Canceling From Payment Calendar

Canceling From Payment Calendar

Button Cancel cancels the payment depending on whether it was posted individually from the contract (typically Financial leasing, Credit, Instalment sale) or by a collective invoice (typically Operative leasing and Fleet management).

Canceling an Individually Posted Payment

Only the last invoiced payment can be cancelled.

To cancel:

  • Mark the last payment that was invoiced (Document No. is filled in, Posted = Yes, Canceled = No)

  • Cancel button

  • Opens a dialog

  • The system displays the message "Do you really want to cancel?"


  • After confirmation, the Cancel Financing Payment dialog box opens. In the dialog window, the Posting Date and VAT Date are filled in with the current date (TODAY) and these dates are written into the header of the credit memo.

Filling in the Posting Date and VAT Date is mandatory, if it is not filled in, it will result in a cancellation error message




  • After confirmation, the payment will be canceled and a Posted Sales Credit Memo will be generated. In the payment calendar on the canceled payment line, the system leaves the document number and sets the flags Posted = No, Cancellation = Yes

Subsequently, the user can cancel other posted installments one by one.

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