OneCore Posting Setup
- 1 Principles
- 2 Dependencies and assumptions
- 3 Invoicing Entry Types
- 4 OneCore Posting Setup
- 5 Payment Posting Setup
- 6 Insurance Posting Setup
- 7 Service Posting Setup
- 8 Calculation Inputs Posting Setup
- 9 Contract Accrual Posting Setup
- 10 Instalment Sale Posting Setup
- 11 Posting Setup for Special VAT Mode
- 12 Set Up Financial Leasing Posting with Delivery of Goods
The settings for Financing Contract posting are set in the table OneCore Posting Setup. This table is used to set up the posting of instalments, calculation inputs, contract accrual posting, and the posting of the sales price of instalment sales.
Amounts calculated in calendars or calculation inputs are charged, and in the case of instalment sale also amounts on the header of the Financing Contract.
If the Financing Contract is recorded in a foreign currency, the generated invoices or internal documents are converted to the local currency during posting.
Insurance can be registered in two ways – as simple insurance, which is entered only on the header of the Financing Contract, and insurance with records in Insurance Contracts. Simple insurance cannot be accrued
Services can be recorded in two ways – as a simple service, which is entered only on the header of the Financing Contract, and detailed services with records in the Contract Services. Simple service cannot be accrued.
For contracts with the same General Posting Group, Item Posting Group and Currency, it is not possible to use both Insurance Contracts and Simple Insurance and Detailed Contract Services and Simple Service at the same time.
In OneCore Posting Setup, only one value must be entered in each field at a time, it is not possible to enter multiple values separated by a pipe (|) into one field, ranges from – to, use wildcards (*, ?), for example Currency Code = EUR|USD|CHF or Currency Code = *
Dependencies and assumptions
The correct posting setup depends on the Posting Groups on the Customer Card and on the Financing Contract on the Invoicing tab, respectively on the Contract Templates and Models settings, on the Insurance Contract and on the Contract Service. A description of the template and contract model settings is in the "Product" document. The setting of posting groups is also described in this document in chapter Nastavení účto skupin
The condition for posting installments in the OneCore Financing module is the existence of source data:
Payments Calendar
This calendar contains the data required for posting a payment in the Local Accounting
The client's repayment also includes insurance obtained from the Insurance Client Payment Calendar and detailed services obtained from the Service Payment Calendar
The description of the payment in local accounting (CAS) is in the document "Fakturace_prodej"
Insurance Calendar
Insurance from the Insurance Client Payment Calendar is part of the posted payment in the local accounting. The premium can be included in the client's payment (Payment Calendar, Type = Payment)), or it can be invoiced separately (Payment Calendar of the "Insurance" type). A description of the settings can be found in the "Insurance Product" document.
Service Payment Calendar
Services from Calendars Contract services are part of the posted payment in local accounting. Contract services cannot be invoiced separately. A description of the settings can be found in the "Price lists" document.
A condition for posting calculation inputs is the existence of Calculation Inputsthat have flags for posting to the local and/or IFRS accounting system.
A condition for accruals posting is the existence of calendars Contract Accrual Lines.
The dependencies are in the settings:
Contract Template
Contract Model
OneCore Setup
Contract with Service Setup
Service Types
Calculation Input Types
Insurance Framework Contracts > Calculation Setup -> Posting Groups (UD Insurance Product Management)
Customer Card
Customer Templates (the description of the Customer Template settings is in the Adresář )
Invoicing Entry Types
The Invoicing Entry Types code list is used in the OneCore Posting Setup table to set up the document that will be posted in the Financing Contract. Therefore, it is necessary to set up at least two codes in the code list – one for generating a sales invoice and one for generating an internal document.
Description of field settings:
The code under which the item will be registered in the code list
A description of the code and at the same time the default text that will be transferred to the OneCore Posting Setup table. Here you can change the text
To Invoice
Flag that the source data (e.g. principal in a payment calendar) will be posted in the form of a sales invoice
To Be Invoice
Flag that the source data will be posted
Must be set to Yes if To Invoice = Yes
If To Invoice = Yes and To Be Invoiced = No, then the source amount will be inserted into the invoice line only for information, it will not be posted and will not be included in the invoice total. This combination of settings is not commonly used.
Post Internally
Flag that the source data should be posted in the form of an internal document.
It is not possible to set up invoice and internal document posting at the same time for a given code!
OneCore Posting Setup
Table OneCore Posting Setup it is available in the Manual Setup list in the Finance OneCore category or by searching through the system magnifier.
The table contains the basic posting settings for Combinations of Gen. Bus. Posting Groups, Gen. Prod. Posting Groups and Currency Code. For Each currency must be created a set of settings separately. For local currency, the Currency Code is not filled in.
In OneCore Posting Setup (OneCore Posting Setup), you must first define in individual lines All resources (tables and fields)that you want to post. To define resources, use these fields:
Gen. Business Posting Group
General Product Posting Group
Line No.
Currency Code
Validity From
Validity To
Table Type
Calendar Type Payment
Line Type
Source Data Payment
Calendar Type Insurance
Source Data Insurance
Calendar Type Service Service
Source Data Service
Source Data Contract
Accrual / CI Accounting Area
Calc. Input Variant (Calc. Type Variant)
Calculation Input Type
Source Data Calculation Input
Accrual Object
Source Data Accrual Line
For each defined source field, it is also necessary to set What accounts and, if applicable, the accounting party will be posted to the source field. To do this, use a group of fields:
Reverse Sign
Debit Credit Setting
Account No.
Accruals Account No.
Use Accruals Account
Use Cust. Posting Group)
VAT Special Mode Setting
Next, you need to set By what document the payment will be charged. To do this, use a group of fields:
Invoicing Entry Code
To Invoice
To Be Invoiced
Post Internally
Document Accounting System
Which document is to be posted is set by flags To Invoice and To Be Invoiced - A sales invoice is posted, or Post Internally - A general journal is posted. If only the To Invoice flag is checked, the source field is on the invoice for informational purposes only, is not posted, and is not included in the total receivable.
General description of individual fields (specifics for individual areas are described in the following chapters):
Gen. Business Posting Group
is set primarily for the customer and is copied into the contract from the Customer or from the contract template (according to the settings), see Chapter II. Posting Groups in the Financing Area Nastavení účto skupin | Účto skupiny v oblasti Financování
Required for all regions, primary key
Setting up General Business Posting Groups that will be on the
Financing Contracts
Customer card (for mass invoicing OPL with services)
Insurance Contracts
General Product Posting Group
It is set in the contract template, service type or in the insurance framework contract, see Chapter IV. Posting Groups in the Financing Area Nastavení účto skupin | Účto skupiny v oblasti Financování . From there, it is copied to the appropriate calendars
Required for all regions, primary key
Setting up General Posting Groups of Items that will be
on the Payment Calendar
on the Client's Insurance Calendar
on the Service Payment Calendar
Line No.
It is used for numbering the order of rows (manual entry according to the user's own logic)
Required for all regions, primary key
Currency Code
Currency of source documents (currency of the contract incl. calculation inputs, currency of the insurance contract, currency of the contract service, currency of the Contract Accrual Line calendar)
Mandatory for all regions
Posting must be set up separately for each currency:
For Local Currency, Currency Code is blank
For foreign currency, it is necessary to select a code from the currency code list
The insurance currency, service currency, and calculation input currency are always the same as the contract currency
The currency of the accrual calendar line is always the same as the source of the accrual (contract payment, insurance, contract Service, calculation input)
Valid From, Valid From
It is filled in only if you need to change the accounting for the combination during the life of the contract (e.g. when changing accounting legislation)
Table Type
Specifies the source from which the bill will be made
Tables are available:
Payment = A Financing Contract Line of type Payment or Insurance, which is displayed as Payment Calendar and Insurance Calendar for invoicing separately from the payment
Insurance = Client Insurance Calendar
Service = Service Payment Line or Service Payment Calendar
Accruals = Calendar Contract Accruals
Contract Header = Financing Contract
Calculation Input
Calendar Type Payment
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Payment. Indicates the type of calendar from which to take amounts for posting.
Payment calendar type available
Payment – Posting of the current payment.
Insurance – insurance that is not included in the payment and is invoiced separately. This option is not used because only rows with Table Type = Insurance are set for insurance posting.
Line Type
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Payment. Defines a payment calendar line by type.
There is a type of
Common – Regular contract line (line with flags Down Payment Line = No and Selling Price Line = No)
Down Payment – line with the first increased payment (line with flag Down Payment Line = Yes)
Sales Price – The line with the selling price or residual value after the end of financing. It is usually used in financial leasing; It is not used and set up in other types of financing. A line in the payment calendar has the flag Line with selling price = Yes and is set when the payment calendar is calculated:
if the Create Line on Residual Value / Sales Price flag is entered on the Financing Contract model and the residual value and sales price are entered on the Financing Contract, then the sales price is calculated separately and the residual value is in the "principal"
If the flag is not enabled on the financing contract model, then even if the residual value and sales price are specified on the contract, a sales line is not created, the sales price and the balance (principal) are not in the payment calendar and therefore will not be invoiced or posted
Calendar Type Insurance
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Insurance. Indicates the type of calendar from which to take amounts for posting
Options are available
Client Insurance Calendar
Insurance charged to the customer, either as part of the instalment or invoiced separately
Insurance Company Calendar
It is not set, this calendar cannot be posted in the OC standard, posting can be added as a customer modification
Commission calendar on the insurance contract
It is not set, it cannot be posted in the OC standard, posting can be added as a customer adjustment
Calendar Type Service Service
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Service. Indicates the type of calendar from which to take amounts for posting
Only type available
Calculation Input Variant (Calc. Type Variant)
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Calculation Input. Indicates the variant that is specified by the calculation input
Options are available
Acquisition Cost
This calculation input can only be posted, but it is not possible to generate an accrual calendar for it
Acquisition Cost Change
This calculation input can only be posted, but it is not possible to generate an accrual calendar for it
Subsidies (subsidies)
Calculation Input Type
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Calculation Input. Indicates the type that is specified on the Calculation Input. For other Table Types, the Empty option is set
Options are available
Náklad (Costs)
Type from Calculation Input
Type from Calculation Input
Accrual Object
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Accruals. It is possible to set up posting for individual Accrual Objects that are filled in on the line of the Contract Accrual Calendar. For accruals, the subject must be completed.
The following options are available:
It will be used for tables other than Accruals
Down Payment
Insurance Contract
Contract Service
Expense Input Fee
Income Input Fee
Expense Subsidy
Subsidy Income (Income Subsidy)
Expense Commission
Income Commission (Incomme Commission)
Accrual / CI Accounting Area
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Accruals or Calculation Input (Table Type = Accruals or Calculation Input). For these tables, the field is mandatory.
The accounting system is being set up,
which will be on the line of the Contract Accruals calendar (for the Accruals table)
which corresponds to the flags that will be checked on the Calculation input:
Post Calculation Input Local
Post IFRS Calculation Input
The available values are:
Cannot be used for calculation inputs or contract accrual calendar
The setup line is used when posting the calculation input with the Post calculation input local flag checked, or when posting a calendar line Contract accruals where Accounting area is Local
The setup line is used when posting a calculation input with the Post IFRS calculation input flag checked, or when posting a calendar line Contract Accruals where Accounting Area is IFRS
If both flags (post to local book and IFRS ledger) are set on the Calculation input, it is necessary to set up two sets of accounts.
The accounting area does not affect the selection of financial accounts, the system does not check whether local or IFRS accounts are set up for the given area
Source Data Payment
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Payment. This is a field in the payment calendar that will be posted.
The following options are available:
Principal field from payment calendar
The principal can be accrued
Interest field from payment calendar
Interest can be accrued
Sales Price
Sales Price field from payment calendar
Set only for Line Type = Sales Price
The selling price cannot be accrued
The Annuity Excl. VAT field from the payment calendar, which is the sum of the Principal and Interest fields.
Accruals can be made as separate fields Principal and Interest
Services Field from Payment Calendar
It's only set up for a simple service. For Detailed Services contracts must not be set!
A simple service cannot be accrued
Special Mode VAT Base
VAT Base field for the special regime from the payment calendar (according to Section 90 of the Value Added Tax Act 235/2004 in CZ and Section 66 of the Value Added Tax Act 222/2004 in SK)
The basis of the special VAT regime cannot be accrued
Amount incl. VAT (Amount incl. VAT)
Payment Amount field from Payment Calendar, which is the sum of all payment components incl. VAT
This setting is used in Instalment Sale
The amount incl. VAT cannot be accrued
Rounding Differences from Payment Calendar field
Rounding cannot be accrued
Annuity incl. VAT
Sum of Fields from Payment Calendar Principal + Principal VAT + Interest + Interest VAT
This setting is used in Instalment Sale
Annuity incl. VAT cannot be accrued
Insurance Field from Payment Calendar
It is set up for simple insurance only. It must not be set for insurance from the Client's Insurance Calendars!
Simple insurance cannot be accrued
Simple Fee
Simple Fee field from payment calendar
Simple fee cannot be accrued
Amount excl. Simple Fee)
Payment Calendar Field Difference = Payment Amount – Simple Fee Amount – Simple Fee VAT
An amount without a simple fee cannot be accrued
VAT Payment on Delivery of Goods
It is used in financial leasing with delivery of goods
Source Data Insurance
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Insurance. This is a field in the client's insurance calendar that will be posted
The following options are available:
Applies to table types other than Insurance
It is set up for posting the insurance amount from the Client's Insurance Calendar, which will be invoiced separately or as part of the payment. It is set up for insurance contracts in both foreign and local currency.
Amount (LCY)
Amount in the calendar converted to local currency, usually not set,
This option cannot be used if the contract is in a foreign currency and the posted document is a sales invoice or credit note (when posting, the insurance amount is checked in installments with the posted amounts from the client's insurance calendars)
VAT Amount
Calculated amount in calendar, usually not set
Source Data Service
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Service. This is a field in the service calendar that will be posted
The following options are available:
Used for table types other than Service
It is set up for posting the service amount from the service calendar that will be invoiced as part of the payment
Amount (LCY)
The amount of the service converted in the calendar to the local currency, usually not set for posting
This option cannot be used if the contract is in a foreign currency and the posted document is a sales invoice or credit memo
Cost Amount
The Cost Amount calculated in the service calendar, usually not set for posting
Cost Amount (LCY)
The Cost Amount calculated in the service calendar and converted to local currency, usually not set for posting
Source Data Calculation Input
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Calculation Input. This is the field on the Calculation Input that will be posted.
The following options are available:
It will be used for table types other than Calculation Input
Base Amount
Base Amount field on the Calculation Input, the amount is in the contract currency
Financed Amount
Financed Amount field on the Calculation Input, the amount is in the contract currency
Calculation Amount
Calculation Amount field on the Calculation Input, the amount is in the contract currency
Source Data Accrual Line
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Accruals. This is a field in the Contract Accrual calendar that will be posted.
The following options are available:
The Posting Amount field from the Contract Accrual Calendar will be posted
The amount is in the currency of the Financing Contract or the currency of the Insurance Contract or the Contract Service.
If "Amount" is set and the contract is in a foreign currency, then the internal document is generated in Contract Currency, where both the currency amount and the local currency amount are taken from the Accrual Calendar (Posting Amount and Posting Amount (LCY))
Amount (LCY)
The Posting Amount (LCY) field from the Contract Accrual Calendar will be posted
If "Amount (LCY)" is set and the contract is in a foreign currency, then only an internal document is generated In Local Currency (i.e. the currency from the calendar will not be used).
Source Data Contract
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Contract Header. The setup is used to post an invoice for the sales price in installment sales. These are the fields that are on the Installment Sale tab of the Financing Contract.
The following options are available:
Applies to table types other than Contract Header
Total Principal (IS)
Sum of principal from payment calendar lines
Total Interest (IS)
Sum of interest from payment calendar lines
VAT Base (IS)
Sum of Total Principal and Total Interest
Amount incl. VAT (IS)
Total Amount incl. VAT (Amount incl. VAT)
Tax. Delivery document
Use for financial leasing with delivery of goods
Fields from the contract header can be posted to the Accruals Account according to the set condition, but it is not possible to generate a Contract Accrual Calendar for them. However, it is possible to calculate the accrual of principal or interest from the lines of the payment calendar.
VAT Special Mode Setting
The field is relevant only for rows where Table Type = Payment and Source Data Payment = Special Mode VAT Base. The setting is applied to contracts with flag Special VAT Mode = Yes, where Principal VAT and Interest VAT is zero and VAT is calculated from a special VAT base.
The following options are available:
Blank – used for all other cases where a special VAT base is not posted
incl. VAT – On the invoice line, the VAT posting group Special Mode – Tax (from the header of the Financing Contract) is used for the calculation of VAT. This setting is used for a positive tax base (i.e. Reverse Sign = No)
without VAT – on the invoice line, the VAT posting group special mode – non-tax (from the header of the Financing Agreement) will be used for the calculation of VAT. This setting is used for a negative tax base (i.e. Reverse Sign = Yes)
Reverse Sign
Use the field to change the sign of the amount received from the source field (calendar, calculation input, or contract).
If the source field is posted via a sales invoice (see Invoicing Entry Code), then sign rotation is not used! The only exception is the invoicing setup of a contract with a "special VAT regime".
Amounts in calendars and calculation inputs are usually positive.
If set to NO, the system will transfer the amount as shown in the source field.
If it is posted through a sales invoice, then the amount is inserted into the sales invoice line. Therefore, a sales invoice line with a positive amount is automatically posted to the credit side.
If it is posted by an internal document, then the amount from the source field with the original sign is inserted into the internal document on the accounting side according to the "Debit – Credit settings".
If YES, then the system takes the amount including the sign from the source field, reverses the sign and inserts the amount with the opposite sign
To the invoice line
to the internal document on the accounting side according to the Debit – Credit setting"
Debit Credit Setting
It is used only for internal documents. If the source field is posted through a sales invoice, this setting is not taken into account. The setting determines to which accounting side the amount (with the original or rotated sign) from the source field will be inserted in the internal document. By means of the reversed sign, it is possible to post an internal document to the same accounting parties (+MD, -MD or +Credit, -Credit)
Account No.
It is used to set up the general account to which the source field will be posted
The setting is applied when posting:
Accrual Calendars = Always
Calculation input = if it has flags Accruals of Calculation Input = No, Accruals of Calculation Input = No
Payments = according to the condition setting in the Use Accruals Account field. Note – this condition applies to all source fields of the payment, regardless of whether it is possible to calculate the Contract Accrual Calendar for that field.
Insurance = according to the condition setting in the Use Accruals Account field
Contract Services = according to the condition setting in the Use Accruals Account field
Financing Contracts = according to the condition setting in the Use Accruals Account field
Accruals Account No.
It is used to set up the general account to which the source field will be posted
The setting is applied when posting:
Accrual Calendars = Never
Calculation input = if it has flags Accruals of Calculation Input = Yes, Accruals of Calculation Input = Yes
Payments = according to the condition setting in the Use Accruals Account field. Note – this condition applies to all source fields of the payment, regardless of whether it is possible to calculate the Contract Accrual Calendar for that field.
Insurance = according to the condition setting in the Use Accruals Account field
Contract Services = according to the condition setting in the Use Accruals Account field
Financing Contracts = according to the condition setting in the Use Accruals Account field
Use Accruals Account
A setting that determines whether to use an account from the Account No. column or from the Accruals Account No. column when posting the payment, insurance, contract service, and contract header. The field has the following options:
Never (Never)
This option means that the source field is always posted to the G/L account from the Account No. column. The account set in the Accruals Account No. column is never used and does not need to be set up. These are contracts whose individual components (principal, interest, insurance, services) will never be accrued and the generation of Contract Accrual Calendars is not set up for these folders (see the related Accruals Calculation Method Settings )
This option means that the source field should always be accrual and a Accrual Calendar will be generated for it. When posting a payment, the system always uses the Accruals Account No. column. There is no need to set the Account No. field.
Modality > 1 (Modalities > 1)
This option means that the source field will be posted to the account from the Account No. column if the payment periodicity of the given Financing Contract, Insurance Contract or Contract Service is monthly. For contracts with a higher periodicity (e.g. quarterly), the source field will be posted to the account set in the Accruals Account No. column.
Not Regular
This option means that the source field will be posted to the Accruals Account No. only for contracts with irregular payments. In other cases, the source field will be posted to the Account No.
Marking contracts, insurance, and services as "irregular" is described in the "Finance" documentation;
Modality>>1 or Not Regular
This option means that the source field will be posted to Account No. only for contracts with regular monthly payments, in all other cases it will be posted to the account set in Accruals Account No.
Invoicing Entry Code
The code selected from the code list will be used to set which document will be used for posting the source field.
To post via invoice, you need to select a code with the flags To Invoice (a sales invoice line will be created for the source field) and To Be Invoiced (for the source field, the G/L account will be filled in on the sales invoice line).
For posting in the form of an internal document, it is necessary to select a code with the Post Internally flag set.
To Invoice
The setting is transferred from the Invoicing Item Code, it cannot be changed in the OneCore Posting Settings line.
If set to YES, the source field will be transferred to the invoice line
To Be Invoiced
the setting is transferred from the Invoicing Item Code, it cannot be changed in the OneCore Posting Settings line
If set to YES, the source field transferred to the invoice line will be posted.
If set to NO, then the source field will be inserted into the invoice only for information, it will not be posted and will not be included in the total receivable.
Post Internally
the setting is transferred from the Invoicing Item Code, it cannot be changed in the OneCore Posting Settings line
If set to Yes, the source field will be posted by the internal document
If it is required to post both the invoice and the internal document at the same time when posting the payment (e.g. when posting to IFRS), it is necessary to create separate lines with Invoicing Entry Code for the invoice and separate lines with the code for the internal document in the OneCore Posting Settings.
The default description is transferred from the Invoicing Entry Code, but it is possible to change it and set a different text (e.g. Principal) as needed, which will be copied to the posted document and then to the G/L Entry.
You can use variables in the Description. Variables are selected from the Standard Text Variables table for the Used Variable Template, which is set for the given Accounting Operation Type in the table Reason Code Setup in Financing (see Chapter II). Reason Code Setup in FinancingKódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování
Document Accounting System
used to find the reason code in Reason Code Setup in Financing when posting Calculation Inputs and Contract Accruals. This setting is not used when posting a payment.
Use Cust. Posting Group )
This setting is intended only for contracts with Financing Type = Instalment Sale and Financial Leasing with Delivery of Goods with VAT Instalments. The field is relevant only for setup rows where Table Type = Contract Header or Payment (Table Type = Contract Header or Payment). The setting will only apply to the "short-term" or "long-term" receivables option.
The following options are available:
Longterm Receivable
It is used for installment sales.
If the Long-term receivable option is set, the Customer Posting Group of the SP selling price from the Financing Contract from the Instalment Sale tab will be used to post the receivable
If the field is empty, the Customer Posting Group from the Financing Contract from the Calculation Tab will be used to post the sales price, in all other cases the G/L Account from the Account No. or Accruals Account No. field will be used, and the payment would therefore not be posted to the customer balance
Delivery of goods (VAT)
Used for financial leasing with goods delivery for contracts where Financing VAT = Yes
If the Delivery of Goods (VAT) option is set, the Customer Posting Group for tax documents (Supply of Goods) from the Financing Contract is used to post the receivable.
To apply the settings on documents:
Instalment Sales Price Invoice – The setting is optional:
If the field is empty, "Short-term receivable" will be posted (Customer Posting Group from the Financing Contract from the Calculation tab)
If Longterm Receivable is filled in, a "Longterm Receivable" will be posted (Customer Posting Group of the SP Sales Price from the Financing Contract from the Instalment Sale tab)
Leasing VAT Invoice with Delivery of Goods - the setting is optional:
If the field is empty, a "short-term receivable" will be posted (i.e. Customer Posting Group from the Financing Contract from the Calculation tab)
If Supply of goods (VAT) is filled in, a "long-term receivable" (i.e. Customer Posting Group for Tax Documents (Supply of Goods) from the Financing Contract will be posted)
Fictive payment – this setting is mandatory:
The Long-term receivable option must be set for fictitious instalment sale payment and the Delivery of goods (VAT) option must be set for fictitious financial leasing payment with delivery of goods. If the field was empty, the system would use the settings in the Account No. or Accruals Account No. field for posting, and therefore the payment would not be posted to the customer's balance
Instalment Sales Partial Invoice and Lease Payment Invoice with Delivery of Goods – not used:
The setting will not be used, the system will always post the partial invoice as a regular payment of other financing types, i.e. to the Customer Posting Group from the Financing Contract from the Calculation tab.
Payment Posting Setup
The payment is usually posted through a sales invoice, so in OneCore Posting Setup only accounts are set up for Invoice Lines (revenues). The counter-account (receivables account), which is given by the Customer Posting Group on the invoice header, is not set here.
At the same time, however, it is possible to post an internal document with the invoice (e.g. for posting a payment to IFRS). For internal documents, it is necessary to set up 2 lines for one posted field so that the total balance of the document is balanced.
A payment in a payment schedule can contain from 3 separate payment components:
principal, interest (or simple insurance, simple Service, simple fee)
Premiums from the Client's Insurance Calendar
The settings are described in the next chapter
Contract Services from the Service Payment Calendar
The settings are described in the next chapter
Fields for Payment Posting Setup:
Gen. Business Posting Group
Setting up General Business Posting Groups that will be on the
Financing Contracts
Customer card (for mass invoicing OPL with services)
General Product Posting Group
Setting up General Posting Groups of Items that will be
on the Payment Calendar
Line No.
The sequence number of the line within the combination of General Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Posting Group
Currency Code
Currency of the Financing Contract
Table Type
For posting Financing Contract Lines (Insurance Payment Calendar and Insurance Calendar outside of Payment), e.g. Principal, Interest, Simple Insurance, Simple Service
Calendar Type Payment
To post a payment calendar line of a Financing Contract
To post the insurance calendar line of the Financing Contract. For insurance invoiced separately based on the Client Insurance Calendar, the row with Table Type = Payment and Calendar Type Payment = Insurance will not be set, because only the row with Table Type = Insurance will be set.
Line Type
It is set according to the type of posted line of the payment calendar
Common – regular contract line (line with flags Down Payment Line = No and Line with Sales Price = No)
Down Payment – the line with the first increased payment (line with flag Down Payment Line = Yes), usually in financial leasing; It is not used and is not set up in other types of financing
Sales Price – the line with the selling price or residual value after the end of financing (Line with selling price = Yes), usually in financial leasing; It is not used and is not set up in other types of financing
Source Data Payment
It is set according to a field from the payment calendar that is to be posted.
The description of the individual options is in Chap. of fields
Depending on the types of financing, the following are usually set:
For Financial Leasing
Principal, Interest, Sales Price, Rounding, Insurance, Service and Simple Fee
For Credit
Principal, Interest, Rounding, Insurance, Service and Simple Fee
For Operative Leasing
Principal, Interest, Rounding
For Instalment Sale
Amount incl. VAT or Annuity incl. VAT
Other options can be set according to individual needs
Setup for regular payment posting, which creates Sales Invoice
Reverse Sign
Debit Credit Setting
Empty Not set up
Use Accruals Account
The setting depends on whether and under what conditions the accrual of the source field is required:
Never (Never)
If the source field is never accrued, no accrual method is set. For this condition, the Account No. field must be filled in
If the source field is always accrual and the accrual method is set. For this condition, the Accruals Account No. field must be filled in.
Modality >1 (Modalities > 1)
If the source field is accrued only if the contract has a payment periodicity greater than 1 month. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in.
Not Regular
If the source field is accrued only if the contract is irregular. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in
Modality>>1 or Not Regular
If the source field is accrued only in the case of a contract by a higher periodicity or in the case of an irregular contract. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in.
It is important to set the condition for using the Accruals Account only for source fields that can generate the Contract Accrual Calendar (Principal (only for Line Type = Common or Advance payment), Interest, or. Annuity), in other cases the option is set to Never (Never).
Account No.
The G/L account that will go to the invoice line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field:
Always = account with does not set.
Never (Never) = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue account (e.g. 602).
Modality >1, Regular, Modality >1 or Irregular = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue account (e.g. 602). It will be used for contracts with regular or monthly payment periodicity
Accruals Account No.
The G/L account that will go to the invoice line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field:
Always = Account must be filled in, typically the revenue accrual account (e.g., 384).
Never (Never) = account with does not set.
Modality >1, Regular, Modality >1 or Irregular = Account must be filled in, typically the revenue accrual account (e.g., 384). It will be used for contracts that are irregular or with more than monthly payment periodicity
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set To Invoice = Yes and To Be Invoiced = Yes
To Invoice
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
No (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the invoice line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing))
A setting for payment posting, in which, in addition to the sales invoice, there is also a Internal Document (e.g. posting a payment to IFRS)
Reverse Sign
Can be set as needed
Debit Credit Setting
It must be set. For posting the source field by an internal document, usually 2 lines are set, where it is possible to combine the settings of the accounting pages and the rotation of the sign, e.g.
Document Line 1 = Debit + Rotate Sign No
Document Line 2 = Debit + Rotate Sign Yes
Use Accruals Account
Same settings as invoice apply
Account No.
G/L account that will go to the internal document line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field (as for an invoice)
Accruals Account No.
G/L account that will go to the internal document line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field (as for an invoice)
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set Post Internally = Yes
To Invoice
No (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
No (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the internal document line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Standard Text Variables and Reason Code Setup in Financing))
Example of posting setup for payment, insurance, and services:
Insurance Posting Setup
The settings are the same for all types of financing.
Fields for Insurance Posting Setup:
Gen. Business Posting Group
Setting up General Business Posting Groups that will be on the
Insurance Contracts
General Product Posting Group
Setting up General Posting Groups of Items that will be
on the Client's Insurance Calendar
Line No.
The sequence number of the line within the combination of General Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Posting Group
Currency Code
Insurance Contract Currency (is always the same as Financing Contract currency)
Table Type
For insurance posting based on an Insurance Contract. The insurance is either included in the payment or invoiced separately from the payment, the settings are the same in both cases.
Calendar Type Insurance
To post a line from the Client's Insurance Calendar
Source Data Insurance
Usually, only the value is set:
Posting is set up for the Amount (in currency) field in the client's insurance calendar
It must be set if a sales invoice is posted and the insurance contract is in a foreign currency (the system checks the insurance amount in the payment and in the client's insurance calendars when posting). If the contract is in a local currency, the Amount (LCY) setting is also permissible
Setting for Insurance Posting That Creates Sales Invoice
Reverse Sign
Debit Credit Setting
Empty Not set up
Use Accruals Account
The setting depends on whether and under what conditions the accrual of the source field is required:
Never (Never)
If the source field is never accrued, no accrual method is set. For this condition, the Account No. field must be filled in
If the source field is always accrual and the accrual method is set. For this condition, the Accruals Account No. field must be filled in.
Modality >1 (Modalities > 1)
If the source field is accrued only if the Insurance Contract has a payment periodicity higher than 1 month. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in.
Not Regular
If the source field is accrued only if the Insurance Contract is irregular. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in.
Modality>>1 or Not Regular
If the source field is accrued only in the case of an Insurance Contract by a higher periodicity or in the case of an irregular Insurance Contract. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in.
Account No.
The G/L account that will go to the invoice line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field:
Always = account with does not set.
Never (Never) = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue account (e.g. 602).
Modality >1, Not Regular, Modality >1 or Not Regular = Account > 1, Not Regular or Modality>1 or Not Regular) = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue account (e.g. 602). It will be used for Insurance Contracts on a regular basis or with monthly payment periodicity
Accruals Account No.
The G/L account that will go to the invoice line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field:
Always = Account must be filled in, typically the revenue accrual account (e.g., 384).
Never (Never) = account with does not set.
Modality >1, Not Regular, Modality >1 or Not Regular = Account > 1, Not Regular or Modality>1 or Not Regular) = Account must be filled in, typically the revenue accrual account (e.g., 384). It will be used for Insurance Contracts that are irregular or with more than monthly payment periodicity
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set To Invoice = Yes and To Be Invoiced = Yes
To Invoice
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
No (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the invoice line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing)).
Setting up for insurance posting, in which, in addition to the sales invoice, there is also a Internal Document (e.g. accounting for insurance to IFRS)
Reverse Sign
Can be set as needed
Debit Credit Setting
It must be set. For posting the source field by an internal document, usually 2 lines are set, where it is possible to combine the settings of the accounting pages and the rotation of the sign, e.g.
Document Line 1 = Debit + Rotate Sign No
Document Line 2 = Debit + Rotate Sign Yes
Use Accruals Account
Same settings as invoice apply
Account number
G/L account that will go to the internal document line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field (as on an invoice)
Accruals Account No.
G/L account that will go to the internal document line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field (as on an invoice)
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set Post Internally = Yes
To Invoice
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the internal document line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing)).
Service Posting Setup
The setup is the same for operational leasing with services and for fleet management. For other types of financing, detailed contract services are not used.
Contract Service Posting Setup Fields:
Gen. Business Posting Group
Setting up General Business Posting Groups that will be on the
Contract Service
General Product Posting Group
Setting up General Posting Groups of Items that will be
on the Service Payment Calendar
Line No.
The sequence number of the line within the combination of General Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Posting Group
Currency Code
Contract Service Currency (is always the same as Financing Contract currency)
Table Type
To post the service from the Service Payment Calendar (=Service Payment Line). Service is always included in the payment, it cannot be invoiced separately outside of the payment
Calendar Type Service Service
To post a Service Payment Calendar line
Source Data Service
Usually, only the value is set:
Posting is set for the Amount field in the service calendar
If the Contract Service is in a foreign currency, the amount is converted to the local currency when posting a sales invoice or sales credit memo
Setting for Contract Service Posting that Creates Sales Invoice
Reverse Sign
Debit Credit Setting
Empty Not set up
Use Accruals Account
The setting depends on whether and under what conditions the accrual of the source field is required:
Never (Never)
If the source field is never accrued, no accrual method is set. For this condition, the Account No. field must be filled in
If the source field is always accrual and the accrual method is set. For this condition, the Accruals Account No. field must be filled in.
Modality >1 (Modalities > 1)
If the source field is accrualed only if the Service of the contract has a payment periodicity higher than 1 month. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in.
Not Regular
If the source field is accrued only if the Financing Contract is irregular. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in.
Modality>>1 or Not Regular
If the source field is accrued only for Service Contracts with higher payment periodicity or for irregular Financing Contracts. For this condition, both the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields must be filled in.
Account No.
The G/L account that will go to the invoice line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field:
Always = account with does not set.
Never (Never) = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue account (e.g. 602).
Modality >1, Regular, Modality >1 or Irregular = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue account (e.g. 602). It will be used for contracts with regular or monthly payment periodicity
Accruals Account No.
The G/L account that will go to the invoice line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field:
Always = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue accrual account (e.g. 384).
Never (Never) = account with does not set.
Modality >1, Not Regular, Modality >1 or Not Regular = Account > 1, Not Regular or Modality>1 or Not Regular) = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue accrual account (e.g. 384). It will be used for contracts that are irregular or with more than monthly payment periodicity
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set To Invoice = Yes and To Be Invoiced = Yes
To Invoice
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
No (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the invoice line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing)).
A setting for Contract Service posting, in which, in addition to the sales invoice, there is also a Internal Document (e.g. posting Service Contracts to IFRS)
Reverse Sign
Can be set as needed
Debit Credit Setting
It must be set. For posting the source field by an internal document, usually 2 lines are set, where it is possible to combine the settings of the accounting pages and the rotation of the sign, e.g.
Document Line 1 = Debit + Rotate Sign No
Document Line 2 = Debit + Rotate Sign Yes
Use Accruals Account
Same settings as invoice apply
Account No.
G/L account that will go to the internal document line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field (as on an invoice)
Accruals Account No.
G/L account that will go to the internal document line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field (as on an invoice)
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set Post Internally = Yes
To Invoice
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the internal document line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing)).
Calculation Inputs Posting Setup
Calculation inputs are posted only as an internal document, so it is necessary to set up 2 lines for one posted source data so that the total balance of the document is balanced:
Gen. Business Posting Group
Setting up General Business Posting Groups that will be on the
Financing Contracts
General Product Posting Group
Setting up General Posting Groups of Items that will be
on the Financing Contract
Line No.
The sequence number of the line within the combination of General Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Posting Group
Currency Code
Currency of the Financing Contract
Table Type
Calculation Input
For posting Calculation Input with Flag Posting Post Calculation Input Local or Post Calculation Input IFRS checked.
Calculation Input Variant (Calc. Type Variant)
Billing is set according to the variant that is specified in the posted Calculation Input. All variants of the calculation input can be posted:
Historical cost
Purchase Price Change
Calculation Input Type
Posting is set according to the Expense / Revenue type, which is specified in the posted Calculation Input. Both types of calculation input can be charged:
Náklad (Costs)
Accountant Accrual / CI Accounting Area
Mandatory, must be completed. The accounting system is set up according to the flags that are used on the posted calculation input
for calculation inputs with the Post Calculation Input Local flag checked
for calculation inputs with the Post IFRS Calculation Input flag checked
If both flags (post to local book and IFRS book) are set on the calculation input, it is necessary to set up two sets of accounts.
The accounting area does not affect the selection of financial accounts, the system does not check whether local or IFRS accounts are set up for the given area
Source Data Calculation Input
It is set what amount (field) on the Calculation input the system will charge:
Base Amount
Base Amount field on Calculation input
Financed Amount
The Financed Amount field on the Calculation Input
Calculation Amount
The Calculation Amount field on the Calculation Input
The amounts on the calculation inputs are given in the contract currency. The amounts are usually positive. The sign with which they enter the calculations (payment calendar or accrual calendar) is determined by the Type of calculation input (Expense/Revenue).
If the generation of the accrual calendar is set up for the given calculation input and accounting system, it is advisable to set up the same source field for posting the calculation input as is used for the accruals calculation (see the "Finance" document) ).
Reverse Sign
Can be set as needed
Debit Credit Setting
It must be set. Specifies to which accounting side the source field from the Calculation input will be posted, where the sign of the amount is given by the setting of the Reverse Sign field
Typically, one line is set for the debit side and one line for the credit side for one source field. However, it is also possible to set the same sides (debit or credit) for one source field, but with different signs, so that the total balance of the document is zero.
Example of sign and posting party setup
Internal document (how the calculation input will be posted to the general ledger):
Account No.
G/L account that will be inserted into the internal document line
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set Post Internally = Yes
To Invoice
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the internal document line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing))
Document Accounting System
The system will use the set accounting system to select a Reason Code from the Reason Code Setup for Financing table
Values can be set:
Reason Code with Accounting Area = Local or Both is selected
Reason Code with Accounting Area = IFRS or Both is selected
If the Reason Code is not required on the document, you can set any value
Example of settings for calculation input posting:
Contract Accrual Posting Setup
Contract Accrual lines are posted only as an internal document, so it is necessary to set up 2 lines for one posted source data so that the total balance of the document is balanced.
Description of field settings:
Gen. Business Posting Group
Setting up General Business Posting Groups that will be on the
Financing Contracts
Insurance Contracts
Contract Service
General Product Posting Group
Setting up General Posting Groups of Items that will be
on the Payment Calendar
for accruals (down payment, principal, interest)
on the Client's Insurance Calendar
for Insurance Accruals
on the Service Payment Calendar
for accruals of contract services
on Financing Contracts
for accruals of calculation inputs (grants, fees and commissions)
Line No.
The sequence number of the line within the combination of General Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Posting Group
Currency Code
Currencies are set according to:
Currencies Financing Contracts
for accruals of repayment (down payment, principal, interest) or calculation inputs
Currencies Insurance Contracts
for Insurance Accruals
Currencies Service Contracts
for Contract Service Accruals
Table Type
To post a calendar line Contract Accrual Lines
Accrual Object
Posting is set up for individual Accrual Objects that will be filled in on the Line of the Contract Accrual Calendar:
Down Payment
Insurance Contract
Contract Service
Expense Input Fee
Income Input Fee
Expense Subsidy
Subsidy Income (Income Subsidy)
Expense Commission
Income Commission (Income Commission)
Accrual / CI Accounting Area
Mandatory, must be completed. The accounting system that will be on the Contract Accrual Calendar line in the Accounting Area field is being set up:
The accounting area does not affect the selection of financial accounts, the system does not check whether local or IFRS accounts are set up for the given area. It is therefore possible to post "local" accruals to "IFRS" and vice versa (e.g. if the accrual method of a given subject is the same for both local and IFRS accounting, it is not necessary to generate two accrual calendars)
Source Data Accrual Line
This is a field in the Contract Accruals calendar that will be posted.
The following options are available:
The field will be posted Posting Amount from the Contract Accrual Calendar
The amount is in the currency of the Financing Contract or the currency of the Insurance Contract or the Contract Service.
If "Accrual Amount" is set and the contract is in a foreign currency, then the internal document is posted in the contract currency, where both the currency amount and the local currency amount are taken from the accrual calendar (from the fields Posting Amount and Posting Amount (LCY))
Amount (LCY)
The field will be posted Posting Amount (LCY) from the Contract Accrual Calendar
If "Amount (LCY))" is set and the contract is in a foreign currency, then the internal document is generated in the local currency. (i.e. the currency from the calendar is not used)
Reverse Sign
Can be set as needed
Debit Credit Setting
It must be set. Specifies to which accounting side the source field from the Contract Accrual Calendar will be posted, where the sign of the amount is given by the Reverse Sign field setting (in the Contract Accrual Calendar, amounts are usually positive, both for "costs" and "revenues").
Typically, one line is set for the debit side and one line for the credit side for one source field. However, it is also possible to set the same sides (debit or credit) for one source field, but with different signs, so that the total balance of the document is zero.
Account No.
The G/L account that will be inserted into the internal document line.
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set Post Internally = Yes
To Invoice
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the internal document line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing))
Document Accounting System
The system will use the set accounting system to select a Reason Code from the Reason Code Setup for Financing table
Values can be set:
Select Reason Code with Accounting Area = Local or Both
Reason Code with Accounting Area = IFRS or Both is selected
If the Reason Code on the document is not required, you can set any value.
Example of settings for contract accrual posting:
Instalment Sale Posting Setup
Instalment sales are set up for posting from two sources:
Posting From headers A financing contract from which the selling price of an installment sale is invoiced, usually when the contract is activated. Posting an invoice creates a long-term receivable.
billing Rows Financing contracts (payment calendar), from which an internal document "fictitious payment" is charged, which settles a long-term receivable, and a "partial" sales invoice, the posting of which gives rise to a short-term receivable, which will be settled with the payment received from the customer.
The settings described below assume that any insurance will be invoiced separately!
Fields to set up invoice posting for installment sales price:
Only posting for sales invoice line(s) is set up, because the account of the (long-term) receivable is given by the Customer Posting Group of the SP sales price, which is set on the Financing Contract header on the Instalment Sale tab.
Gen. Business Posting Group
The General Commercial Posting Groups that will be on the Financing Contract are being set up
General Product Posting Group
The General Posting Groups of Goods that will be on the Financing Contract are being set up
Line No.
The sequence number of the line within the combination of General Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Posting Group
Currency Code
Currency of the Financing Contract
Table Type
Contract Header = Financing Contract
Source Data Contract
Field from the Financing Contract header on the Instalment Sale FastTab that will be posted. You can select:
Total Principal (IS)
Sum of principal from payment calendar lines
Total Interest (IS)
Sum of interest from payment calendar lines
VAT Base (IS)
Sum of Total Principal and Total Interest
Amount incl. VAT (IS)
Total Amount incl. VAT (Amount incl. VAT)
Reverse Sign
No (No)
Debit Credit Setting
Blank Not set up
Use Accruals Account
The setting depends on whether and under what conditions the accrual of the source field is required:
Never (Never)
Modality >1 (Modalities > 1)
Not Regular
Modality>>1 or Not Regular
It is important to set the condition for the use of the Accruals account only for the source fields that can generate the Contract Accrual Calendar (i.e. for principal, interest, or VAT base), for the total amount incl. VAT set the option Never.
Account No.
The G/L account that will go to the invoice line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field:
Always = account with does not set.
Never (Never) = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue account (e.g. 602).
Modality >1, Not Regular, Mo>dality>1 or Not Regular) = account > 1, Modality1 or Not Regular) = account must be filled in, usually a revenue account (e.g. 602). It will be used for contracts with regular or monthly payment periodicity
Accruals Account No.
The G/L account that will go to the invoice line
It is set according to the condition in the Use Accruals Account field:
Always = Account must be filled in, usually a revenue accrual account (e.g. 384).
Never (Never) = account with does not set.
Modality >1, Not Regular, Mo>dality>1 or Not Regular) = account > 1, Modality1 or Not Regular) = account must be filled in, usually a revenue accrual account (e.g. 384). It will be used for contracts that are irregular or with more than monthly payment periodicity
Use Customer Posting Group (SP) /Use Cust. Posting Group (IS))
The setting is specific only for Instalment Sale
If the field is empty, the Customer Posting Group from the Financing Contract from the Calculation Tab is used to post the receivable
If the option is set to Longterm Receivable, it will be used to post the receivable Customer Posting Group for the sale price of the Financing Contract from the Instalment Sale tab
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set To Invoice = Yes and To Be Invoiced = Yes
To Invoice
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the invoice line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing))
Document Accounting System
Fields for posting setup "partial sales invoices" from payment calendar lines:
Only posting for the sales invoice line is set up, because the (short-term) receivable account is given by the Customer Posting Group, which is set up on the Financing Contract header on the Invoicing FastTab.
The settings are the same as for the repayment of other types of financing:
General Posting Groups
Currency Code
Table Type = Payment
Calendar Type Payment = Payment
Line Type = Common, Down Payment and Sales Price
Reverse Sign = NO
Debit Credit Setting = empty
Invoicing Entry Code = Invoicing Entry Code
To Invoice = Yes
To be invoiced = Yes
Post Internally = No
Document Accounting System = Local
Specific to the "partial sales invoice" of installment sales is the setting:
Source Data Payment
Amount incl. VAT (Amount incl. VAT) or Annuity incl. VAT
The total amount of the payment incl. VAT must be set. At the same time, the VAT posting group of the payment must be set on the contract header in the "excl. VAT" mode (tax must not be charged on the partial invoice because it has already been invoiced on the initial sales invoice)
Use Accruals Account
It does not make sense to use accruals accounts for "partial invoices" of installment sales, so the Never option is usually set
Account No.
A short-term receivable offset account, usually an auxiliary general ledger account (e.g. 395) is set up, which will be settled by posting a "fictitious payment"
Use Cust. Posting Group (IS))
To post partial invoices, leave Empty, the settings are not taken into account, the system always posts the invoice to the Customer Posting Group from the Financing Contract from the Invoicing tab.
Field for posting setup "fictitious payments" from payment calendar lines
An internal document is set up for posting, which will post a payment to the customer's balance, to the long-term receivable account.
The settings are the same as for the repayment of other financing types
General Posting Groups
Currency Code
Table Type = Payment
Calendar Type Payment = Payment
Line Type = Common, Down Payment and Sales Price
Reverse Sign = No
Invoicing Entry Code = Code for Internal Document
To Invoice = No
To be invoiced = No
Post Internally = Yes
Document Accounting System = Local
Specific to the "fictitious payment" of an installment sale is the setting:
Source Data Payment
Amount incl. VAT (Amount incl. VAT) or Annuity (Annuity) incl. VAT
The total amount of the payment incl. VAT must be set. At the same time, the VAT posting group of the payment payment must be set on the contract header in the "excl. VAT" mode (tax on the payment must not be charged)
Use Accruals Account
For a "fictitious payment" of installment sale, it does not make sense to use accruals accounts, so the Never option is usually set
Debit Credit Setting
It will be set according to the posted page
Debit – for the counter-account of the receivable
Credit – for posting the receivable
Account number
An auxiliary general ledger account (e.g. 395) will be set up for the debit side, which will be settled by posting a "partial invoice"
For the Credit side, the account number is not filled in, instead the Use Customer Posting Group (SP) /Use Ducr field will be set. Posting Group (IS))
Use Cust. Posting Group (IS))
The Credit page must be set to Long-term receivable. This setting replaces the settings in the Account No. and Accruals Account No. fields (these fields must be blank). In the internal document, the Customer and the Customer Posting Group will be charged the selling price of the SP, which will create a Customer Entry on the balance.
Example of settings for Instalment Sale posting:
Posting Setup for Special VAT Mode
This is the accounting of the Financing Agreement, which falls under a special tax regime for traders in second-hand goods under the VAT Act, both in Czech and Slovak legislation (Section 90 CZ and Section 66 SK of the VAT Act). These contracts are marked with the flag Special VAT Mode = Yes.
Posting of the payment is specific in that the individual components of the payment (principal and interest) are accounted for "without VAT" (the VAT posting group special mode – non-tax from the header of the Financing Agreement is used) and the VAT posting is set extra Two lines for fields Special Mode VAT Base, where one line (positive) will be "incl. VAT" (VAT Posting Group Special Mode – Tax will apply) and the other line (negative) will be "Excl. VAT" (VAT Posting Group Special Mode – Non-Tax will apply).
Fields for setting up payment posting in special VAT mode
The principal, interest and rounding settings are the same as for a payment under the regular VAT regime (see Chapter IV). Payment Posting Setup ).
The setup of special lines for special mode VAT is as follows:
Fields that are set in the same way as for other payments:
General Posting Groups
Currency Code
Table Type = Payment
Calendar Type Payment = Payment
Line Type = Common, Down Payment and Sales Price
Debit Credit Setting = empty
Invoicing Entry Code = Invoicing Entry Code
To Invoice = Yes
To be invoiced = Yes
Post Internally = No
Document Accounting System = Local
Specific to the "special VAT regime" The settings are:
Source Data Payment
Special Mode VAT Base
The field is on the payment calendar and serves as the basis for calculating the VAT of the payment in the special mode
It will be set for both rows
Reverse Sign
This field is usually not set for an invoice, it is only used for payments under the special VAT regime
Positive tax base on invoice
applies to the line on which VAT will be posted (field Setup for special mode = incl. VAT)
Negative Tax Base on Invoice
it is used for the line that is used to reset the tax base of the special mode (field Setup for special mode = without VAT)
VAT Special Mode Setting
Applies only when the source field is set to Special Mode VAT Base
with VAT (with VAT)
On the invoice line, the VAT Posting Group Special Mode – Tax (from the header of the Financing Agreement) is used for VAT calculation
The setting is used for a positive tax base (Reverse Sign = No)
bez VAT,
On the invoice line, the VAT posting group Special Mode – Non-Tax (from the header of the Financing Contract) is used for VAT calculation
The setting is applied to the negative tax base (Reverse Sign = Yes)
Use Accruals Account
It does not make sense to use accruals accounts for the tax base of the special regime, so the Never (Never) option is set
Account number
Since the tax base of the special regime must be posted on the invoice, but the posting of the base is not essential, an auxiliary account (e.g. 395) can be set up for posting both positive and negative bases.
Example of setup for posting a payment in a special VAT mode
(special mode base setting highlighted)
Example of a payment calendar
Example of Posted Sales Invoice (Payment No. 001)
Set Up Financial Leasing Posting with Delivery of Goods
For financial leasing with delivery of goods, we recommend that you use a separate General Prod. Posting Group to set up a separate set for posting these agreements.
Specifics of Financial Leasing Posting Setup with Delivery of Goods:
Setup for posting a VAT invoice upon delivery of goods (contract header posting), including corrective documents to this invoice (credit memos, debit notes)
set Table Type = Contract Header
the use of long-term receivables in the case of VAT instalments is set
Source Data Contract = VAT Document - Supply of Goods
Setup for posting financed (installment) VAT, i.e. the VAT invoiced when the contract is activated is not paid directly by the customer, but is included in the individual payments of the payment calendar
set Table Type = Payment
Source Data Payment = VAT Payment for Delivery of Goods is set for posting VAT in instalments in the invoice and for posting a "fictitious payment" for settling the VAT invoice
Fields for setting up VAT invoice posting on delivery of goods (contract header):
Only posting for sales invoice lines is set up, because the accounts receivable account is given by the customer posting group from the Financing Agreement. However, if VAT will be remitted, you can select whether you want to use a different posting group than for contract payments by setting the Use Customer Posting Group field.
The set up posting line will be used to generate two invoice lines, where the first line has the VAT product posting group from the source calculation input ("incl. VAT") and the second line with the opposite sign has the product posting group from the contract header ("excl. VAT")
Gen. Business Posting Group
The General Commercial Posting Groups that will be on the Financing Contract are being set up
OGeneral Product Posting Group
The General Posting Groups of Goods that will be on the Financing Contract are being set up
Line No.
The sequence number of the line within the combination of General Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Posting Group
Currency Code
Currency of the Financing Contract
Table Type
Contract Header = Financing Contract
Source Data Contract
Select an option VAT Document - Supply of Goods
With this option, the system does not post specific fields on the contract, but the billing source is calculation inputs with Calculation Input Variant = VAT - Delivery of Goods
Reverse Sign
This setting is not used when invoicing VAT for leasing with delivery of goods
Use Accruals Account
set the option Never; VAT amount cannot be accrued
Account No.
The G/L account that will be used on the invoice line for both generated lines
Accruals Account No.
Do not fill in the financial account, the VAT amount cannot be accrued on the contract
Use Cust. Posting Group)
If the field is blank, the Customer Posting Group from the Financing Contract ("Short-Term Receivable") is used to post the receivable
If the option is set to Delivery of goods (VAT), then for a contract with VAT in instalments, it will be used for posting the receivable Customer Posting Group for Tax Documents (Goods Delivery) from the Financing Contract ("long-term receivable")
Invoicing Entry Code
From the dial, select the code that has been set To Invoice = Yes and To Be Invoiced = Yes
To Invoice
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
To Be Invoiced
Yes (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
Post Internally
No (No) (copied from Invoicing Entry Code)
it is copied from the Invoicing Item Code, the description can be changed, it is used on the invoice line
you can set variables in the description (see Standard Text Variables and Set Up Reason Codes in Financing Kódy příčiny | Nastavení kódů příčiny ve financování (Reason Code Setup in Financing))
Document Accounting System
Fields for setting up invoice posting from payment calendar lines:
Only posting for the sales invoice line is set up, because the (short-term) receivable account is given by the Customer Posting Group, which is set up on the Financing Contract header on the Invoicing FastTab.
The settings, which are the same as for the regular financial lease payment:
General Posting Groups
Currency Code
Table Type = Payment
Calendar Type Payment = Payment
Line Type = Common, Down Payment and Sales Price
Source Data Payment = Principal, Interest, Selling Price, Special Mode Base, Rounding,
Reverse Sign = NO
Debit Credit Setting = empty
Invoicing Entry Code = Invoicing Entry Code
To Invoice = Yes
To be invoiced = Yes
Post Internally = No
Document Accounting System = Local
The posting settings are specific VAT in Instalments included in the payment schedule. In this case, you need to set a line for:
Source Data Payment
VAT Payment for Goods Delivery
Account No.
An auxiliary general ledger account (e.g. 395) is usually set up, which will be settled by posting a "fictitious payment"
Field for posting setup "fictitious payments" of VAT in installments from payment calendar lines
Posting an internal document that will be posted to the customer's balance is set up
The settings, which are the same as for internal documents of other types of financing:
General Posting Groups
Currency Code
Table Type = Payment
Calendar Type Payment = Payment
Line Type = Common, Down Payment and Sales Price
Reverse Sign = No
Use Accruals Account = No
Invoicing Entry Code = Code for Internal Document
To Invoice = No
To be invoiced = No
Post Internally = Yes
Document Accounting System = Local
Specific to the "fictitious payment" of VAT in instalments is the setting:
Source Data Payment
VAT Payment for Goods Delivery
Debit Credit Setting
It will be set according to the posted page
Debit – for the counter-account of the receivable
Credit – for posting the receivable
Account number
An auxiliary G/L account (e.g. 395) will be set up for the debit side, which will be settled by posting VAT in the payment
For the Credit side, the account number is not filled in, instead the Use Cust. field will be set. Posting Group (IS))
Use Cust. Posting Group)
The option must be set to Delivery of goods (VAT), which will apply to the VAT Instalment Contract Customer Posting Group for Tax Documents (Goods Delivery) from the Financing Contract ("long-term receivable")
Setup is mandatory; if the field was empty, the system would use the G/L account from the Account No. or Accruals Account No. field for posting, and therefore the payment would not be posted to the customer's balance
Example of setup for Financial Leasing posting with delivery of goods, including VAT financing:
VAT Invoice