Maintenance Invoicing

Maintenance Invoicing

Popis polí a funkcionalít na servisnej povolenke a riadkoch servisnej povolenke je popísaný v Povolení servisu, bonusy .

Mass Reinvoice of Maintenance

Invoicing Job Setup

For an invoicing task, it is necessary to set in the tab. To set up contracts with services:

  • Mass Invoicing Account No. (vid Nastavení Business )

    • The account is used to post the total amount for the collective invoice, which is then recharged according to the contracts for individual balance items – always per contract

    • If the account number is not filled in, the system does not account for the invoice.

  • Contract Mass Dimension

  • Standard Text Code – Service

For a more detailed description of the fields, see the Nastavení Business .    



  • Posting Date

    • The posting date that will be written on the header of the posted invoice

  • Execute

    • If NO: only a check report of items that match the specified filters and conditions is created. The report can be converted to excel:

    • If YES: A check report is created for the items for which sales invoices have been created.

  • Execute and Print

    • If YES: A check report is created for the items for which sales invoices have been created. Faktury sú poslané do tlače.

  • Maintenance Permission Header

    • User can set filter on service allowances

After starting:

  • The task searches the service allowance lines for lines that have:

    • Service Permit in Status: Closed

    • "Reinvoicing method" is "Mass Invoice"

    • "Purchase Invoice Created"

    • The "Reinvoice" field is Yes

    • Amount to Reinvoice <>0

    • The Reinvoiced field is NO

  • Records are grouped according to customer settings, Fuel and Service Billing Method field, according to Currency Code in the allowance line (creates an invoice for each currency and adopts this currency in the header and lines of the invoice).

    • For one customer, I can create:

    • X posted invoices with Invoice Print Type Service

On the Maintenance Permission Line Card

In customer ledger entries, the mass dimension from the service contract setup is used.

Mass Invoicing Service Log

The result of mass reinvoicing of the service is stored in the log. Both the invoice and the invoice attachment can be printed from the log.

Print the invoice.

Print attachment – a list of individual allowances for individual customer contracts.

Individual reinvoicing of service

On the line of Maintenance Permission on the Sales tab, the user checks the Reinvoice flag to be reinvoiced to the client

By checking the Reinvoice field, the system will pre-fill the "Purchase Price Excl. VAT" in the "Amount to Reinvoice" field. The user can reduce the amount to be reinvoiced.

To create a sales invoice, the method of invoicing is important. If the user wants to invoice the client immediately, he must change the reinvoicing method to Individual invoice.

Reinvoicing method (Reinvoice Method)

  • Mass invoice (Mass Invoice)

    • default set – the item will be invoiced by running a bulk task

  • Individual invoice (Individual Invoice)

    • The user is invoiced by running the

  • Billing (Billing)

    • The amount to be reinvoiced will be applied in the financial settlement

  • Excessive Damage Value (Excessive Wear)

    • The expense remains in the company's expenses, the amount to be reinvoiced is 0

Subsequently, the user creates an individual invoice on the line of service permission using the Reinvoice to customer button.

When the Reinvoice to Customer function is run, a dialog window opens where the user enters the Posting Date that will create the posted sales invoice. 

After posting, the system displays a message



If the user chooses the option:

  • NO

    • The posted sales invoice card is not opened, the user can find it in the customer's entries or in the list of posted invoices 

  • YES

    • The Sales Invoices tab opens.

Unposted and posted invoices have Invoice Print Type: Service in the field (as well as mass invoices for service).  By Value is displayed a button on the invoice card under the Correct option.

After posting, the system writes the Sales Invoice No. and Posted Sales Invoice No.: Sales Invoice No. to the service permission line and the Reinvoiced=A flag is toggled

On the service allowance (if all lines are reinvoiced), the status is switched from Approved to Reinvoiced.

Credit Memo of Individual/Collective Service Invoice

From a sales invoice via the Create Credit Memo for Service button.

The function is displayed Enable Mass Reverse Maintenance with a filter on a sales invoice.

Enable Mass Reverse Maintenance.

For credit memos for pre-sale invoices that have Invoice Print type = Service User opens Maintenance Permission for Mass Cancellation, in which:

Invoice No. – lookup do zakalovaných predajných faktúr, filter na Mass Invoice YES, Invoice Print Type = Servis

  • Označí řády, ktoré chce vydobropisovať

  • Executes the function under the Cancel button

  • The system posts a credit memo that:

    • Invoice Print Type = Service

    • Posting Date and VAT Dátum = entered in Credit Memo in Dialog Window

    • Dimenzia Mass

    • Flag Mass Invoice = YES

Invoicing to another person, such as a contract

The invoicing job traverses the service allowance lines, where it creates invoices according to the specified customers in the Reinvoice To field.

Status change

To create a sales invoice, the system switches the service permission to the status Reinvoiced, ak sú reinvoiced all lines.

Note: The user does not have to reinvoice all lines to the client.

After re-invoicing, the user cannot change the sell-side allowance data. Reinvoiced rows cannot be deleted.

Additional re-invoicing to the customer

If there is a case where it is necessary to additionally invoice some expense to the customer, it is possible to add a new line with zero purchase price to the allowance in the Reinvoiced status – there is only the amount to be reinvoiced. In this case, only the Individual Invoice.

This line doesn't make it into mass invoicing – it's not a purchase invoice. E.g. additional re-invoicing of a higher deductible – in the event of an insured event.

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