Rent Car Billing
In the Car Rental Billing overview, the system records the creation of documents that were created from the rental card via the Create Invoice or Create Fee function. The system also records a rate change in the Car Rental Billing overview via the Rate Change button.
Rent No.
The loan number from which the record was created
Order Line No.
Line number in Car Rental Billing for rental number
Customer No.
Customer Name
Document Type
Values: Invoice/Credit Memo/ Rate Change
Posting Date
When creating a rental invoice = user's work date
If an invoice or credit memo is created when the rate is changed, it is Last Posting Date + 1 day
Rent From
Period from which the rent is calculated or the rate change is charged
Rent To
Period for which the rent is calculated or the rate change is charged
Monthly rental (Tariff (Month))
When a record is created, the system overwrites from the loan card
Invoiced Months
If the loan is Monthly Rent =YES, the system writes the number of invoiced months in the invoice
If the loan is Monthly Rent= NO, the system will recalculate the invoiced months /30, if an integer comes out, it will be entered into the Invoiced Months field, the others into Invoiced Days
Invoiced Days
If the loan is Monthly Rent= NO, invoiced days < 30, system number of invoiced days
Rate (Day)
When a record is created, the system overwrites from the loan card
Rate (month)
When a record is created, the system overwrites from the loan card
Total Rental
The total amount of the car rental for the entire agreed rental period
Total Rental Incl. VAT
The total amount of the car rental for the entire agreed rental period, including VAT
Document No. Noc Invoiced
Unposted Document No.
Document No.
Posted Document No.
Document Creation Business Date
Created By Name
Currency of the user creating the document
Car Rental Company Billing Type
The type of item that has been invoiced (rent, utilities, etc.)
The Car Rental Billing table can be found via the main search for Hub Roles. An overview of all created records from loans will be displayed.