Mass Invoicing of Payments_Contract with services

Mass Invoicing of Payments_Contract with services

Nastavenie mass invoicing of instalments with services

Mass Document Numbers

Numeric series for mass invoices/credit notes are set up in Contract with Service Settings. The settings described in PD Business Settings and PD Product.

In Contract with Service Settings, numeric hints are set for:

  • Mass Invoice for Installments

  • A manual posted credit memo for a payment from a payment calendar (a credit note that is posted immediately)

  • Mass Payment Credit Memo

On the Financing Models screen, the following settings are set:

  • Document numbering method

  • Numeric series for manual posting of a payment from the Payment Register

Check for the difference between the payment calendar and invoice lines


When posting by batch task, the system checks the amount of the payment (individual fields) and OneCore Posting Settings. If it finds a difference (the posting settings are missing, or the posting settings are duplicated), it posts the difference to the set account in the Contract with Service Settings, as well as to the invoice lines. The amount of the payment in the payment calendar will be equal to the Total Value in the invoice.

Description in Nastavení Business .

Contract Dimension Value

Value Dimension 2 for a mass invoice that can contain multiple contracts.

This dimension is used on the posted invoice header for the accounts receivable (Customer Ledger Entry) account.

On the lines of the posted invoice, there are posted contract numbers in the dimension.

The dimension value for Dimension 2 (Contract) is selected from the Dimension Values code list

Ak je nastavená dimenzi na zákazníkovi.

At the same time, on the contract.

The Mass Task fulfills the 1st global dimension set on the customer when selecting the Invoicing Method Bulk for... (all mass invoices).

Non-global dimensions are populated from the customer.

Setting Texts and Text Variables

A description of setting up the text to invoice lines is described in PD Financial settings in the section Standardní texty a rozšířené texty and Proměnné standardních textů

Customer Card

On the customer card, under the Customer option, the Invoice Sending Methods button sets how the system should send posted invoices in bulk and what structured attachments should be attached.

The bulk task looks for the Payment value in the Invoicing Type field, then automatically sends and suspends the invoice according to the set values. 

Detailed description in Adresář .

Maturity date

On the customer card, on the Operative leasing tab, the following is set:

  • Maturity date

    • The system calculates Document Date + Payment Terms Code (10)

Payment Billing Method

The setting determines how each invoiced payment will be combined into each invoice. 

The values of the field are:

  • Separately for a contract

    • During invoicing, one invoice is created separately for each contract and payment

    • The system creates one invoice for one installment.

    • Invoice in header has flag Mass NO

    • There is a contract number in the dimension on the invoice header

    • In the payment calendar, in the Mass invoice after invoicing field, it will be NO

  • Collectively for a contract

    • During invoicing, one invoice is created for each contract, which can include multiple payments of the contract that fall within the period specified when the mass invoicing was started

  • Collectively for Customer

    • Invoicing creates one invoice for each customer, which contains payments from all of that customer's contracts

  • Collectively for a business location

    • During invoicing, the customer's contracts are accumulated in the invoice according to the customer's Business Place Number. This place of business is listed on the Financing Contract under the Customer tab. If the business location is not filled in on the contract, these contracts are accumulated in a separate invoice.  

  • Collectively for Customer and Calc. Type (open/closed)

    • During invoicing, the customer's contracts are accumulated in the invoice according to the Calculation Type specified in the Financing Contract. The type of calculation is transferred from the Financing Product

  • Collectively for a Framework Agreement

    • the invoice accumulates the customer's contracts according to the Framework Agreement No., which are listed in the Financing Contract

For all these settings at the same time, only contracts in the same currency are always included in the invoice. If the customer has contracts in different currencies, invoices are created for each currency separately.

Report/Automatic Invoice Sending Setup

Task after posting, when conditions are met automatically sends invoices with attachments according to the settings.

Invoicing Task Post Financing Payments with Services

!!! When calculating the payment calendar, the system checks the completion of all posting groups in the payment calendars of services, insurance, customer (total payment calendar). If there is no posting group, the system does not calculate the payment calendar, it will display a message to the User when the contract is activated or the payment calendar is calculated. If the combination of posting groups for VAT calculation is not in the VAT posting setup, the system will not post the invoice, it will display a message to the User.

The Post Financing Payments (with Services) task is used for mass payment posting.

The task is located in the OneCore Role Center – Financing (All products), on the Actions tab > Invoicing, but it can be searched via the main search (magnifying glass in the top bar on the right).

The job handles contracts that:

  • are marked Financing with Services = YES

This designation is transferred to the contract when it is created from the Financing Product Type

  • Posting from the payment calendar is enabled in the Detailed status of the posted contract

Contracts are not included in the task:

  • to which a change copy exists, or the contract is a change copy.

  • It is also not possible to charge from the Financing Contract Variant.

The selection of contracts included in processing may be further limited by a user filter.

After running the Post Financing Payments (with services) job, the system opens a dialog window that has the Options and Advanced tabs and also contains filters for the Customer, header and lines of the Financing Contract.

Required fields:

On the Options tab, you can enter the Posting Date and VAT Date that the task inserts into the invoice. When you run a job, the system prompts you to set a working date that you can override.

Posting Date a Datum DPH sú povinnéé pole, ak nebude plnia, úloha skončilí na chybovou mlášku.  

On the Filter: Financing Contract Lines tab, the user selects the period (Posting date of payments) that he wants to post (e.g. From 1.3.2022..31.3.2022). The User can enter a specific Posting Date (e.g. 1.3.2022) or a period "until the date" (e.g. 31.03.22) or "from date" (e.g. 01.03.22..)

If the period is not specified, an error message is displayed when the job starts.



Optional fields:

On the Options tab, click the Tlač faktur Select or post invoices should be pushed out at the same time when posting installments.

On the Filter: Customer tab, you can filter contract payments for specific customers. The user can use a preset filter for Customer No. and Payment Billing Method, but it is also possible to add other fields from the Customer Card to the filter.

On the Filter: Financing Contract Header tab, it is possible to filter specifically Financing Contracts. The user can apply a preset filter to Financing Contract No., Calculation Type and Framework Agreement No., but it is possible to add other fields from the Financing Contract to the filter.

The user has the option to run the task:

  • Through the planner and namely:

    • The user fills in all mandatory filters in the dialog for entering the task

    • Subsequently, via Schedule n buttonand builds:

    • Earliest Start Date/Time

    • after Confirmation OK, the system creates a record in Job Queue Entries that has the status of Ready and waits for the start time

  • When a task starts, the system identifies that the task is not running on the user environment (by the user), it starts the background task. The task will be modified so that the questions:

    • Delete all change copies? - system conforms to YES

    • Do you want to start posting payments? - system conforms to YES

  • and runs the invoicing job through the scheduler, so the executed tasks are no longer dependent on the user.

After Successful When the job is completed, the system writes a record of success to the Job Queue Log Entries, and also writes the duration of the entire job.

At Failed While the job is running, the system writes an error to the record, changing Status=Error.

In Log Entries, the user can see the reason for the error.

The user has the option to interrupt Entering a job from the Job Queue Entries list or from the card using the Set On Hold button. When the button is triggered, the status of the card switches from Ready to On Hold in the Status field.

  • On the user interface

After starting invoicing, fill in the dialog window, confirm with the OK to open a window



Invoices the lines of contract payment calendars corresponding to the specified period and filters, namely:

  • Filters for the customer's contracts that have flagged:

    • Financing with Services=A,

    • Calculation variant=N,

    • Payment Calendar is Tax Document = A

  • It goes through contract by contract and on each:

    • If det. The contract status does not have a value of Yes in any of the fields Allow Posting from GAC, Allow Posting Increased Prepayment Posting, Allow Partial Credit Posting, the contract is skipped and not processed

      • flirts the lines of the given contract – the filter for the posting date was entered by the user at startup, then it is filtered to Type=Payment, Posted=No

      • If on the det. The contract status does not Allow Posting from the Bill, so :

        • if Allow posting of increased payment in advance=Yes, then it will run the filter on contract lines to process only lines with flag Line with down payment=Yes

        • if Allow Partial Credit Posting=Yes, then it will run a filter on contract lines to process only lines with flag Partial Credit = Yes

      • Row Processing :

        • lines are posted straight, there is no grouping in this branch

Posting of a single line and buffer are logged to the posting error log. Sending an e-mail with attachments is also logged separately.

When creating an invoice line, the system checks whether the combination Gen. Bus. Posting Group), Gen. Prod. Posting Group and is not blocked for the given invoice line. If the setting does not exist, then the error is written in the Posting Log and continues to the next contract.

  • Filters the customer's contracts that have:

    • flag Financing with services=A,

    • Calculation variant=N,

    •  Payment calendar is Tax Document=N,

    • Contract Status = Active, Change Copy, Terminating, Settled 

  • It goes through contract by contract and on each:

    • deletes the Change Copy, if it exists

    • If det. The contract status does not have a value of Yes in any of the fields Allow Posting from GAC, Allow Posting Increased Prepayment Posting, Allow Partial Credit Posting, the contract is skipped and not processed

    • if the conditions for contract extension are met (Estimated end date<=first day of month of the entered Posting Date, the model has flag Automatic Contract Renewal=Yes and the object has blank Object Return Date), calls Contract Extension Function

      • Contract Extension Feature the last row in the SPK is searched. It then checks the value on the Contract Extension contract card.

        • If it is NO, the system copies the last posted payment with the flag Contract Extension=NO,

        • If Contract Extension=YES is on the contract header, the system copies the last created payment with the Contract Extension=YES flag.

        • By a suitable combination of values entered into the Posting Date filters within the task dialog, this task only allows you to extend the contract without the need to post the first lines created in this way. For this separate extension, it is necessary to enter a date different from the Posting Date of the given GAC line to the Posting Date filter in the Financing Contract Line section.


flirts the lines of the given contract – the filter for the posting date was entered by the user at startup, then it is filtered to Type=Payment, Posted=No

  • if there is no Enable Posting from Payment Register on the Det. Contract Status, then :

    • if Allow posting of increased payment in advance=Yes, then it will run the filter on contract lines to process only lines with flag Line with down payment=Yes

    • If the Allow Partial Credit Posting=Yes, so it will run a filter on the contract lines to process only the lines with the flag Partial Credit=Yes

  • Row Processing :

    • If the line has flag Recalculation Settlement=A or Partial Credit=A and at the same time Line Amount < 0, the line is charged equal to (just as if it were posted manually). Posting RS, PC line from the payment calendar see lower in the description.

    • If the previous point is not met, the values from the row are written to the buffer

    • If it's up to the customer in the Payment Billing Method=Separately for contracts, the buffer is posted immediately after filling with one line (an individual sales invoice is created), otherwise, the buffer is gradually filled with rows of all contracts of a given customer and is charged by the buffer posting task only after all contracts of the given customer have passed.

    • When posting the buffer, the value of the field Method of invoicing payments from the Customer is taken into account. According to this value, grouping takes place and one or more invoices are created, i.e. e.g. if the grouping of invoices per customer is set. The customer has 20 contracts that fit the filter. The task gradually moves through 20 contracts, in case it finds out that the necessary settings (number series, dimensions, etc.) are missing for posting, it does not post any invoice and the failure is recorded in the Posting Log. If there is no setting for sending invoices, the system will post the invoice and the failure will be recorded in the Posting Log. 

    •  The invoice is created, the lines are filled in according to OneCore Posting Settings and posted. If set, attachments will also be generated after posting and an email with them will be sent.

      • When filling lines into invoice lines, the system searches for posting in OneCore Posting Settings (PD Finance Settings).

        • Ak je v Contract with Service Settings field in the Check for Billing Invoicing Difference:

        • WELL (in Contract with Service Settings, in the Check for Billing Invoicing Difference field)

          • The system fills the invoice lines according to the OneCore Posting Settings for the given posting group. If the settings are missing, the invoice for the customer is not posted, the system writes the failure to the Posting Log and moves on to the next customer. 

        • YES, as well as the role of Post Financing Payment with service:

          • Rolls over contract payment calendars that match the filter specified in the dialog box when the task runs.

          • For field group: No. 1 group: principal, interest The system searches for the corresponding line in OneCore Posting Settings. The sum of the found values from the payment calendar for group No. 1 must be equal to the prepared invoice line. If the difference is positive or negative, it will create an invoice line for group 1. The line will be filled in:

          • Account: from settings (same account for all groups)

          • VAT: from settings (same settings for all groups)

          • A value with a different value (positive or negative)

      • For field group: No. 2 group: insurance searches for the corresponding line in OneCore Posting Settings. The sum of the found values from the payment calendar for group No. 2 must be equal to the prepared lines of the invoice. If the difference is positive or negative, the system creates an invoice line for group 2

        • The row will be filled in the same way as for group No. 1 flax with the difference value

      • For field group: No. 3 group– services searches for the corresponding line in Posting Settings. The sum of the found values from the payment calendar for group No. 3 must be equal to the prepared invoice line. If the difference is positive or negative, the system creates an invoice line for group 3

        • The row will be filled in the same way as for group No. 1 flax with the value difference. Vid example No. 1 below.

    • During processing payments flagged with RS (non-calculation line), PC (partial credit note upon returning the vehicle) = YES :

      • If the amount is negative, the system checks in the Contract with Service Setup field Do not post credit memo from payment calendar, ak je:

        • YES

          • The system creates an unposted credit memo as described in Chapter II. 13.3

          • Original Invoice No. When a PC line is entered into the unposted credit memo line, the system fills it into the line

        • WELL

          •  Creates a posted individual credit memo.

          • The numbering of the document is according to the settings on the Contract Model.

    • When creating a partial credit memo, the system populates the fields in the payment calendar – Applies to Document No. with the document with which the last payment was posted and the credit note is created from it.

    • The original document number will be filled into the header of the credit memo, if it is a mass invoice (from which the PC line was created):

      • Closed, i.e. not open, the system will not fill in the Type and Number of Applies-to Document on Credit Memo.

      • It is open, the system fills in the Type and number of the settlement document on the credit note.

      • When posting, the system checks: The sum of all items (principal, interest, insurance, services, VAT to principal, VAT interest, VAT insurance, VAT services) minus Amount including VAT = result must be 0.

        • If the sum is not 0, the system logs an error message: "Row balance is not settled LC No. ...: 10181113 Row type: Payment Regular number: 1910"

  • After posting the invoice, the table on the Customer card checks the method of sending customer invoices, where it searches for Invoicing Type: Payment, Document Type: depending on whether it is an invoice or a credit note. Generates an external structured attachment and the name of the attachment from the given line, as soon as it is specified

  • After creating attachments, which is set to be sent to the customer, it takes into account the settings in the Invoicing Print Settings, where it searches for a report for document, email body, subject and Job responsiibility.

  • After posting, such as after sending, success or failure is recorded in the Posting Log

  • The system also changes the value of the Reference Date field in the contract header to the current system date.

  • When the invoicing job is finished, the system opens a message about X successful and Y unsuccessful posting of invoices. You want to open the Posting Log. If you select Yes, the Posting Log will be opened with a filter for the records created during the job run.




  • After posting the mass invoice for the payments, the system writes the following into the payment calendar:

    • Zúčtovací datum / Posting Date

    • Datum DPH / VAT Date

    • Datum splatnosti / Due Date

After sending, ak on the customer card was set in the field Mass Sending Sale Documents = Mass Invoice je:

  • Invoice

    • On the

      • Document Status: Complete

      • Sending Status - Mail: Sent

    • In the appendices

      • Attachment with attachment type Sales Invoice

      • Structured attachment, ak was set up on the customer card



Example 1: Posting the difference between a payment calendar and invoice lines

If there is a difference in group 1 (principal, interest), group 2 (insurance), group 3 (services) 3 lines would be created in the invoice lines, which would be posted to the same account, with the same VAT (one setting for all groups).

Contract with Service Setup

Changing OC Posting Settings

If the system finds a difference, it will display a system message (when manually posting an installment from the payment calendar)



The invoice has been posted.

The system also changes the value of the Reference Date field in the contract header to the current system date.

  • Contracts, which are in detailed status, which have in Tab. Detailed contract statuses in the Post YES Partial Credit field (PC line).

In the function on Mass posting, it has been added - if det. If the contract status has Allow Posting from Payment Cal = N and Allow Down Payment Posting = A, the rows will be filtered to those with the flag Down Payment = A. Similarly, the combination of Allow Posting from Payment Cal = N and Allow Posting Partial Credit = A will run a filter on rows where Partial Credit Memo = A.

If it also finds contracts, the job looks for records matching the filter specified when the job was run.

Creates a posted individual credit memo, which is numbered according to the settings on the Contract model. It automatically sends according to the settings on the Customer card. When sending only for credit memos, it does not check the condition of filling in the External Order Number.


When sending, it takes into account the settings in the Invoicing Print Settings, where it searches for the report for the document, the body of the mail, the subject and the Job responsiibility.

Subsequently, he checks the table on the Customer card Method of sending customer invoices, where he searches for Invoicing Type: Payment, Document Type: depending on whether it is an invoice, or a credit note. From the given line, when the specified one generates an external structured attachment and the name of the attachment. 

Once shipped, it has:

  • Invoice

    • On the

      • Document Status: Complete

      • Sending Status - Mail: Sent

    • In the appendices

      • Attachment with attachment type Sales Invoice

      • Structured attachment, ak bola nastavená na karta zákazníka

  • Credit note

    • On the

      • Document Status: Complete

      • Sending Status – Mail: Sent

    • In the appendices:

      • An attachment with an attachment type of Sales Credit Memo

      • Structured attachment, ak was set up on the customer card

An e-mail with an invoice and a separate credit note will be sent to the e-mail.







When the invoicing job ends, the system opens a message about X successfully and Y unsuccessfully posted invoices. You want to open the Posting Log. If you select Yes, the Posting Log will be opened with a filter for the records created during the job run.



Posting Error Log

The system writes the posting result to the Posting Error Log, which can be opened from the menu (Actions> Invoicing> Posting Error Log)

The log contains information: who started the task, method of invoicing payments, customer number, date and time of invoicing and result of invoicing (Success - the invoice was posted, Error - invoicing ended on an error and the invoice was not generated).

If bulk invoicing ended with an error and an invoice was not generated, you need to fix the errors and start invoicing again.

For a more detailed description, see the chapter Posting Error Log.

Posted "Bulk" Sales Invoice for Payments 

If invoicing is successful, one or more posted Sales Invoices will be generated, depending on the customer's invoicing type that has been set.

Filling in the individual fields on the invoice header depends on the invoicing method used.

If the payments were invoiced "in bulk" (for a contract, for a customer, for a business location, for a type of calculation, for a framework agreement), the data are filled in as follows: 

  • Number

    • The invoice number is always assigned from the number series set in the Mass Invoice No. (3005) field. The invoice number will be entered into the payment calendar. 

  • Document Date

    • The Working date is used for the invoice issue. The working date can be manually changed by the user in the My Settings window.

  • Posting Date

    • The date is common for all payments included in the invoice, so the Posting date from the payment calendars cannot be used. Therefore, the task applies the Posting date specified by the user in the dialog box when the mass invoicing is run.

    • If the user entered a date in a period that is already closed for posting, the task automatically shifts the Posting date to the first day of the open posting period. Posting Date Shift must be enabled in the OneCore Setup window, field Shift Posting Date of Sales Invoice To Open Period = YES.

    • The posting date in the payment calendar will be written.

  • VAT Date

    • The VAT date specified by the user in the task dialog box is used. If the entered date falls within the already closed VAT period, it is not possible to issue an invoice. The user either has to enter a different date or open the VAT period.

    • The VAT date in the payment calendar is not written.

  • Maturity date

    • The due date from payments in payment calendars is not applied (only when set on the customer card Invoice method: Separately for contract), but the task calculates this date as standard from the Document Date and the Payment Terms Code that is set up on the customer card.

    • The due date from the invoice is written to a line in the payment calendar.

  • Reason Code

    • The reason code is added according to the settings in the Reason Code Setup window in Financing

The reason code on the posted sales invoice is non-editable and cannot be changed by the user.


Invoice Details Tab

At mass Invoicing data from Customer cards, if applicable, from a framework agreement, the information stated in the Financing Contract does not apply. On the Invoice Details FastTab, these fields include Payment Terms Code (which affects the calculation of the Due Date), Payment Method Code, VAT Bus. Posting Group (has an impact on taxation) and Customer Posting Group (has an effect on the posting of the receivable)

Field Currency It is responsible for the currency of the contract. Only contracts in the same currency can be included in the invoice.

Afield Contract Code (Global Dimension 2) does not populate a specific contract, but the system uses the replacement dimension according to the Contract with Service Settings.

To press the invoice, the field is filled in Typ tlače faktury = Installment. According to this type, the system selects Invoicing Printout Settings, described in Chapter II. Print and send saleable documents.   

In bulk invoicing, fields that are not visible to the user on the invoice are also filled in. This is an array Mass invoicing and Customer Business Place No..

For mass invoicing, the Mass invoicing field is set to Yes, for individual invoicing for contracts, the value is set to No.

The customer's business location number is filled in only if mass invoicing for the customer's business places has passed. In this case, the common Business Place from the Financing Contracts is filled in this field.


Payments tab

On the Payments tab, the system inserts the bank account set up in the Company Information window.

Variable Symbol is always generated from the Invoice No. for mass invoicing, it is not possible to use the contract number (according to the settings), as is the case with invoicing separately for the contract.


Rows Tab

The Description from the set Standard Sales Code is transferred to the first line and the Text from the Extended Text lines is transferred to the next lines. In the text, it is possible to set variables from tables according to a set scheme of variables, which the invoicing task will automatically complete. 

Bills For posting of individual components of the payment, they are set in the OneCore Posting Settings table, where the descriptions of the lines that are filled into the invoice are also set. In the description, it is possible to set variables, e.g. Posted Contract Number.

Sums are transferred from the payment schedules of the posted contract, as well as VAT Product Posting Groups.

Global Dimension (Contract Code, Centre Code) are for lines on which the financial account is filled in, transferred from the Financing Contract.

Other non-global dimensions transferred from the contract are available by the Dimensions button on the Lines tab.

The task according to the settings in OneCore Settings, the VAT Rounding Code field and the Rounding setting on the Contract Model and according to the General Ledger Total Payment Setup creates rounding lines for the contract in the invoice lines.

Customer Balance

When you post an invoice, a Customer Ledger Entry is created on the balance in the total amount of the invoice. In the Contract Code dimension, the dimension from the invoice header is filled in. At the same time, this receivable is marked Mass Invoicing = Yes.

Changes in the payment schedule

After posting the payment, the following data are updated in the payment calendar: Posting Date, VAT Date, Due Date, Document No., Mass invoice =Y, Posted =Y

After cancelling a payment (invoice), the following appears in the line of the payment calendar:

  • Deletes Document No.

  • Ak bola hromadná faktura, tak v poli Mass invoice = NO

  • Posted = NO

  • Cancel = YES


The task can be run via the scheduler. See chap. Invoicing task – Post financing payments with services.


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