Process For Financing without Services

Process For Financing without Services

This chapter describes the process of proper termination of a contract without services from a procedural point of view, as it is necessary to proceed in the correct order. This process consists of three tasks or related steps:

  • Process No. 1 - this is the initiation of the process of proper termination of the contract, usually a few weeks before the expiration of the contract period. It includes changing the detailed status of the contract, mostly from Active to Ending (or similar), generating an information sheet (letter 1).

  • Process No. 2 - mass invoicing of sales prices, generation of an invoice or information sheet (letter 2).

  • Prcoes No. 3 - the final step, the final check of the contract. Generating an infosheet or other documents, changing the detailed status of the contract to an archival one.

Process No. 1:

Proper termination of the contract (change of detailed contract status)

For mass change of contract status from status Active To Status Ending (and the corresponding detailed state) is used in the system Orderly termination of contracts.

You can find the task in the role center OneCore – Financing In the Actions > Termination or using a full-text search via the so-called MAGNIFIER, where you enter the name of the task.

When the task starts, the system displays a dialog box.

Options tab:

  • Closing Date From

    • The system automatically defaults to the date of the first day of the current month in which the task is run

    • Editable field when manually starting a task, the user can change it

    • When you run a task from the scheduler, the field is blank

  • Closing Date To

    • The system automatically defaults to the date of the last day of the current month in which the task is run

    • Editable field when manually starting a task, the user can change it

    • When you run a task from the scheduler, the system fills in the date calculated as the system date + the number of days from the field No. of Days Before Proper Termination in OneCore Setup

Financing Contract Header Tab

It contains preset fields for filtering:

  • No. (No.)

  • Customer No.

The user can add additional fields to filter from all fields from the agreement header.

After confirmation OK The system processes contracts where:

  • The detailed status is from the detailed contract status filter entered in the field Detailed Status Filter for Processing Duly Terminated Contracts in the table OneCore Setup

  • The expected end date is from the interval specified in the dialog box in the fields Closing Date From and Closing Date To

  • Difference Between Estimated End Date and Job Start Date ≤ No. of Days Before Std. Finish in OneCore Setup

  • There are no change copies or it is not a variant of the contract

On the contracts filtered in this way, the system:

  • In the event that the OneCore Setup is the value of the field Check Posting All Payments = Yes, checks that all lines of the payment calendar (regular payments, accrual payments) are posted except for the line with the sales price

  • Checks that there is no unposted individual invoice for the contract.

On all contracts that meet the above conditions, the system:

  • Changes the detailed contract status to the detailed status set in the Detailed status of a duly terminated contract in OneCore Setup – bookmark End and the corresponding contract status

  • Writes the result of the change to the Proper Termination Log (success and failure)

  • On contracts that have met all conditions and the detailed contract status has been changed, the system will mark the box Print Queue 1 = Yes (technical field, invisible to the user)

  • Populates Proper Termination Contract Print Queue – Sheet 1 contracts on which there has been a change in the status and detailed status of the contract (flag Print Queue 1 = Yes and Printed = No)

  • When the task is finished, it displays a message to the user Done.

Contract Proper Termination Log

Job Result Orderly Termination of Contracts is recorded in the table Proper Termination Log, where the system records successes (detailed contract status) and errors.

You can find the log on the RoleCenter OneCore – Financing In the Actions > Termination or using a full-text search via the so-called MAGNIFIER, where you enter the name of the task.


  • Financing Contract No.

    •  Completes the system with the Financing Contract No.

    •  Non-editable field

  • User ID

    • Adds the ID of the User who started the task, resp. the ID under which the task from the scheduler is run

    • Non-editable field

  • Change Date and Time

    •  Adds to the system Date and time of entry in the log

    •  Non-editable field

  • Result

    •  It completes the system with the following options:

      • Success

        • If the detailed status is changed without errors

      • Error

        • If the detailed status is changed with an error

    •  Non-editable field

  • Error Detail

    • Completes the system in case Result = Error.

    • The field shows the detail of the error that prevented the detailed status of the contract from being changed. E.g. There are unposted lines on the contract (Payment), There is at least 1 unposted individual invoice, etc.)

    •  Non-editable field

Contracts that ended in error will be left unchanged by the system. After the error is corrected by the user, the system will process the contract the next time the task is run Orderly Termination of Contracts (when starting manually, the contract will be processed only if it matches the specified Date filter, when starting from the Task Scheduler, it will be processed automatically).

Orderly Termination Print Queue – Letter 1

When the job is complete Orderly Termination of Contracts The system of contracts on which the status and detailed status of the contract has been changed will be displayed in the table Orderly Termination Print Queue – Letter 1

You can find an overview using a full-text search via the so-called MAGNIFYING glass, where you enter the name of the task.

The print queue can also be viewed from the hub role OneCore - Financing via the button Orderly Termination Print Queue – Letter 1

It is possible to print documents from the queue individually for a contract or in bulk for selected contracts.

By marking the contract and confirming the Press In the ribbon, the user starts printing the documents that are defined in the table Proper Termination Contracts Printing Setup for the Letter 1 printing phase.

For mass printing, the user selects the selected contracts and confirms the button Press. The system will generate the defined documents sequentially for each contract in PDF format under the name defined in Proper Termination Contract Printout Definition afield File Name Mask into a ZIP file that the user can find in the downloaded documents.

After extracting the file and marking all the documents, it is possible to print the documents in bulk.

Note: To be able to print in bulk, you need to have Adobe Reader as the default application for reading PDF files.

When printing is complete, the system removes the contract(s) from the print queue.

To reprint documents, the user uses the standard function for printing documents from the financing contract (from the card or from the contract overview).

Process No.2:

Sales Prices Posting (for Financial Leasing)

Posting of sales price invoices occurs automatically in the system after the job is completed Sales Price Posting.

You can find the task in the RoleCenter OneCore – Financing In the Actions > Termination or using a full-text search via the so-called MAGNIFIER, where you enter the name of the task.

When the task starts, the system displays a dialog box.

Options tab:

  • Cosing Date From

    • The system automatically presets the date of the first day of the current month in which the task was run

    • Editable field when manually starting a task, the user can change it

    • When you run a task from the scheduler, the field is blank

  • Closing Date To

    • The system automatically presets the date of the last day of the current month in which the task was run

    • Editable field when manually starting a task, the user can change it

    • When you start a task from the scheduler, the system fills in the start date of the task, i.e. the system date.

Financing Contract Header Tab

It contains a preset field for filtering contracts:

  • No. (No.)

  • Customer No.

The user can add additional fields to filter from all fields in the agreement header. 

Financing Contract Line FastTab

It contains a preset field for filtering contracts:

  • Posting Date

    • The user enters the posting date of the sales price (the posting date from the line of the contract payment calendar, which is the sales price). A specific date or interval can be specified, e.g. 1.12.18..31.12.18

      • For the local currency, it is possible to charge selling prices in the future. In order to be able to post sales prices in a foreign currency, the exchange rate must be set in the system on the settlement date, i.e. it cannot be posted in advance

    • If the task is run from the scheduler, the system completes as follows

      • Currency Code on Contract

        • Blank (local currency) = day of task execution (system date)

      • Non-empty = day of job execution - 1D

    • Required field to start the job

The user can add additional fields to filter from all fields of the financing contract lines (Contract T&C).

After confirmation OK The system processes contracts where:

  • The detailed status is from the detailed contract status filter listed in the Detailed status of a duly terminated contract in the table OneCore Setup -bookmark End

  • The expected contract termination date is from the interval specified in the dialog box in the fields Closing Date From and Closing Date To

  • There is a non-posted line with the selling price in the GAC and its posting date matches the filter specified in the dialog box Posting Date

  • The sales price amount is lower than the amount in the field Sales Price Posting Limit in the table  OneCore Setup – bookmark End.

On the contracts filtered in this way, it checks that:

  • All regular payments are posted (payments in the T&A contract).

When the job is complete, the system writes the result to the Sales Price Posting Log. Successes and failures will be recorded in the log, i.e. if for some reason the sale price has not been posted, a log record will be created for the contract with a description of the error.

On a contract that has met all the conditions and a sales price has been posted, the system changes the value of the field Print Queue 2 to Yes (checked)


Subsequently, on filtered contracts meeting the above parameters, the system:

  • He posts a line to the sales price and creates a document (sales invoice) where:

    • Document Date = Document Issue Date (Business Date)

    • Posting Date = Posting Date from Financing Contract Line (Contract T&C)

    • Due Date = Due Date from Financing Contract Line (Contract T&C)

    • VAT Date = VAT Date from Financing Contract Line (Contract T&C)

  • Writes the Result of the task to Sales Price Posting Log

  • Populates Proper Termination Print Queue – Letter 2 contracts on which a sales price invoice has been issued and posted (Print Queue 2 = Yes and Printed = No).

Sales Price Posting Log

Job Result Sales Prices Posting is recorded in a spreadsheet Sales Price Posting Logwhere the system records both successes (the sales price invoice has been posted) and errors.

You can find the log on the RoleCenter OneCore – Financing In the Actions > Termination or using a full-text search via the so-called MAGNIFIER, where you enter the name of the task.


  • Financing Contract No.

    • Completes the system with a financing contract number

    • Non-editable field

  • User ID

    • Adds the ID of the User who ran the task, or the ID under which the task was run from the scheduler

    • Non-editable field

  • Change Date and Time

    • The system will add the date and time of the entry in the log

    • Non-editable field

  • Result

    • It completes the system with the following options:

      • Success

        • If a sales price invoice has been created and posted

      • Error

        • In case the sales price invoice has not been posted

    •  Non-editable field

  • Error Detail

    • Completes the system in case Result = Error

    • The field shows the detail of an error that prevented the creation and posting of a sales invoice, e.g. The detailed status does not allow posting of payments from the payment calendar, etc.

    • Non-editable field

Contracts that ended in error will be left unchanged by the system. After the error is corrected by the user, the system will create and post a sales invoice for the sales price the next time the task is run (if it complies with the specified Date and Posting Date filter).

Proper Termination Print Queue – Letter 2

When the job is complete Sales Prices Posting The system displays the contracts on which the sales price invoice has been posted in the overview Proper Termination Print Queue – Letter 2.

You can find the overview using a full-text search via the so-called MAGNIFYING glass, where you enter the name of the table.

The print queue can also be viewed from the OneCore – Financing via the button Print Queue of Proper Termination – Letter 2"

It is possible to print documents individually for a contract or in bulk for selected contracts.

By marking the contracts and pressing the Press In the ribbon, the user starts printing the documents that are defined in the table Proper Termination Contract Printout Setup for the print phase Letter 2 (e.g. a cover letter or an invoice for the sales price can be added here).

For mass printing, the user selects the contracts and confirms the button Press. The system will generate the defined documents sequentially for each contract in PDF format under the name defined in the Proper Termination Contract Printout Definition afield File Name Mask into a ZIP file that the user can find in the downloaded documents.

After extracting the file and marking all the documents, it is possible to print the documents in bulk.

Note: To be able to print in bulk, you need to have Adobe Reader as the default application for reading PDF files.

When printing is complete, the system removes the contract from the print queue.

To reprint documents, the user uses the standard function for printing documents from the financing contract (from the card or from the contract overview).

The sales price invoice can be reprinted from the list of posted sales invoices according to the document number specified on the sales price line in the T&C, or by clicking on the invoice number in the T&C.

Process No. 3:

Checking Contracts Before Archiving

There is a task in the system for mass checking of duly terminated contracts before archiving Checking Contracts Before Archiving (Checking Contracts before Archiving).

You can find the task in the RoleCenter OneCore – Financing In the Actions > Termination or using a full-text search via the so-called MAGNIFIER, where you enter the name of the task.

When the task runs, the system displays a dialog box:

Options tab:

  • Extected Termination Date From

    • The system automatically presets the date of the first day of the current month in which the task was run

    • The user can change it. If the user deletes the date, the task will be able to be run, the system will process contracts without the lower limit limit (similar to when it is run from the scheduler)

    • If the task is started from the Task Scheduler, this field will be empty, i.e. the system will process contracts without restricting the lower bound for the Expected Termination Date

  • Expected Termination Date To

    • The system automatically presets the current working date

    • The user can change, he can enter any date. If nothing is entered, the system will process without restriction

    • Editable field

  • Check Sales Line

    • Off by default

    • Changes the user to Yes if he wants the system to check whether the posted and uncredited sales line is in the GAC (to Residual value or Sales fee), if such a line exists in the GAC.

It contains a preset field for filtering:

  • No. (No.)

  • Customer No.

The user can add additional fields to filter from all the fields of the agreement header.

After confirmation OKor after running a task in the task scheduler, the system goes through the contracts that:

  • They have an Expected End Date from the interval specified in the dialog box in the fields Closing Date From and Closing Date To

  • Detailed contract status = detailed status set in the field Detailed status of a duly terminated contract in OneCore Setup – bookmark End (e.g. RUP)

  • There is no change copy or contract variant.

On the contracts filtered in this way, it checks that:

  • The contract has no issued or posted individual invoices

  • If there was a flag in the dialog box Check Sales Line = Yes, the system checks whether the sales price has been posted and uncredited (a line in the GAC of the contract for Residual Value or Selling Fee), if such a line exists in the GAC

  • Contract Balance = 0.00

  • Contracts that meet the filter described above will be classified by the system in the Print Queues of Proper Termination – Letter 3.

Proper Termination Print Queue – Letter 3

When the job is complete Checking Contracts Before Archiving The system displays the contracts that have fulfilled the conditions of the task in the overview Proper Termination Print Queue – Letter 3.

You can find the overview using a full-text search via the so-called MAGNIFYING glass, where you enter the name of the table.

The print queue can also be viewed from the hub role OneCore – Financing via the button Proper Termination Print Queue – Letter 3

It is possible to print documents individually for a contract or in bulk for selected contracts.

By selecting the contracts and pressing the Print button in the ribbon, the user starts printing the documents that are defined in the table Proper Termination Contract Printout Setup for the print phase Letter 3.

After confirming the function of the system:

  • Checks if documents for the contract have already been printed (flag Printed 3 on the financing contract). In the event that:

    •  Yes

      • The system displays a message Documents for Letter 3 have already been printed on contract XY. User confirms OK and the system stops printing the contract. If mass printing from the queue is started, the system will continue to the next contract and after printing the last contract it will display the message: Documents for Letter 3 have already been printed on contracts XY, XX. User confirms OK to close the announcement.

        • (XY, XX... = contract number)


    • No

      • The system filters matching documents from the table Proper Termination Contract Printout Setup to documents where the Print Phase = Letter 3 and prints the selected documents

      • After all the documents have been printed, the system changes the value of the field on each contract:

        • Printed 3 = YES

      • Contracts remain in the Proper Termination Press Queue – Letter 3

  • Annul 

    • The system stops printing documents without any changes.

For mass printing, the user selects the selected contracts and confirms the button Press. The system will generate the defined documents sequentially for each contract in PDF format under the name defined in the Proper Termination Contract Printout Definition afield File Name Mask into a ZIP file that the user can find in the downloaded documents.

After extracting the file and marking all the documents, it is possible to print the documents in bulk.

Note: To be able to print in bulk, you need to have Adobe Reader as the default application for reading PDF files.

When printing is complete, the system does not remove the contracts from the print queue, but keeps them in the queue for archiving. To reprint documents, the user uses the standard function for printing documents from a financing contract (from a card or from a list of contracts).

Archiving of the contract after proper termination

Archiving the contract after proper termination can be done by a wizard to change the detailed status of the contract.

Deleting a Contract from the Print Queue

To remove a contract from the print queue without printing documents, you can use the Discard Contract From Print Queue, which is located in the Print Queue Contract Proper Termination task bar – Letter 1/2/3.

Example for Contract Print Queues Proper Termination – Letter 1:

After confirming the button, the system will display an informative message Are you sure you want to confirm printing and disable the contract from the queue? If the user chooses:

  • Yes

    •  The system removes the contract from the queue

  •  Marks Printed 1/2/3 = YES

  • No

    •  The system stops the function and does not dequeue the contracts.

In case Print Queues Proper Termination - Letter 1 and Letter 2 It will not be possible to add a contract that has already been discarded in this way to the print queue again (the print queue is performed by the Contract Proper Termination/Sales Prices Posting).

Until Print Queues Proper Termination – Letter 3 the contract will be re-listed if it meets the conditions of the job Checking Contracts Before Archiving. It will only be possible to archive the contract, it will no longer be possible to print, because by removing it from the print queue, printing from queue 3 has been confirmed (Printed 3 = Yes).

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