer Status History

      • Opens the Contract Odometer Status History overview. For a detailed description, see Object Catalogue

  • Finance

    • Unposted Individual Invoices

      • Opens the list of unposted individual invoices of the contract, see Invoicing Sales

    • Unissued Finance Charge Memos

      • Opens the list of unissued finance charge memos for the contract, see Workout

    • Customer Balance History

      • Opens a list of customer entries

    • Contract Balance History

      • Opens the list of customer ledger entries with a filter on the contract number

    • G/L Entries

      • Opens general ledger entries with filter to Global Dimension 2= Contract No.


For a description of printout generation, see the following chapters.

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