Creation Of A Fuel Card Order

Creation Of A Fuel Card Order

Fuel cards can be ordered in bulk or individually for a given card.

Order of one fuel card

On the fuel card, the user presses the Order fuel card button.

The system creates an email with the TK order attached.

After pressing the button Create Fuel Card Order The system opens a dialog box:

  • Whom

    • The system has entered the e-mail address of the supplier's contact person (see chapter Vendor Contact Person)

  • Copy

    • The system inserts the e-mail address set to the printout definition in the Send a copy field if the user wants to be able to check that the message was actually sent.

  • Subject

    • The system has inserted settings for the definition of printouts in the Email Subject field

  • Attachment Name

    • The system has inserted settings on the printout definition in the Attachment Name field

  • Message content – according to the settings in the Layout Code of the E-mail Body

    • The content of the message is the same for all fuel companies

    • There must be at least one printout definition in Word

After approval of the OK process, the system will add the order data to the fuel card card

The system creates and sends according to the settings. The user who created the order can receive a copy of the email:

The attachment is a fuel card order in the form of the given supplier in xls.

Ordering multiple cards from one vendor

It is possible to order multiple cards from one supplier. Above the list of fuel cards, the user selects multiple fuel certificates for one supplier and starts the Order Fuel Card function.

The condition is to select cards from the same vendor.

If the user marks the creation of orders for different suppliers, the system outputs an error message: "The selected fuel cards do not have the same supplier."

Mass ordering of fuel cards

Above the fuel card overview, you can also run Bulk order of fuel cardsthat creates an order for all fuel cards with a blank order date.

When the job starts Mass Fuel Card Order The system processes TK ordering.

  • To order fuel cards

    • The system filters all fuel cards that do not have a value entered in the field Order Date.

    • The condition is that the fuel card contains the vendor

Fuel cards matching these conditions are divided into groups according to the Card Vendor Numbers and Customer number.

It creates an email for each supplier. The email contains as many attachments as there are customer numbers. The attachment has "customer number" and "order date" in the title:

Sends e-mails with orders that have been processed and writes Order Date and the User who ordered the fuel card.

If the system encounters an error during processing, it prints an error message:


Suppliers without an email will be skipped by the recipient and create error-free cases.

The user can correct the error – in this case, add the job responsibility to the contact person of the vendor and run the bulk order of fuel cards again.

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