Invoicing Fuel Card Transactions

Invoicing Fuel Card Transactions

The procedure for creating refueling transactions is described in Fuel Cards .

Invoicing Job Setup

Press Report

The system generates a report from the Invoice Printout Setup table.

The system determines which report to generate according to the Invoice Print Type on the posted invoice card.

Invoice Text and Dimensions

The text to the invoice is set in the Contract with Service Settings in the Mass Invoicing section, in the Fuel Standard Text Code field.

In the Mass Invoicing tab, the user selects the Dimension Code for mass invoicing.

No. Series

The number sequence for reinvoicing fuel card records is set in the Fuel Sales Invoice Numbers field in Contract with Service Setup. The Fuel Sales Credit Memo No. field is a ready-to-use field in case of further development.

A more detailed description in the Business Setup .

Pre-invoicing without/sec posted purchase invoice

Boolean determines whether the invoicing job includes/excludes records that have value in the Posted Purchase Invoice No. field.

A more detailed description in the Business Setup .

Posting Setup

In the invoice lines, the system fills in the G/L account number from the Standard Sales Code, which is defined in the invoicing interfaces for the given Fuel Card Code.

The amounts of reinvoiced records are overwritten from the Fuel Card Transaction table.

A description of how the value is calculated is described in Fuel Cards .

Invoice text

 The text to the invoice is set in the Contract with Service Settings in the Mass Invoicing section, in the Fuel Standard Text Code field.

In the field, there is a lookup to the Standard Text Code table, where the user creates a record with the text of the invoice for fuel invoicing.

In the Mass Invoicing tab, the user selects the Dimension Code for mass invoicing.

Settings on the customer card

On the customer card, the following is set:

  • Payment Terms Code - Fuel cards

    • This setting is used by the system when issuing sales invoices for the Due Date field (described in PD Address Book)  

  • Fuel and Maintenance Billing Method

    • The user sets up the required invoicing for the fuel card transaction.

    • It can be: per customer/per business location/per contract/per customer and calculation type/ per framework agreement, i.e. the system processes one invoice per business location or customer, or etc

By business location:

The bulk job checks the business locations:

  • Fuel Card Transaction Records

    • The system checks the tab. Fuel Card Transactions, Business Place No. field

  • Fees

    • Checks Fuel Card Field, Business Place Field

Under the Customer button, option Invoice Sending Methods, structured attachments are set for individual customers.

A more detailed description in the Address book .

Mass Task - Fuel Card Invoicing

Fuel card transactions are invoiced using the Mass Invoicing Fuel Cards task. When the task is completed, the system records success or failure in the Fuel Card Mass Invoicing Log.


When the Fuel Card Mass Invoicing task is run, it looks for records in the Fuel Card Transactions table:

  • searches for records that have the Invoiced N field

  • with a filter with Date From - Date To from the Invoicing Job dialog window and searches for a range of dates in the Transaction Date field in the Fuel Card Transactions table

  • Filters on the customer and groups records (invoices) according to the settings on the Customer card into unposted invoices

  • The system creates an unposted invoice header in which the following is performed:

    • Customer No.

    • value in the Invoice Print Type field: Fuel

    • value in the Contract Code: Mass field in the invoice header

    • Fills in the posting date from the Posting Date field in the dialog box

    • VAT Date = Populate from the dialog box from the VAT Date field

    • Due Date = Posting Date + Payment Terms Code from Customer Card

    • Currency code = remains blank regardless of customer/contract currency, invoice is always in local currency

    • Penalty Code = Penalty Code from Customer Card

    • Reminder Term Code = Reminder Term Code from Customer Card

  • Invoice lines are fulfilled by:

    • 1 invoice line is made for 1 buffer line. And in the buffer, it is grouped after the contract, Code std. sales and VAT product posting group. I.e. transactions with the same values are merged into one buffer row, with different values new buffer rows are created. Plus a new line for the charge that's entered on the fuel card card.

  • After the invoice is created, it writes the invoice number in the Fuel Card Transactions table in the Sales Invoice No. field

  • Subsequently, it posts unposted invoices, i.e. a record is created in the List of Posted Invoices

    • When posting, the system checks the total amount of the invoice, if it is negative (in the invoice there are negative lines from Fuel Card Transactions) the system does not create an invoice. Failure is recorded in the Log.

  • Writes the mass invoicing of fuel cards success or failure into the Log.

    • In case of failure, the system:

      •  does not create a posted invoice

      • Sends a task to the user 

The bulk task processes only the document type: invoice. It does not create a credit memo.

Generated attachments in the Attachmente document.

Fuel Card Transactions

  • When the invoice is posted, the system fills in the following fields in the Fuel Card Transactions table:

    • Invoice issued to A field

    • Posted Sales Invoice No.

    •  Posting Date field of posted sales invoice

  •  After posting, the system displays the following system message: X successfully posted invoice and unsuccessfully Y. Do you want to open the log? Y/N

    • If the user enters YES – the Fuel Card Log will be opened with a filter only for the records created during the job execution.



A posted invoice can be credited using the standard functionality, but the records in the Fuel Card Transactions table, the Invoiced YES field will not change, i.e. it is not possible to issue an invoice again. You need to create new records by importing fuel card transactions.

Fuel Card Mass Invoicing Log

The Bulk Task records the success/failure of invoicing fuel card transactions.

Failure can occur, for example, if posting, numerical series, dimensions...

In case of failure, if the template is set in the Alert/Task Settings, the system will automatically send the task to the user, see chapter II. Automatic task sending.


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