Reinvoicing To The Customer
Re-invoicing to a customer is described in detail in the Sales Invoicing document.
Contract with Service Setup – Allow Reinvoice to Customer without Posting Purchase
In the Service Contract Setup, there is a field Allow reinvoice to customer without posting a purchase:
If set to "Allow reinvoice to customer without posting purchase" = Yes, fuel card transactions can be reinvoiced to the customer even before the purchase invoice is posted.
Setup for Mass Customer Invoice
On the customer card, in the Operative leasing tab, the user selects one of the Fuel and Service Billing Method options. Depending on the setup, the system will create mass sales invoices from fuel card transactions and service allowances.
Example of invoicing for a customer's business places
Under two contracts to different customer's business locations.
There are two contracts OL1700104 (Zlín) and OL1700103 (Prague) for one Provis customer – I invoiced the transactions from 11.6.2021:
He created two invoices correctly:
Entered the posted / unposted invoice number into the Fuel Card Transaction:
The header of the invoice shows both the leasing contract and the customer's business location:
Mass invoicing of fuel cards
Mass invoicing of fuel cards can be started with the per customer filter and with the fuel card transaction period filter:
Date From
User enters the beginning of the period from which transactions will be included in the report/invoice.
Date To
The user enters the end of the period from which transactions will be included in the report/invoice.
Posting Date
User enters posting date for sales invoice
Create Invoices
The user checks the field if the system wants to create posted purchase invoices
Create Attachments
The user ticks the field if the system is to create attachments to invoices
the user ticks if the system is to print invoices with attachments at the same time when creating an invoice (only the PDF attachment is printed)
Creating an invoice / report
The system goes through "Fuel Card Transactions" and filters by Transaction Data Falling within the invoiced period:
The next filter is the "Invoiced" = NO:
Another filter is, the flag "Error" = NO:
If it's not in Service Contract Settings allowed re-invoicing of fuel without posting purchase, so the next filter for the customer invoice is filled in "Posted Purchase Invoice No.“:
Based on the Customer Number, the system will determine the Customer's Billing Method:
Per Customer – One invoice for all customer contracts.
Per cost center – as many invoices as there are customer cost centers
Per contract – as many invoices as there are leasing contracts
Collectively per customer and calculation type (Open / Closed) – maximum of two invoices per customer
Collectively for the framework agreement – one invoice for the customer's master agreement
Next, it will scroll through the "Fuel Card One-Off Charge" table and filter similarly to fuel card transactions:
Invoice = Yes
Invoice Method = Invoice for Fuel
Invoice Issued = No
Fee accrual date – must match the specified period
After posting a mass invoice (it is created for a general Contract Code), the individual invoice items will be reposted to specific contracts and the number of the posted sales invoice will be copied to the Fuel Card Transaction.
Example: Invoicing to a customer – refuelling abroad and a one-time fee at the same time
The fee is based on the FC00006 card, customer Z00010 is the same as the transaction on 3.7.2021:
I will start mass invoicing with the same filters (period, customer):
The result is reported by the system: "Completed without error"
Selling Documents No. Written into the Transaction:
The invoice is one 103052 according to the settings on the customer card:
VAT is correct only from the fee of 2.52, because the refueling was abroad
Fuel Card Mass Invoicing Log
Customer No.
The system performs only in the event of an error. If the system detects an error while processing an invoice for a customer, it will log which customer it was and an error message.
If successful, the system will write down the contract number, invoice number, invoice amount, date and time of creation.
If a fee is included in the customer's invoice along with fuel transactions, two items will appear in the log:
The system writes the item "for a fee" (item 13) and the item "for transactions" (item 14) separately into the log. The invoice is one, the same in both items.