API Rent Car

API Rent Car

The car rental card contains the following tabs (which will be described in the following chapters):

  • General

  • Car rental

  • Insurance

  • Administration

On the card there are buttons:

  • Catalogue Card

    • click on the button to display the catalogue card of the vehicle from which the vehicle was created (value in the Catalogue Card No. field on the General tab)

  • Remove the car from the car rental company (Eliminate Car)

    • after clicking on the button, a message will appear: "Do you really want to remove the car from the car rental company's records?"

    • If the user clicks Yes, the vehicle's status will change to inactive by changing the status in the Status field in the Car Rental tab

In the Related section

  • Dimension button

    • When clicked, a table for entering dimensions for the given vehicle is displayed

    • The user enters the dimensions, which are transferred to the table and to the dimensions card in the book/loan row

    • When invoicing, the dimensions are transferred to the invoice line (standard function)

General Tab

This tab contains basic information about the vehicle


  • Code

    • No. Series for Created Car Rental Car Cards

    • If the Default Numbers = Yes flag is set on the number sequence, the value is automatically inserted into this field when you create a new card and click in any field

    • The number sequence for car rental cards is taken according to the number sequence settings in the Car Numbers field in the Car Rental Settings table

  • Financing Contract No.

    • If the car rental card to be entered is for a vehicle that is entered as a vehicle in a leasing contract (financing contract), the user selects the leasing contract on which the vehicle is registered.

  • Financed Object No.

    • Non-editable field

    • Empty by default

    • The value is tightened according to the selected Financing Contract No.

  • Catalogue Card No.

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If the value is not entered in the Financed Object No. field, the user selects it manually

    • The field is not mandatory, it does not have to be entered on the car card

  • Fixed Asset No.

    • User manually selects Fixed assets from the Fixed assets list          

  • License Plate

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If the value is not entered in the Financed Object No. field, the user can type manually

  • VIN Code

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If the value is not entered in the Financed Object No. field, the User writes manually

  • Car Description

    • If a catalogue card is entered, it will be downloaded automatically from the catalogue card. The user can change the description.

    • If no catalogue card is specified, the user manually writes the description

    • The description is added to the car rental company's documents

  • Car Type

    • Default Person car settings

    • The user can change and select a value from the option:

      • Person Car, Motorbike, Trailer, Lorry, Special

  • Make Code

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If a catalogue card is entered, it will be downloaded automatically from the catalogue card.

    • If a catalogue card is not specified, the user selects the brand by clicking on the field

  • Make Name

    • Non-editable field

    • It will be tightened automatically according to the specified mark

  • Model Line Code

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If a catalogue card is entered, it will be downloaded automatically from the catalogue card.

    • If a catalogue card is not specified, the user selects a field from the Model Lines options filtered to the specified make by clicking on it

  • Model Line Name

    • It will be tightened automatically according to the specified Model Line

  • Model ID

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If a catalogue card is entered, it will be downloaded automatically from the catalogue card.

    • If no catalogue card is specified, the user selects a field by clicking on the field from the model options filtered to the specified make and model series

  • Model Name

    • It will be tightened automatically according to the specified model ID

  • Engine Code

    • If necessary, enter by the user

    • 10 characters

  • Engine

    • If necessary, enter the engine number/designation by the user

    • Text: 30 characters

  • Exterior Colour Code

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If a catalogue card is entered, the user selects from the colour code list

    • If a catalogue card is not specified, the user selects from the colour list. In the color code list, this color must be specified except for the colors of the catalogue cards

  • Exterior Colour Description

    • Selected by the user

  • Fuel Type Code

    • Field is non-editable

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If a catalogue card is entered, it will be drawn from the catalogue card

    • If a catalogue card is not specified, the field will be empty

  • Tank Capacity

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If the value in the Object No. field is empty, the user fills it in manually, it is not filled in from the catalogue card

  • Protection Type

    • Empty by default

    • The user can select from:

      • Mechanical, Electronical, Mechanica+Electronical

  • Highway One-year Ticket

    • Information on whether the vehicle has a valid annual vignette

    • Values Yes/No

    • Default value = No

    • The user can change the value

  • Metallic

    • Additional information for log documents and searching lists. Information about whether the vehicle is metallic

    • Values Yes/No

    • Default value = No

    • The user can change the value

  • Technical Control To

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If the value in the Object No. field is empty, the user fills it in manually, it is not filled in from the catalogue card

    • If the value e.g. 2 is entered in the Car Rental Settings in the field Notification before the end of the EK/TK and Insurance Days date, the system checks the date of the TK to when selecting the car for reservation/rental and displays a warning message to the user in this set time interval

  • Mileage Status

    • When creating a card, the user writes manually

    • It is automatically filled in with the value from the Odometer Status field end when the vehicle is returned

    • The user can change the km.

    • When a reservation / rental is created, km from this field are drawn to the line of the reservation / loan card in the Mileage – Start field

    • If the value of the financed object number is filled in on the vehicle, then when changing the mileage value in this field, the system will display the following message to the user:

      • If the user clicks No, the km will only be saved on the car rental card's car card

      • If the user clicks Yes, the system will check the last km entered in the Odometer Status History for the given financed object and if:

        • if the entered km is greater than the last km entered in the Odometer Status History table for the given financed object, the system will create a new row in the table with area = Car Rental

        • the entered km are less than the last entered km in the Odometer Status History table for the given financed object will display an informative message:

          • If the user clicks on Yes, a new row will be created in the Odometer Status History table for the given financed object with area = Car Rental

          • If the user clicks No, the km will only be saved on the car rental card's car card

  • Tank – Parts

    • The user selects a value from the predefined options.

    • Important information for the re-invoicing of an unrefuelled tank when returning the vehicle and its entry in the acceptance protocol

  • Next Service Check (Date)

    • Next Service Check Date

  • Next Service Check (km)

    • The user can enter km for the next service check

  • Temporary Unavailable Vehicle

    • Default value = No

    • The user switches to Yes if the vehicle is out of the possibility of renting for any reason (service. Insurance claim, etc)

    • If the field contains value = Yes, the vehicle will not be offered for rent

  • Purchase Price (Actual Price)

    • If the entered value is in the Financed Object No. field, the value is automatically drawn from the financed object of the contract

    • If the value in the Object No. field is empty, the user fills it in manually, it is not filled in from the catalogue card

Rent a Car Tab

The tab contains vehicle-specific information related to renting a car.


  • Tariff Group, Tariff Subgroup, Pricelist Code

    • These are the values shown in Standard Vehicle Card and see Settings.

  • Active Date

    • The date from which the vehicle is offered for rent.

  • Deactivation Date

    • After this date, the vehicle will not be offered for rent

  • Status

    • Indicates whether the vehicle is active or inactive for the car rental company's needs

  • Fixed Asset No.

    • In this field, the system adds the number of the fixed asset if a fixed asset card is created for this car.

  • Price of the car

    • Catalogue price of the vehicle, e.g. for the purposes of taxation in addition to wages

  • Parking lot

    • Here, the user selects the place where the vehicle is located from the parking lot list.

  • Parking space

    • Here, the user chooses where the vehicle is located in the parking lot

Insurance tab

The tab contains insurance information. This is only a registration field.

Management Tab

The bookmark contains only informative fields.

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