Cancel posted and paid payment

Cancel posted and paid payment

The system allows you to credit already paid invoices for installments.

After you post a credit memo for a paid invoice for installments, the system creates a posted credit memo that is not assigned to any customer ledger entries. 


In the payment calendar, two installments were invoiced by one collective invoice.

The collective invoice has been paid in full.  In customer ledger entries, the Open field = NO

One line in the payment calendar has been cancelled, i.e. a partial invoice credit memo.



The system found the appropriate rows in the invoice according to the dimension and line number and wrote them down.

A payment (one line) has been released in the payment calendar, the payment has received the Cancelled YES flag

In the customer entries there is:

  • Unassigned Partial Payment Credit Memo

  • Closed Mass Invoice

 If a collective invoice is partially paid, the system will partially or fully match the credit memo to the invoice.