Rent Card
The following applies to a created loan: If the loan is in the New status and is not registered/issued, the User may delete the loan.
This is a similar form to the Reservation field description in the Reservations chapter.
The loan card is divided into General Loan Information and the loan lines themselves
On the top bar, in the Related section, button
After clicking, you will see a table for entering dimensions for a given reservation / loan
By default, the dimensions of the customer who is selected on the loan are transferred to the table. The user can change the dimensions
Pri fakturácii sa dimenzi přepřenosí do hlavičky faktury (standard function)
General Tab
No. (No.)
Loan No.
Order No.
The reservation number from which the loan is created. Interconnection through detailed items
License Plate (License Number)
License plate number of the selected car for rent
Renter Email
Empty by default
The user can enter the e-mail address to which the documents will be sent if the Send Documents function is used
This e-mail address is entered in the Send To field and is placed after the e-mail addresses that are automatically retrieved from the Printout Definition settings for the document
Contract Status
Values New, Released, Cancelled, Finished, Invoiced
Invoice Count
Displays the number of all issued documents of the Invoice type for the given loan number to date
By clicking on the number, the user displays a list of Sales Invoices
Posted Invoice Count
Displays the number number of all posted sales invoices for the circulation number
By clicking on the number, the user displays a list of Posted Sales Invoices
Monthly Rent
The system calculates rent per day (daily rental)
First invoicing: (Last day of the month of the business day set for the user – Rent from) x Rate per day
Next invoicing: (Last day of the month of the Business Day set for the user – Last Posting Date) x Rate per day
The system calculates the rent for the whole month, i.e.
First invoicing: (Last day of the month of the business day set for the user - Rent from) x (Rate month/30)
Other invoicing: (Last day of the month of the business day set for the user – Last Posting Date – the system determines how many months need to be invoiced) x Rate per month
If Monthly rent is NO, it is possible to change the rate per day in the Rate per day field in the loan lines.
If Monthly rent is YES, it is possible to change the rate per month in the Rate per month field in the loan lines.
Rent lines (4027408)
In the Manage section, there is a button:
After clicking, you will see a table for entering dimensions for a given reservation / loan
By default, the dimensions of the selected vehicle and the dimensions from the booking / rental header from the Dimensions table are transferred to the table. The user can change the dimensions
When you update the dimensions on the booking/circulation header, the header dimensions in the dimension table on the booking/circulation row are also updated
Pri fakturácii sa dimenzi přepřenos do row faktury (standard function)
By default, the data from the reservation card will be copied if it exists
Field Description different from the booking card
Returned (Date)
Actual Vehicle Return Date
Returned (Time)
Time of actual return of the vehicle
Tariff [Day])
Non-editable field
Pricelist Tariff [Day])
Non-editable field
Mileage - Beginning
The value is added from the car card – another piece of information can be entered
when changing the km data manually, the given km will also be written on the vehicle card, and if the value of the financed object number is filled in on the vehicle, the message and function described in the Mileage Status field on the car rental car will be displayed
Mileage - End
The value is filled in automatically when writing to the acceptance protocol in the Returns section in the Odometer Status [Return] field
The user can change the value (note that the value is not written incorrectly to the forwarding protocol)
If the km data is changed, the given km will also be written on the vehicle card and if the value of the financed object number is filled in on the vehicle, a message and the function described in the Mileage Status field on the car rental car will be displayed
Mileage KM (Run Kilometers)
The system calculates the difference between the mileage at the beginning and at the end of the rental
non-editable field
Free Kilometers
Editable data
By default, it is pre-filled with the calculated value of free uninvoiced km as:
Number of rental days * free km per day from selected price list lines
When filling in the date in the Returned (Date) field, the system calculates the free km according to this date ** free km per day from the selected price list lines according to the number of rental days
The user can write
Posted Kilometers
Difference Between Free Kilometers and Mileage
non-editable field
Price per posted km
Price from the price list for mileage over the limit
non-editable field
Price per posted kms
Amount Calculated as Billed Mileage * Billed Mileage Price
Fuel (Fuels Amount)
Amount as a surcharge for unrefuelled fuel
if the protocol contains the tank level when the vehicle is taken over and the tank level is filled in when the vehicle is handed over, the value is calculated automatically based on the difference and the current fuel price in the Fuel Prices table
The user can insert or edit a value
Deposit For Rent
Informative value without function
By default, the value is downloaded according to the selected price list from the even field
The user can write the value
Billed km (Posted Kilometers)
Actual mileage charged at the end of the lease
Non-editable field
Rented Days
Actual Rental Days by Return Date
Total Rent Amount
Rental price calculated after returning the vehicle
Total Rent Amount Incl. VAT
Rental price total * VAT
User Tab
This tab contains information related to the use of the vehicle.
Foreign trip
after checking this box to YES, the Allowed Countries field will be editable.
Allowed Countries
Here, if foreign travel is permitted, the user can enter the countries to which the rental car is allowed.
Authorized User 1 to 4
Here, the user enters the persons authorized to drive the rented vehicle. If the tenant is a natural person, this person is inserted into User No. 1.
Lookup from customer contact personas
Driver's License No. OU 1 to 4
To be filled in by the system after filling in the Authorized User
Passport number OU 1 to 4
The user fills in the passport number of the authorized user
Here, the user can select the person who mediated the deal from the suppliers' code lists.
Provider Name
after selecting the Provider number, its name will be filled in automatically.
Address tab
By default, the data from the reservation card will be copied if it exists
Delivery Address
Delivery Address
The default value of the field is blank
The field will be filled manually
The field is editable.
Delivery City
The default value of the field is blank
The field will be filled manually
The field is editable
Delivery Postal Code
The default value of the field is blank. The field will be filled manually
The field is editable.
Pick-up Address
Pick-up Address
The default value of the field is blank
The field will be filled manually
The field is editable.
Pick up City
The default value of the field is blank
The field will be filled manually
The field is editable.
Pick-up Postal Code
The default value of the field is blank
The field will be filled manually
The field is editable.
Invoicing tab
By default, the data from the reservation card will be written, if it exists.
Payer No.
By default, the number of the selected tenant is filled in
The user can select the Payer No. from the customer code list Subsequently, all the data about the selected customer will be filled in.
Payer Name
It will be filled in automatically according to the selected payer number
Payer Address
It will be filled in automatically according to the selected payer number
Payer Address 2
Additional information to the address. It will be filled in automatically according to the selected payer number
Payer City
It will be filled in automatically according to the selected payer number
Payer Post Code
It will be filled in automatically according to the selected payer number
Customer Bussines Place No.
Field editable independently of reservation / loan status
When clicked, the user opens a list of the customer's Business Locations filtered to the value in the Bill-to No. field in the Invoicing tab
The user selects the customer's departure location if they want the value from this field to be populated in the Customer Bus field of the invoice. Place Code.
Customer Bussines Place Name
Non-editable field
The name of the customer's business location is entered into the field, according to the selected code in the Customer Business Place No. field
Payer Registration No.
Editable field
The value must be written manually by the user
Attention: currently, when changing the payer, the ID value is not deleted
Payer VAT Reg. No.
The value is filled in automatically after selecting the Payer No.
The value can be edited by the user
ATTENTION: there is no check for the correct format of the VAT number when editing
Renting Cost Centre
The user can add the customer's cost center where the vehicle is to be rented
Return Cost Centre
The user can add the customer's cost center where the vehicle is to be returned
Invoicing Cost Centre
The user can add a cost center that will be listed on the invoice
General Bus. Posting Group (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)
here the user can select the general posting group rental, this group is automatically added from the customer card to the Invoicing tab.
Created By
Information about the user who created the reservation card
Last Modify By
Information about the user who last changed any of the data on the reservation card
Payment Method Code
here the user can choose the method of payment of the invoice, the data from the customer's card is automatically filled in the Invoicing tab.
Notes Tab
By default, the data from the reservation card will be copied if it exists
On the Notes tab, you can insert notes that will be printed on a sales invoice or on a rental agreement.
Functions on Rent Card
New option:
Create Invoice
The user creates an invoice for the loan
Create Fee
For a description of the functionality, see. Create Fee
Choice Process:
The loan is issued through this item. After starting the function, the system checks the filling in of the data in the fields:
Delivery Address
Delivery City
Delivery Postal Code
If any of these fields is empty, the system will display the error message "Delivery address has not been filled in" and the loan will not be issued.
Detailed Entries
Displays a list of items filtered to the contract number
Detailed description in the chapter below
Car Rental Company Billing
A description of the functionality is in the chapter Rent Car Billing
Terminate Entire Lease
The lease is terminated, it is necessary to fill in the date and time of the end of the lease. For a detailed description see. Finish Rent
A user can cancel a issued and registered loan if it has not been invoiced at least once.
If there is no posted sales invoice on the loan, the OC cancels the loan
If an unposted sales invoice is issued on the loan, the OC cancels the loan
If a posted invoice has already been issued for the loan, the OC will display the following message when attempting to cancel: "Cannot be cancelled. This loan has already been invoiced."
After selecting Cancel, the Status of the loan agreement changes to Canceled and can be found in the Loans-All tile
Terminate Line Lease
The function is not used.
Action Choice – Features:
For a description of the function, see. Process option
Terminate Entire Lease
The lease is terminated, it is necessary to fill in the date and time of the end of the lease.
For a description, see. Process option
Terminate Line Lease
For a description, see. Process option
Create Invoice
For a description, see. New option
Create Fee
For a description, see. New option
Related option – borrowing:
Detailed Entries
Displays a list of items filtered to the contract number
Car Rental Company Billing
A description of the functionality is in the chapter Rent Car Billing
Handover Protocol
A description of the functionality is in the chapter Print Rent Documents
To choose a report:
Contract Print
Description of the function in the chapter Print Rent Documents
Send Documents
Description of the function in the chapter Sending Rent Documents
Detailed Entries (API Det. Rent Contract Entry)
Detailed items are one of the means for managing, blocking and releasing vehicles for booking and renting and displaying the status of vehicle utilization. To block and release vehicles, the following flag is important:
If the vehicle is free on the vehicle card Returned = Yes (currently the field is hidden on the card)
Rent from date and time
Rental to date and time
Note: Even if the vehicle meets the conditions described above, the vehicle can still be blocked for rental and reservation by the flag on the vehicle card Vehicle temporarily unavailable = Yes.
The created detail item takes the car number, dates and times from the created line of the reservation/rental card.
Reservation new:
Enrollment Status = New
Detailed item is not being created
The vehicle remains free. On the vehicle card, the Returned By field = Yes
When the vehicle is occupied, the vehicle is visible in the list, it can be booked/rented
Cancelled reservation:
Registration Status = Cancel Reservation
Detailed item is not being created
Reservation Registered by the "Register" button
Enrollment Status = Issued
A Loan Entry (API Rent Contract Entry 4027411) is created
A Detailed Entry is created in Status = Reservation and Status = Active
There is no link to the loan
The vehicle is already blocked for another reservation or rental. On the vehicle card, the Returned By field = Yes
In the vehicle utilization, the vehicle is in the list with the status Reserved
A new loan without binding registration (there is no detailed item):
Loan Status = New
Loan item not created (API Rent Contract Entry 4027411)
Detailed Entry in Status = Reservation and Status = Active is not created
The vehicle remains free. On the vehicle card, the Returned By field = Yes
In vehicle utilization, the vehicle is in the list with status Unspecified
A new loan with binding registration for a reservation (there is an active detailed reservation item)
Loan Status = New
Vehicle is still blocking Detailed entry of the original reservation in status = Reservation and status = Active
The vehicle is already blocked for another reservation or rental. On the vehicle card, the Returned = No field
In the vehicle utilization, the vehicle is in the list with the status Reserved
New loan cancelled without binding registration
If you try to cancel the OC, it will display the message: "There is nothing to cancel, the loan has not yet been issued."
Loan Issued
Loan Status = Issued
A new Loan Entry (API Rent Contract Entry 4027411) is created
A new Detailed Loan Entry will be created with status = Rental and status = Active, which will take over the blocking of the car
Original blocking Detailed item with Status = Reservation sets Status = No
The vehicle is still blocked for another reservation, rental for a given time and time. If the user tries to issue a new reservation for such a car, the system will display a message and will not allow the car to be issued:
In the vehicle utilization, the vehicle is in the list with the status Rented and for the last day Available/Rented according to the return time
Loan issued cancelled with binding registration
Loan Status = Canceled
Vehicle is released Detailed Entry in Status = Cancel rent and Status = Active
The vehicle is unlocked for further reservation, rental. On the vehicle card, the Returned By field = Yes
In vehicle utilization, the vehicle is in the list with status Unspecified
Loan terminated
Loan Status = Done
A new Loan Entry (API Rent Contract Entry 4027411) is created
A new Detailed Circulation Entry is created in status = Closed status = Active
Original blocking Detailed item with Status = Lease is set Status = No
The vehicle is released for further reservation, rental
Please note that until this time, the vehicle is systemically blocked for further rental, even if it is available according to the date
In vehicle utilization, the vehicle is in the list with status Unspecified