Individual Sales Invoice

Individual Sales Invoice

This chapter describes how to manually create a general sales invoice in the following variants:

  • Sales Invoice

  • Sales Invoice with Sales Advance Deduction

  • Sales Invoice with Collection


The settings required to create and post sales documents are described in the document:

Sales Invoice

The process of creating a posted sales invoice consists of:

  • Create a sales invoice that is not posted – it is displayed in the Sales Invoices report

  • Manual posting from the Sales Invoice card or from the Sales Invoices list via the Post button. Mass posting is also available using the Batch Posting Sales Invoices task, which is available from the invoice list

  • Create a posted sales invoice

You can also find information about how to create sales invoices here:


Create a non-posted sales invoice

It is possible to create a sales invoice from the Sales Invoices list via the NEW button.

After launching the function under the New button, the system creates an entry in the Sales Invoices List and at the same time opens an empty Sales Invoices tab.

If only one number series is set up for sales invoices, the system automatically assigns a number from that number series to the invoice. If more than one number sequence is set up, the number sequence is selected by the user.


If a user uses multiple number series for invoices and is set in "Sales & Receivables Setup" Same Invoice number series for issuing and posting, then the document number from the selected number series does not change when posting. However, if a different number series is set up for posting in Sales & Receivables Setup than for Issuance, only one posting number series from the Sales & Receivables Setup is used for posting.       

The user selects a customer. The system, if filled in on the customer card, takes the Payment Terms Code to the Sales Invoices tab and calculates the Due Date (Document Date + Data Formula from the Due Date field from the Payment Terms Code), the VAT business posting group, in the Payments section, takes over the customer's bank account.

The user adds or modifies other necessary data as needed (e.g. Posting Date, VAT Date, Dimensions)


Bank Account Code (Payment Details tab) – standard customer validation = Customer validation fills in the Bank Account Code field on the Payment Details tab (11720 Bank Account Code CZL and 11700 Bank Account Code field in the background) from Company Information.


The 163 Company Bank Account Code field on the Invoice Details tab is not filled in with customer validation, but after entering the code manually, the "Czech" fields 11700 and 11720 are validated/overwritten!

Invoice Lines

On the Lines tab, you can insert both text lines and lines with the subject of sale. You can fill in the lines manually or use the Get Recurring Sales Lines feature.

Lines of text

You can insert the text using the Line/ Function/ Insert extended text option, or leave the Type blank on the line and select the appropriate Standard Text Code in the Number field.

Lines with the subject of sale.

On the sales invoice line, you must fill in the required fields:

  • Type

    • G/L account – When you select G/L account, the user opens a chart of accounts in the No. field, from which the user selects a G/L account to which it will be possible to post directly. In the Description field, the system retrieves the name of the account  

    • Item – in the Number field, there is a lookup to the Item table, where the item cards are stored.

    • Resource – In the Number field, there is a lookup to the Resources table, from where the user can select the resource card from which the values will be loaded into the sales invoice line

    • A fixed asset in the Number field is a lookup to the Fixed Assets table

    • Fee (item) – in the Number field, there is a lookup to the Item Fees table

  • Number

    • according to the selection of the value in the Type field, the corresponding table opens  

  • Quantity

  • Unit Price (Excl. VAT / Incl. VAT)

    • Price Per Unit Quantity

    • It is entered without VAT or including VAT according to the flag on the invoice header Prices including VAT = Yes/No)

  • Line Amount (excl. VAT / incl. VAT)

    • It is calculated on the basis of quantity and unit price, or it can be reduced by discounts

  • VAT Prod. Posting Group

    • It is copied from the relevant settings (e.g. from the G/L account card, from the Periodic Sales Line, from the General Prod. Posting Group)

    • Please note that the combination of VAT Posting Group and VAT Posting Group must exist in the VAT Posting Setup. It is checked already when the order is inserted into the sales about line! This is true even if the target VAT product posting group is set up on the Recurring sales line.

  • Dimension

    • Dimensions (e.g. Contract Code) are required according to the settings

You can also insert invoice lines by using the Get Periodic Lines function.

After you select the appropriate code, the system copies the periodic line information to the sales invoice. To set up Recurring Sales Lines, see the Financial Setup document.

Sales Invoice Card Functions

From the main bar of the Sales Invoice card, you can run functions related to invoice preparation, release, approval, and posting.

Under the Post option, there is an option to select functions related to document posting:

  • Charge

    • Post the invoice. Posting the invoice is described in a separate chapter  

  • Post and New

    • Post the invoice and create a new blank document at the same time

  • Post & Send

    • posts and sends the invoice at the same time (sends only the document report from the Report Settings, does not store the attachment in the document attachments)  

  • Posting Preview

    • Displays the accounting code before posting the invoice

Under the Prepare option, the user has the option to select a function

  • Get Recurring Sales Lines

    • copies lines from Standard Sales Codes, filtered to a customer, to invoice lines

  • Copy Document 

    • copies the selected sales document, either only the lines or including the header, and the invoice to which it is copied must be in the Open status

Under Invoice, you can see Document Statistics, Document Dimensions, Notes, Approvals, and Attachments

  • Document Statistics

    • It is used to check the amounts that will actually be posted (it contains VAT rounding calculations, because in rare cases the posted amounts may differ from what is shown in the totals fields on each purchase line).

    • On the General tab, you can check the total invoiced amounts

    • On the Lines tab, there is a recapitulation of VAT according to individual rates (i.e. according to VAT Identifiers and VAT Calculation Type)

    • On the Advance (Deduction) tab, there is a recapitulation of the amounts used by the advance

    • On the Customer tab, there is information about the customer's total balance

  • Document Dimensions

    • Here it is possible to add other (especially non-global) dimensions of the invoice header. The dimensions will be copied to the invoice lines (to the existing lines after the query is confirmed)

  • Connivance

Under the Issue option, the user has the option to document

  • Issue

    • changes the status of the document to Issued.

    • Released invoice lines are locked, no changes can be made to the lines!

    • the Check Out action updates totals to include rounding calculations (similar to Statistics)

  • Reopen

    • A released invoice can be returned to the Open status.

    • If the invoice was issued as part of an approval process, the invoice must be approved again after it is reopened.    

 Posting an Invoice

After filling in the invoice header and lines, the user posts the invoice.

Before the invoice is posted, it is possible to use the Posting Preview to check future records in individual Records, especially in the general ledger, in the VAT records and on the customer balance.

Post an invoice individually

By clicking on Post, the user starts posting the sales invoice. Posting progress is displayed in the info window.

If an error is detected during posting, error messages will be displayed, e.g.

Posting is interrupted, and the user must correct the errors. To make it easier to resolve the error, use the button to open related records (e.g. settings whose check ended with an error)   

If the posting takes place, the following message is displayed:




 The sales invoice is flipped into Posted Sales Invoices.

The invoice no longer appears in the Sales Invoices report, but in the Posted Sales Invoices report. The overview contains basic information from the header of the posted invoice (e.g. invoice number, customer number, currency, due date, variable symbol) and calculated data such as the total amount without and including VAT, the balance of the invoice to be paid.

Note: Depending on the settings, the number of the posted invoice can be either copied from the original document or assigned to a new number from the set number series (see the document General nastavení_OC, Chapter IV). Sales & Receivables Setup).

Posting Invoices by Batch Job

Unposted Sales Invoices can also be posted in bulk by using the Batch Sales Invoices Posting task (report 31109 Batch Post Sales Invoices CZL)

In the dialog window, on the Filter: Sales Invoice tab, you need to adjust the filter of documents to be posted (the default is set to the document type and invoice number on which the cursor was placed). The user can add additional fields from the invoice header to the filter, e.g. to Posting date. If the sales invoice filter is empty, all sales invoices will be posted.  

On the Options tab, the user has the option to change the Posting Date, VAT Date or Document Date in bulk when posting. This is useful, for example, if the accounting period or VAT period is already closed. A new date must then be entered in the Posting Date and VAT Date fields.

  • Posting Date

    • Required if Change Posting Date or Change Document Date is enabled

    • This date will then replace the original Posting Date on the posted document and/or the original Document Date

  • VAT Date

    • Required field if Change VAT Date is enabled

    • This date then replaces the original VAT date on the posted document

  • Change Posting Date

    • If it is disabled, the Posting date on the invoice header remains unchanged during posting

    • If ON, then the system replaces the original Posting date with the new date entered by the user in the Posting Date field


  • Change Document Date

    • If it is off, the Document Date on the invoice header remains unchanged during posting

    • If ON, then the system replaces the original Document Date with the new date entered by the user in the Posting Date field. If the Posting Date field is empty, posting ends with the error message "The date of the document must have a value...“.  

    • When changing the Document Date on the invoice, the Due Date is updated

  • Change VAT Date

    • If it is turned off, the VAT date on the invoice header remains unchanged during posting

    • If enabled, then the system replaces the original VAT date with the new date entered by the user in the VAT Date field

    • The VAT exchange rate of the invoice in a foreign currency is updated:

      • when the Posting Date is changed (the "accounting" exchange rate, the exchange rate is updated according to the new Posting Date and this exchange rate is applied to VAT, regardless of whether the VAT Date is changed or not)

      • when changing the VAT Date

  • Invoice Discount Calculation

    • Specifies whether you want the invoice discount amount to be automatically calculated on invoices before posting

    • An invoice discount is a percentage discount that is deducted from the total amount of the invoice if the value of all lines in the sales document exceeds a certain minimum. It is not typically used in an OC environment

After confirming the set parameters by clicking OK, the invoices are posted. If an error occurs during posting, this invoice is skipped and the task continues by posting the next invoice. At the end of the job, a temporary error log is displayed, accessible from the information line of the Sales Invoices overview. You can view the details of each error by selecting Details.

A batch job can also be set up in the scheduler. In this case, all Sales Invoices will be posted, with the default job settings (i.e., no change in dates).

Posting in the background

Some tasks change the same data and should not be run at the same time because this can cause conflicts, such as when multiple users are trying to post sales documents, but only one document can be processed at a time. Posting in the background using Job Queue is an effective tool to solve this problem.

For deferred posting of sales documents, it is necessary to set it on the Background Posting tab in the Sales & Receivables Setup.

The settings are described in the Financial Setup document.

Then, when you post sales documents, the system doesn't post the document, but creates a job queue entry for each document.



It then runs the tasks in the background one by one. A posting record is available in the Job Queue Log Entries log.

You can find more information about posting documents in the background here:


Print and send a posted invoice

The Print and Send functionality is described in Tisk a odesílání prodejních dokladů

Sales Invoice with Prepayment Deduction

More information about the Advance Payments module (BC 20) can be found here:

Advance Payments Localization for Czech (Extension) - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

For BC 22 Zálohové faktury a zálohy - Finance | Dynamics 365

Deduct a prepayment created from a sales order or invoice form.

To use an advance invoice in your final invoice, follow these steps:

  • Enter the invoice into the system in the usual way. If you want to attach one or more prepayments to an invoice, do so from the invoice header using the Link Prepayment Invoice action.

  • On the Prepayment Settlement using the New function page, click on the Prepayment No. field to display the list of prepayments available for assignment to the invoice.

Only prepayments with the same currency code and in amounts that have been paid no later than the posting date of the sales invoice are displayed.

Confirm the prepayment selection, and the prepayment will be transferred to the Prepayment settlement page to link the invoice and prepayment. In this way, you can continue to select Reserves. By clicking on the next line of the page, you can again add additional backups to the link using the Prepayment No. field.

  • In the Amount field, you can enter which amount and from which prepayment the invoice should be drawn. It is thus possible to draw multiple advances in partial values into the invoice.

  • If the prepayment assignment is set up the way you want to use the prepayments in the invoice, confirm the page with the OK button.


  • The advance will always be drawn up to the maximum possible invoice value, i.e. even if the user does not reduce the value of the drawn advance and the advance exceeds the value of the invoice, the advance will be deducted up to the maximum value of the invoice.

  • If the user chooses to use the advance partially, only the relevant set part will be deducted from the advance.

  • If the user chooses to partially draw from multiple advances and the value of the advances to be used is higher than the value of the invoice, the system will automatically deduct the amounts from the advances according to the date of advance payment.

Cancel Assigned Prepayment to Saleable Invoice

Setting up backups, such as functionality, is described in Nastavení Finance and in Finance .

Deduct Assigned Prepayment
  • In the Search field, enter Posted Sales Invoices, and then choose the appropriate link.

  • Locate the posted invoice that has the prepayment deduction that you want to reverse.

  • On the Home tab of the Ribbon, select View.

  • In the Posted Sales Invoice window that opens, on the Actions tab, select the Unpost Assigned Prepayment function.

  • The system will deduct the advance payment on the sales invoice and cancel VAT entries from the deduction of tax documents for the received payment.

  • The sales prepayment invoice is ready to be attached to a sales order or invoice.

Cancel a sales invoice

Cancel the posted sales invoice from which you deducted the assigned prepayment in the standard way.

Correction of advance payment – link to another advance invoice
  • If there is an Advance Tax Document for the prepayment invoice, it is necessary to create an Advance Tax Credit Note for the prepayment first.

  • In the Search field, enter Sales advance invoices, and then choose the appropriate link.

  • Locate the document you want.

  • On the Actions tab of the Ribbon, select Post Advance Tax Credit.

  • In the Posted Sales Invoices window, select the line with the required posted advance tax document and confirm with the OK button.

  • In the Sales Advance Invoice window in the Ribbon, on the Navigation tab, you can view the created Advance Tax Credit Memo. You can also print the document here.

  • Only now can you disconnect the payment and the proforma invoice.

  • If no Advance Invoice has been created for the sales advance invoice, you will not use the previous procedure and you can go straight to disconnecting the payment, see below.

  •  On the Sales Prepayment Invoice line, select the Unlink function. 

  • Mark the line with the payment to be unlinked and confirm with the OK button.

  • You can check that the payment has been unlinked in the Ribbon on the Navigation tab in the Linked Advance Payments option (the unlinked payment will not be displayed here).

  • If there are no other linked payments to the Sales Advance Invoice, it is automatically moved back to the Payment Preparation status. The values in the Amount to Deduct and Amount to Link fields are also updated.

  • You can link the payment to another advance invoice, see section Additional linking of payment to advance payment.

 Sales Invoice with Collections

In BC20, SEPA Direct Debit (SEPA Direct Debit) is supported.

To create a SEPA direct debit order, the following settings are required:

  • Setting the Bank Export/Import Format

  • Bank account

  • Payment Method

  • Customer Card

  • SEPA Direct Debit Authorization

This setting is described in the  Nastavení Finance  

The processing of SEPA direct debits is described in the Finance document.

 Sales Invoice with Collection

Create a new Sales Invoice. On the invoice, select the Customer number that has direct debit enabled. Make sure that the fields required for direct debit are filled in:

Invoice Details tab:

  • Currency

    • EUR (condition for SEPA direct debit)

  • Payment Method Code

    • A code that has Direct Debit enabled is filled in

  • Direct Debit Authorization ID

    • Authorization No. applicable to the customer

    • If the Direct Debit Authorization ID is not filled in on the invoice, it can be added later on the generated direct debit order item.

Payments tab:

  • Bank Account Code

    • The company's bank account to which the collected payment is to be credited

    • Bank account set up for direct debits must be selected

  • SWIFT Code

    • It will be copied from the Bank Account Card

  • IBAN

    • It will be copied from the Bank Account Card

Review the completed invoice and post it.

Post a payment from the Payment Calendar of a contract with collection

In order for the posted payment to be included in the direct debit order, it is necessary to enter the

  • Payment Method Code

    • set up for direct debit

  • Bank No.

    • A company bank account that's set up for direct debits from customers

It is also possible to turn on the Approval of direct debit flag. This flag is for informational purposes only.

After the payment is posted, the following is filled in on the Posted Sales Invoice:

  • Financing Contract Payment Method Code

  • Bank Account Code from Financing Contract

  • A direct debit authorization ID from the Direct debit authorization list on the customer's bank accounts. A more detailed description can be found in PD Finance.

Posted Invoice Corrections Functions on the Posted Invoice Card

If an invoice was created manually and was posted with incorrect information, it can only be corrected by issuing a credit memo and posting a new invoice.

More information can be found here:

Oprava nebo zrušení zaúčtované prodejní faktury - Business Central

Partial correction of a posted invoice is possible by using the Update Document. 

For corrections/cancellations of invoices that were created or posted by special tasks (e.g. payments posted from a payment calendar, invoicing from service allowances, financial settlements), it is not advisable to use the standard functions on the Posted Sales Invoice or to issue sales credit memos manually (individual), but it is necessary to use the special functions (e.g. cancel payment, cancel service allowances, reverse financial settlement) described in the relevant chapters below.

Fix function




It is not possible to correct an invoice that has been paid in full or in part. In this case, you must either cancel the settlement or create the credit memo manually.

  • The original posted sales invoice will be canceled. On the original Posted Sales Invoice, check boxes are selected

    • Canceled

      • Click to display the Posted Sales Credit Memo

    • Closed (Settled with Credit Memo)

  • A corrective sales credit memo is automatically created and posted. On the credit memo, the fields are selected

    • Amendatory

      • Click to see the original Posted Sales Invoice

    • Paid (settled with original invoice)

  • A new Sales Invoice is created with the same information. The new sales invoice has a different number than the original sales invoice. You can make a correction and post the invoice.

Cancel Function




It is not possible to cancel an invoice that has been paid in full or in part. In this case, you must either cancel the settlement or create the credit memo manually.

  • The original posted sales invoice will be canceled. On the original Posted Sales Invoice, check boxes are selected

  • Canceled

  • Click to display the Posted Sales Credit Memo

  • Closed (Settled with Credit Memo)

  • A corrective sales credit memo is automatically created and posted. On the credit memo, the fields are selected

  • Amendatory

  • Click to see the original Posted Sales Invoice

  • Paid (settled with original invoice)

Create Credit Memo Function

Even if the invoice has already been canceled or paid, it is still possible to create a credit memo for it by using the Create Credit Memo function. However, this credit memo will not be marked as corrective and will not be settled:

  • Corrective = No

  • Paid = No

Update Document Function

If the invoice has already been posted, only a few fields related to the payment information can be corrected by using the Update Document button.

Changes are reflected both on the Posted Sales Invoice header and on the Customer Ledger Entry.


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