Summary Of Process

Summary Of Process

Below is a summary of the processes for the orderly termination of financing contracts, see the other pages for a detailed description.

Process for Financing Without Services

The orderly termination process takes place in several steps:

  • Change of contract status to "Terminating" status and its corresponding detailed status according to the settings in the system in advance of the expiration of the financing period

  • Posting of sales prices of duly terminated contracts (financial leasing in service delivery mode)

  • Archiving of duly terminated contracts.

Process for Financing with Services

The orderly termination process takes place in several steps:

  • Change of contract status to "Terminating" status and corresponding detailed status according to the settings in the system

  • Financed Object Return

    • Changing the Detailed Status

    • Extension of insurance to the client by days by which the vehicle was returned later (according to the settings in the Insurance Product Status Relation)

    • Creation of "second-store" insurance policies (according to the settings in the Insurance Product Status Relation)

    • Adding data to the object (Vehicle Return Date, Mileage upon Return, Second Wheel Returned, etc.)

  • Vehicle for sale

    • Change in the status of duly terminated contracts (terminated -> settled) and adjacent detailed status

    • Termination of "second-hand" insurance policies

    • Entering the date of receipt of the sales price / return of the vehicle registration certificate

  • Settlement

    • Changing the Detailed Status

    • Creation of a financial settlement and its issuance/posting

  • Debt-free contract

    • Entering the date of actual termination/archiving of the contract

    • automatic change of the status of duly terminated contracts (settled - > archived) and the corresponding detailed status


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