Cancel Payment

Cancel Payment

After starting the function under the button Cancel, (if the payment is posted by the sales invoice Mass = YES) system:

  • displays the message: Do you really wish to cancel?

    • NO – function ends

    • YES – the system continues


  • or, in the contract there is:

    • Change Copy Exist = NO

    • Change Copy = NO

    • Calculation Variant= NO

    • If only one condition is not met, i.e. the contract from which the user cancels the payment is a change copy, or the contract is in a change copy, or cancels from the contract variant, the task ends, a message is displayed. As soon as the conditions are met, the system continues;




  • or, a record is created in the payment calendar with the flag Partial Payment Credit = YES. If it finds such record, it will display the message, the task ends. If he doesn't find it, he goes on.

  • Displays a dialog box:

    • Posting Date – the system fills in the work date.

      • It can be changed by the user.

      • It is transferred to the header of the credit memo in the Posting Date field.

    • VAT Date – the system fills in the work date,

      • It can be changed by the user.

      • It is transferred to the header of the credit memo in the VAT Date field.

    • Filter: Financing Contract Line

      • The field is filled from the marked payment


After marking OK

  • inspects:

    •  If it was posted by an individual invoice (Mass Invoice = NO), the system checks whether the marked payment is the last posted in the payment calendar of the contract, ak

      • is not, it will display a message


      • If it is the last, it continues

  • check:

    • After launching the option, the system will check whether all payments invoiced by the mass invoice are the last in the payment calendars.

      • If it is co len jedna, it stops the process and displays a system message,

      • If the canceled payment is the last posted, it continues to create the credit memo.

  • checks whether the marked payment has been posted by multiple invoice:

    • If the payment has been posted by an invoice that is:

      • Mass Invoice = NO

        • continues, the message below is not displayed

      • Mass Invoice = YES

        • A message will be displayed



After selection OK

  • If the user chooses Partial cancellation

    • The system checks in Tab. To set up contracts with services, the Do Not Post Credit Memo from Payment Calendar field:

      •  if it's YES:

        • Creates an unposted credit memo:

          • numeric series – the system uses z tab. Set up sales and receivables from the Invoice No. field

          • Flag For Mass Payment Credit Memo = YES (Mass Payment Credit Memo=YES)

          • Invoice Print Type (4026715) Payment

          • Filling Dimensions to Credit Memo Header, ak:

            • Partial Credit = Contract Dimension

          • it is not possible to delete the document from the List or from the Credit Memo Card


            After selecting YES,


          • Credit note lines cannot be edited – a message will be displayed

          • The user has the option to manually post a credit memo via the Post button on the Unposted Invoice card.

          • It then manually generates the attachments and sends them

          • If the credit memo is unposted in the payment calendar Unposted credit memo = YES, after the credit memo is posted, the system automatically marks the field Unposted credit memo = NO in the payment line

      • If it's NO – displays the Include credit memo in mass credit memo message


        • If the user chooses YES, an unposted credit memo is created with the For Mass Credit Memo flag YES

        • If the user selects NO – creates a posted partial credit memo of the mass invoice, only for items from the marked payment (the system filters to invoice lines per dimension and payment calendar line).

          • When the system posts a partial credit memo, a mass invoice is:

            • Open YES – pair the whole or part of the document to the mass invoice

            • Open NO – the credit memo remains in the Open YES status in the customer ledger entries

If the system has created (posted or unposted credit memo according to the settings below) one partial credit memo for a mass invoice for payments, it is not possible to write a mass credit memo (Mass Cancellation option).

The user has to partially credit all payments of the mass invoice in individual payment calendars.

  • If the user chooses Mass cancellation

    • The system will check whether the mass invoice has not already been partially credited:

      • If yes, it displays the system message and terminates the task.

      • If not,

        • Checks:

          • or all installments invoiced by collective invoice are the last ones in the payment calendars. If there is nothing to do, it stops the process and displays a system message, if it does, it continues

          • or, a change copy is created, which is only one per contract from the invoice, i.e. the system goes over the invoice lines and checks according to Dimension 2, or is in the contract, the Change Copy flag Exist= YES. If it finds co len jeden matchu, zobrazí hlášku, the task ends. If he does not find it, he continues;

          • or, a PC line is created in the payment calendar, i.e. the system goes over the invoice lines. According to Dimension 2, it checks whether there is a record in the Payments Calendar that has Partial Payment Credit = YES. If it finds co len jednu matchu, a message will be displayed, the task ends. If he doesn't find it, he goes on and creates a credit memo for the entire mass invoice for the payments.


    • The system checks in Tab. To set up contracts with services, Do Not Post Credit Memo from Payment Calendar field:

      • If it's NO

        • The system will display the message: Include the credit memo in the mass credit memo? YES/NO


          • if the user chooses NO

            • The system creates a mass posted credit memo that will:

            • Document Status = Complete

            • Mass credit memo for NIE payments

            • Invoice Print Type (4026715) Payment

            • Email Sending Status, Push:

            • depending on the setting on the customer, the value is either empty (not set on the customer) or the value of not sent (if it is set on the customer)

            • Recipient = Retrieves a valid correspondence address from the customer contact into the Ship-to field. (Functionality as in bulk invoices for installments)

      • deletes the mass invoice number from the payment calendar, marks the payment field line:

        • Canceled=YES

        • Posted = NO

      • Subsequently, the user manually generates attachments to the credit note, using the E-mail button to send it

    • If it's YES,

      • creates an unposted credit memo with the flag For Mass Payment Credit Memo = YES (Mass Payment Credit Memo=YES), described in the Partial cancellation section.


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