Credit memo from sales invoice for installment

Credit memo from sales invoice for installment

From the sales invoice card, which has Invoice Print Type = Payment in the field, it is possible to create a posted credit memo for the entire sales invoice via the button:

Startup Create Mass Credit Memo for Payments buttons Create Mass Credit Memo for Installments:

  • The system displays a message


After voting YES, it continues

  • Displays a dialog box where the user can change the Posting Date and VAT Date

After the election OK

  • The system will check whether the mass invoice has not already been partially credited:

    • If not, it goes on and creates a credit note for the total mass invoice for the payments.

    • If yes, it displays the system message and terminates the task.


  • Checks the settings in the Tab. Contract with Service Setup, Do Not Post Credit Memo from Payment Calendar field:

    • if it´s yes – the system creates an unposted mass credit memo with the flag For mass credit memo for payments YES

      • it will not be possible to delete the document from the list, nor from the document card, nor via the Delete button

      • Sales Line (37) will be non-editable

      • The user has the option to manually post a credit memo with the flag "For mass credit memo for installments" YES via the Post button on the unposted credit memo card.

      • It then manually generates the attachments and sends them.

      • In the payment schedule system:

        • deletes the multiple invoice number from the payment calendar.

        • Canceled YES field

        • new field "Unposted Credit Memo" YES

        • the Posted field will be NO

    • if it´s NO – the system displays the following system message: Include credit memo in mass credit memo? YES/NO

      • if the user chooses NO

        • The system will create a posted credit memo for the entire invoice, which will contain:

        • new field Mass Credit Memo for Installments/ENG Credit Memo For Billing = NIE Number

        • Invoice Print Type (4026715) Payment

        • deletes the mass invoice number from the payment calendar, marks the payment field line: Canceled=YES, Posted = NO

        • Subsequently, the user manually generates attachments to the credit note, using the E-mail button to send it

      • If the user chooses YES – it creates an unposted credit memo that is pending further processing.

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