Fixed Asset Setup

Fixed Asset Setup


The fixed asset functionality in BC provides an overview of fixed assets and ensures correct periodic depreciation. It also allows you to track maintenance costs, manage insurance, post fixed asset transactions, and generate various reports and statistics.

For each fixed asset, a card that contains information about the asset must be set up. Buildings or production facilities can be set up as main assets with a list of components. Assets can be grouped in different ways, such as by class, center, or location. After you set up an asset card, you can start acquiring, maintaining, and selling fixed assets. Budgeted assets can also be set up. This allows you to include any expected acquisitions and sales in your reports.

To track both the depreciation of a fixed asset and other financial transactions related to the fixed asset, you can set up one or more depreciation books for each fixed asset in your company. Depreciation is done by running a periodic depreciation calculation report that fills in the journal with the resulting values ready for posting.

BC supports several depreciation methods. For each fixed asset, you can create multiple depreciation books for different purposes, such as for tax reporting or internal reporting.

Fixed asset transactions can be posted on the page Fixed Asset General Journal or on the page Fixed Asset Journal Depending on whether the transactions are for financial reporting or for internal management.

For OCs, the functionality of assets is extended by linking the FA card to the financing contract, or to the financed object card. New fields are added to the asset card, which are filled with the task to create an asset card for an active contract that does not have an asset card filled in the related financed object card. During the life of the contract, the information on the asset card is updated.

In addition, the setup of depreciation books in the asset card for retrospective depreciation of the acquisition cost and the option to suspend depreciation of assets "From" has been extended for OCs.

For batch jobs working with assets linked to OCs, a new Depreciation Book Templates table and a Batch Job Setup table are created.

MS regularly updates the documentation for this setting area. Documentation valid for BC22 is available at the following link:

Manage Fixed Assets (contains video) - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Create fixed asset and related records in Dynamics 365 Business Central - Training | Microsoft Learn

Before you can manage fixed assets, you must set up default values, fixed asset postings, posting groups, allocation keys, journals, and posting types.

In this UD, only the basic asset setup is described. It doesn't describe how to set up assets for insurance management, track maintenance costs, and budgets. Furthermore, the use of asset cards for Intrastat is not described.

Description of the documented area

FA Setup

The general settings of the module are displayed in the FA Settings table, which is available from the Manual settings list or by searching for the table using the magnifying glass.

Afield Default Depreciation Book It is possible to select one of the books that will be offered when you enter assets on documents and in journals. However, the condition is that the asset will have this depreciation book defined for the FA depreciation book (if not, you can select the default FA depreciation book by selecting the Default FA Depreciation Book check box directly on the FA card). 

The Fixed assets module lets you define asset files that are made up of components. If it is to be allowed to post to the "file" – the main asset, and not just the components, it is necessary to check the box Enable Posting on Principal Assets.  

Asset posting can also be time-limited by entering data into fields Enable FA Posting from resp. Allow FA Posting To. The restriction applies to all users. 

Check the box Fixed asset history enables and initiates tracking of changes in the Location and Responsible Employee fields – these changes are stored in the items History of Fixed Assets.

Check the box FA Acquisition as Acquisition Essentially, it determines what the first operation recorded on the property will be. If the check box is cleared, the first operation is type Filing. If the box is checked, the first operation is Type Acquisition, which is used, for example, to collect acquisition costs through a purchase invoice. If they exceed the threshold for asset registration, the assets are classified by the following operation Acquisition. From this point onwards, it is possible to depreciate the assets. 

Checking a field Dispose Off FA by Reason Code Specifies that a reason code must be filled in when posting asset disposals.

Adjustment for OC:

  • Post Residual Value field

    • is set to No by default. When you switch to Yes, this field is used by asset jobs that post about Salvage Value.

  • In the Residual Value FA – Template and Residual Value FA – Batch fields

    • the template and batch that will be used for the Data revision task on the FA card when posting about movements/changes in Salvage Value are selected.

  • In the FA Revision Template and FA Revision Batch fields

    • to select the template and batch that will be used for asset tasks in accounting depreciation posting (not for the Depreciation calculation task). If No. Series is not set in the settings of the selected sheet, the task will add the contract number as the document number.

  • Active 50% Depreciation field

    • toggles to Yes if the company wants to apply a 50% tax depreciation in the year of disposal of the asset. The setting of this field is used in the Calculate Depreciation task when a tax book of depreciation is selected for the depreciation calculation.

In the Numbering You need to set up:

  • The default number sequence when creating asset inventory cards in the field Fixed Asset Nos.

  • if the Fixed Asset History check box is selected, the number sequence in the field must be set Fixed Asset History Nos. (FA) entry numbers.

FA Classes

In this table, it is possible to divide assets according to the required criteria.  Fixed asset class codes can be used to group fixed assets, for example, into tangible and intangible assets.

The table is available from the FA Settings table, General tab.

According to classes, it is then possible, for example, to filter in reports, trigger asset depreciation, etc. 

FA Subclasses 

In this table, it is possible to set up a finer division of each FA class according to the required criteria for grouping and asset inventory. At the same time, the FA Depreciation Book Template Code field is added to this table for OCs. The field is editable with a lookup to the FA Depreciation Book Template table and is used to create asset card depreciation books when creating FA cards for financing contracts using the Build Fixed Asset Cards task. 

The table is available from the FA Settings table, General tab.

The subclass code is a required field when creating a FA card.

For each FA subclass code, you can define FA Class Code and Default FA Posting Group. When you select a given FA Subclass Code, the defined FA Class Code is automatically filled in on the FA card and a depreciation book is created with a defined Default FA Posting Group when you create a FA card by user.

Field FA Depreciation Book Template Code (FA Depreciation Book Template Code) – OC modification, lookup fields to the FA Depreciation Book Template table. The subclass code is set up on the Batch Job card to create an asset card with a financing contract. According to the FA Depreciation Book template code setup, when you automatically create asset cards from a financing contract, depreciation books are created on the asset card that you created.

FA Location 

Use this table to register fixed asset locations. It can also be used to track inventory sections, the persons responsible for these sections, and the assigned cost center (Global dimension set on the FA card).

The table can be accessed from the Fixed Asset Setup (FA) table in the General menu or by searching through the system magnifying glass.

Depreciation Book 

The depreciation book defines the method of handling asset items (whether they are used for accounting for assets, how they will affect, for example, the calculation of depreciation).

An overview of depreciation books can be accessed from the Fixed Asset Setup (FA) table in the Depreciation menu or by searching through the system magnifying glass.

For CZ/SK legislation, two depreciation books are most often created. Accountant, to determine the method of depreciation according to internal rules/directives, and Tax, to determine the method of depreciation according to tax laws.

In the depreciation book, you can also cancel fixed asset entries, e.g. asset disposal.

The Depreciation Book card contains several FastTabs that must be set up for each depreciation book. A description of their most important settings is in the chapters below.

Depreciation Book Card – General Tab

On this tab, use the fields Code and Description Enters the depreciation book unambiguously. If, after calculating periodic depreciation, the residual value of the asset would be less than the value in the field The default final amount is ok., this value will be added to the depreciation (it will be depreciated to zero). On the other hand, if the user wants to ensure that the program retains a certain book value at both the asset and the last depreciation, he enters a value in the Default Ending Posting Value.

Field Disposal Calculation Method the setting of the value is used in the conditions of Czech and Slovak legislation Gross. It determines, among other things, which calculations will be performed when the asset is disposed of and which accounts will be reset when the asset is disposed of. 

If the asset is purchased by a purchase invoice, and a discount is provided on the invoice, select the Deduct Discount on Purchase Invoice the amount after the discount will be added to the asset records (it is required to set up the account in the FA Purchase Discount Account in General Posting Setup).

The checkbox on the tab is used to set up various checks. Check the box Allow Changes to Depreciation Fields e.g. prevents the user from making changes to FA lines (FA depreciation books). Field Use Same FA+Fin. Dates ensure that asset entries and general ledger entries have the same posting date, and Use Ok in Per. Depreciation Rounds up depreciation to whole crowns. 

Check the box Check FA Entry causes the system to automatically check the nature of acquisition cost amounts, depreciation, book value, and depreciable basis. 

Depreciation Book Card – Integration Tab

This tab contains all types of asset entries that can be created in the program. By checking it, the user can specify for which of them accounting to general ledger = creation of a general ledger item. Any movements for the checked items will then have to be posted in Fixed Asset General Journal.

The financial integration setup is used for the Depreciation Ledger.

Depreciation Book Card – Duplicate Tab

Using the settings on the Duplication it can be made easier to enter data into the system. If there are multiple FA depreciation books for the same asset, it is possible that the items in them will be the same (e.g., value to classify, appreciation, and so on). If these entries are to be created for each FA depreciation book, they must be entered and posted in a journal. Select the check box Part of the Duplication List It can be achieved that if an entry is posted in a journal to one FA depreciation book, a line is automatically created in the corresponding journal for other books that are set up for the asset and are part of the list of duplications. In addition, when duplicating, it is possible to convert the duplicated amount using the given exchange rate (field Use DM sm. rate for dupl. and Default Exchange Rate). 

Depreciation Book Card – Reporting Tab 

On this tab, it is possible to specify for each asset item whether its value will also be recorded in the additional reporting currency set up in the general ledger. 

Depreciation Book Card – FA Posting Type Setup

Table Posting Type Setup FA can be opened from the Depreciation Books card using the v Related -> Depreciation Book -> FA Posting Type Setup or from the table FA Settings -> Posting -> FA Posting Type Setup, where there is an overview of settings for all depreciation books (Depreciation Book Code is not displayed by default, but it can be displayed using the Customize function). Here, the user can influence the behavior of some asset items. Specifically, these are items of the DepreciationEvaluationCustom 1 and Write-Down, Appreciation, Custom 1 and Custom 2)

By checking it in the relevant column, it is possible to set, for example, that the value of the item type will be part of the book value of the asset, that it will be included in the depreciable base or that the nature of the charged amount will be monitored. You cannot add new lines to the window.  The image below shows the standard setting. 

You must set up the FA Posting Type Setting table for all depreciation books.

Depreciation Book Card – Set Up FA Journal

Table Set up a fixed asset journal can be opened from the Depreciation Books card using the In Related -> Depreciation Book -> FA Journal Setup.

For the user specified in the User ID template and batch are set up for the fixed asset journal, the fixed asset general journal, and the insurance journal. Setting in a row with a blank field User ID Applies to all users for whom there is no specific setting.

This setting is then used by BC when:

  • Duplication of entries from one depreciation book to another.

  • When you create a journal line after you run a specific batch job, such as Calculate Depreciation or Index Fixed Asset.

  • By duplicating acquisition cost entries in the insurance journal or in automatic posting to insurance coverage entries.

Separate journals can be specified for each User ID and Depreciation Book.

FA Posting Groups

If you want the program to post about asset entries, you must set up the accounts that it will use to do so. These can be set in the table Posting FA Groups, which is opened by using the button in the FA Settings table -> Posting -> FA Posting Group or by searching for the table through the magnifying glass.

The asset posting group contains a number of fields for entering accounts, of which only a few actually need to be set up. They are the fields for movements (asset entries) that will be accounted for.

The most important fields for setting up asset posting are displayed in the overview and can be edited. Other fields can be added to the view by using the Customize feature. All fields are then available on the FA posting group card, which can be opened by clicking the Edit button.

Because asset posting is mostly done in the general journal of fixed assets, you must set up two accounts for each movement. Account and trade-in. One of them is always on the tab General (the page where the movement will be posted) and the other on the tab Balancing Account (the side from which the bill will be made).

The only exception is the acquisition of assets by purchase invoice (if the Fixed asset type is selected on the invoice line). Here, the offset is to the account in the field Acquisition Account accounts payable. If the FA Acquisition field is selected as Acquisition in the FA setup. Therefore, to post a listing in the general journal of a fixed asset, you must set up accounts in the Acquisition account fields on the General FastTab and Acquisition Cost Account fields on the Balancing Account tab.

The pair for posting depreciation is Amortization Account and Depreciation Account. The other pairs for posting settings correspond to the field names.


The account settings on the Gross disposal FastTab are used when the disposal condition is not set according to the reason code in the FA Setup table, or when the Fixed Assets account type and account number are entered in the sales fakura line during sales.

Extended Posting Group

The system allows you to specify different reasons for the posting type "Disposal" and "Maintenance" using the Reason Code in the table Extended FA Posting Groups. Different accounts can be set up for reasons/reason codes. When a user enters a reason code in the general journal of a fixed asset, the system completes the appropriate accounts. 

The setup table can be opened from the table FA Posting Groups -> Related -> Extended Posting Group or from the FA Posting Group Card -> Related -> Extended Posting Group.

Definition of Distribution 

The definition of posting groups offers one more interesting feature, and that is the ability to define the so-called distribution of counter-accounts according to user-defined allocation keys. For example, if a user requests that depreciation for a given FA posting group be posted to the depreciation account in the allocation ratio according to the center dimensions, he can set this up. When you generate depreciation with an offset account insertion, it doesn't suggest a single offset line, but the lines that are defined in the distribution.

Distributions can be defined for all types of FA movements.

Settings can be made from the table Posting FA Groups in the Related tab -> Posting Group -> Distributions.

In the Split window, in the Account number It is possible to define offset accounts for a given movement. The counter-accounts can be the same or they can be different analysts. Afield Distribution % The user enters a percentage of the item amount that will be posted to this offset account. The sum of the percentages should be equal to 100%. 

For each line, you can define the dimensions with which it will be posted by clicking Related -> Line -> dimensions.

Depreciation Groups 

In the table Depreciation Groups the user can set or change the settings for Tax Depreciation groups. By default, the table is supplied pre-set in accordance with the Income Tax Act. Contains special settings for tax depreciation groups, where you can enter the depreciation period and method, depreciation rates, and coefficients for the new tax depreciation methods for fixed assets.

The table is available in the Manual Setup list or by looking it up with a magnifying glass.

  • Field Code, Depreciation Group and Description

    • They determine the depreciation group.

  • Afield Depreciation Type

    • You can select a method of depreciation for fixed assets for tax purposes. The following methods are available:

      • Linear

        • This method is based on purchase price and percentage.

      • Accelerated

        • This method is based on book value and a coefficient (decreasing balance).

      • Linear for Intangible Assets

        • This method is based on purchase price and percentage.

  • Afield Number of Depreciation Years

    • the number of years of tax depreciation is filled in, or in the Number of Depreciation Months The number of months of tax depreciation can be entered.

If the depreciation type is Linear, the fields are filled in Uniform first yearUniform Coming Years and Uniform Increment Price.

If the depreciation type is Accelerated, the fields are filled in Accelerated First Year, Accelerated additional years and Accelerated Increase Price.

  • Afield % increase in accelerated depreciation

    • You can set a percentage to calculate the depreciation increase in the first year.

  • Afield Minimum number of months for appreciation

    • A minimum number of months for appreciation can be set in accordance with the Income Tax Act.

Depreciation tables 

Several methods for calculating depreciation can be set up in the program. One of them is the so-called "Freedom of Movement". A user-defined method that calculates depreciation according to a defined depreciation table. Setup table Depreciation tables It is available from the FA Setup -> Depreciation -> Depreciation Table table or in the Manual Setup list or by using the magnifying glass lookup.

The Depreciation Table tab is created using the New button.

For a depreciation table defined by a code and description, the user can set up the lines according to which the depreciation calculation will be performed. Rows are entered for the period defined in the field Length period (options MoonPeriodQuarter and Year) by entering a depreciation percentage in the % of depreciation for the period, or Number of units processed in the array Number of units per period (of the total number of units). 

The depreciation table code is then entered into a row with a fixed asset depreciation book that has a user-defined depreciation method set up, and First user-defined date.

Depreciation Book Templates

The FA Depreciation Book Templates setup is available in the FA Fixed Asset Setup -> Depreciation Book Templates -> Depreciation Book Templates table or by searching for the table using the system magnifying glass.

The table is used for presetting depreciation books and populating their fields, which is used in the Build Fixed Asset Cards from Financed Object task. Most of the fields for the table are standard, only the Depreciation Date, Number of Depreciation Months in Accordance with the Lease, and Transfer Ending Book Value fields are new.

The template code is then specified to the FA Subclass. According to the settings on the template, the system then creates rows (FA Depreciation Books) when generating the FA Card and sets the depreciation method for each book.

  • Field Template Code (Template Code)

    • PK, code 10, you enter the code at your own discretion. The same code is set for both lines (the line for the depreciation book and for the depreciation tax book).

  • Field Description (Description)

    • Text 50, enter text at your own discretion.

  • Field Depreciation Book Code (Depreciation Book Code)

    • PK, lookup into the Depreciation Books table and set for each row individually.

  • Field Default Depreciation Book (Default Depreciation Book)

    • boolean, Yes is entered for the depreciation ledger. For the depreciation tax book, the default value remains No.

  • Field FA Posting Group (FA Posting Group)

    • lookup to the FA Posting Group table, the FA group specified for vehicles is set up for the depreciation book. It is not set up for the depreciation tax book.

  • Field Depreciation Group Code (Depreciation Group Code)

    • look into the Depreciation groups table, for the tax book of depreciation the code is set for the tax depreciation of vehicles and according to the tax depreciation methodology. It is not set for the depreciation book only if the accounting depreciation is to be the same as the tax depreciation

    • OC SK – some (any) code must be set so that the task for creating asset cards has a signal that it should follow the settings in the Tax Depreciation Group table

  • Field Keep Last Depreciation Date (Keep Depreciation Ending Date)

    • boolean, it is set to Yes only for the Ledger if the depreciation period is to be observed at all times.

  • Field Depreciation Method (Depreciation Method)

    • option, for the Depreciation Book Accounting Book, it is selected from the offer according to the accounting depreciation accounting rules according to its own methodology. The setup is not relevant for the depreciation tax book.

  • Field Purchase Price Retrospectivally (Purchase Price Retrospectivally)

    • It is set only for the depreciation ledger. It is set Yes if the acquisition cost of the asset (FA Posting Type = Inclusion) is to be recalculated retrospectively when generating depreciation and the calculated depreciation difference is to be added to the currently generated depreciation.

  • Field Depreciation Date (Depreciation Date)

    • option: Contract Signing Date,Advance Payment Date,1st Installment Date,Handover Date,Calculation Starting Date.

    • The recommended setting for both depreciation books is the Object Handover Date option, which represents the start date of the payment calendar. If Object Handover Date and Contract Status = Active or higher, then the task will enter the item handover date there. If the status is lower, it will check if the handover date of the item is filled in and put it there, if it is not filled in, it will put there the date of the expected handover of the item

  • Field Depreciation Starting Date (Depreciation Starting Date)

    • DateFormula, for the Depreciation Book Ledger, the date calculation is set according to your own needs or the 0D formula, then the date will be the same as the date on the contract. For the Depreciation Tax Book, the formula -BR (-AY) is set to calculate the date 1.1 of the given year.

  • Field Number of Depreciation Months (No. of Depreciation Months)

    • Integer, if the depreciation period from the lease agreement is not to be transferred, the number of months of accounting depreciation is entered.

  • Field Number of Months of Depreciation in Accordance with the Lease (Number of Months of Depreciation in Accordance with the Lease)

    • boolean, set for G/L Yes, if the asset is to be depreciated for the same period as the duration of the contract.

    • if Boolean = No, the task takes the value from the Number of Depreciation Months field in the template and fills in the same value in the Number of Depreciation Months field in the specified depreciation book

  • Field Ending Book Value (Ending Book Value)

    • decimal, the amount for the Depreciation Book of Accounting is set if depreciation is to be stopped when the set book value is reached. The amount can be entered to 2 decimal places.

  • Field Transfer Ending Book Value (Copy Ending Book Value)

    • boolean, set for the Depreciation Book if the set value in the Ending Book Value field is to be transferred to the book

    • if Boolean = Yes, the job will fill in the same value from the Ending Book Value field in the template to the same field on the FA card to the selected depreciation book, if the value in the Ending Book Value template field is blank, it will take the value from the contract from the Cost RV for Int. Margin field

SK – Tax depreciation groups

In order to be able to create a tax book of depreciation by Fuel Type on the Financed Object card when creating an asset card using the Build Fixed Assets Cards batch job, a new Tax Depreciation Group table is created for the SK, which contains the Fuel Type Filter field. Additionally, it contains these three primary key fields:

  • Template Code - the code of the Depreciation Book template is selected

  • Depreciation Book Code - a tax depreciation book is selected, there is a fixed filter for a depreciation book that has Tax Area set in the Type field

  • Depreciation Group Code – The tax depreciation group code is selected.

The variable in these three fields is the value in the Depreciation Group Code field and the value/values in the Fuel Type Filter field. In the Fuel Type Filter field, you can select multiple codes one at a time, separated by a pipe.

The new table is searchable via the system magnifier and is also available from the FA Depreciation Book Templetes table, where a new button called Tax Depreciation Group is available for SK.

The process of the Build Fixed Assets Cards batch job is modified for SK in such a way that it first finds the set code in the Fuel Type field on the financed object card and then selects the Depreciation Group Code for the depreciation tax book according to it. A detailed description of the job process is described in PD_Finance.

Classification Codes

The Income Tax Act No. 586/1992 Coll. requires the classification of fixed assets according to the CZ-CPA production classification and the CZ-CC classification of construction activities. A new table has been added for CZ/SK legislation Classification Code and the Classification Code field on the fixed asset card. This field is used to classify FAs into a tax group.

The classification code is then selected on the FA card and thus formally determines in which tax depreciation group the asset is classified and depreciated according to it in accordance with the applicable Income Tax Act.

Afield Depreciation Group (Depreciation Group), you can preset the Code from the Tax Depreciation Group table. This code is then filtered for selection when creating a tax depreciation book for the FA card.

Filling the table with data is done by the user.

  • Field Code (Code)

    • PK, the code is entered according to the code list of the statistical office.

  • Field Description (Description)

    • You can enter a description of the code according to the code list of the statistical office or your own text.

  • Field Classification Type (Classsification Type)

    • According to the code list used by the Statistical Office, the following values are selected: CZ-CPA, CZ-CC, DNM.

FA Card

In connection with the link between fixed asset cards (fixed asset cards) and financing contracts, adjustments are made to the OCs described in the subchapters below.

New fields on the FA card header

The following new fields have been added to the FA card header (Fixed Asset 5600 table), which are filled in when the FA card is created by the Create Fixed Asset Cards (Build Fixed Asset Cards) task:


    • Boolean, set to No by default

    • Non-editable, it will be switched to Yes automatically by the "Transfer to STOCK and Dispose Off Asset Card" task if the set conditions are met in the batch job with the FA – Stock batch job type

  • Car Identification Number VIN

    • Text 17

    • Non-editable, calculated field from related financed object

    • Pulled to Fixed Asset List (5601) for the Full Description field

  • Licence Plate No.

    • Text 10

    • Non-editable, calculated field from related financed object

    • Pulled up to the Fixed Asset List (5601) for the Car Identification Number VIN field

  • Current Fin. Contract No.

    • Code 20

    • Non-editable, relations to the API Financing Contract Header (4026397) table

    • Pulled to the Fixed Asset List (5601) before the Financed Object No. field

  • Financed Object No.

    • Code 20

    • Non-editable, relation to the API Financed Object (4026560) table

    • Pulled to the Fixed Asset List (5601) before the Customer No. field

  • Customer No.

    • Non-editable, calculated field from related contract

    • Pulled to Fixed Asset List (5601) before Customer Name field

  • Customer Name

    • Non-editable, calculated field from related contract

    • Pulled to Fixed Asset List (5601) as the last field

New fields in the Depreciation Book on the FA Card

The following new fields are added to the depreciation book lines (FA Depreciation Book 5612):

  • Purchase Price Retrospectivally

    • Boolean, set to NO by default

    • The field is used for retrospective calculation of acquisition cost depreciation. Use the setting to YES only if there is a <>Recalculation Settlement Type <> Retroactive

  • Depreciation Interrupt from

    • Date

    • Editable, for vehicles the Interruption of Accounting Depreciations task is performed

    • Above the field, there is a date fulfillment control so that it is not possible to enter a date greater than the one in the Depreciations Interrupted up to field

    • Above the field, there is an additional check to see if the entered date does not fall within a period for which accounting depreciation has already been posted.

      • If the date is entered by the user and the check finds that the entered date falls within a period for which depreciation is already posted, an information window is displayed asking whether the already posted depreciation should be deposted. If the option is confirmed, lines with the amount of posted depreciation for the period will be suggested to the Fixed Asset G/L Journals and the entered date will be entered in the "Depreciation Interrupt from" field. If No is selected, "only" the entered date is entered in the "Depreciation Interrupt from" field.

      • If the date is entered by the Interruption of Accounting Depreciations task and Post = Yes is entered in the task dialog box, then the depreciation is derecognised and the interruption date is entered. If Post = No, lines are suggested to be posted to the journal. A detailed description of the task is described in PD Finance_BL.

  • Disposal Reason

    • Text 100

    • Non-editable, it is filled in with the Description from the Reason Code, which is filled in the FA General Journal or FA Journal when posting disposals

    • Placed after the Retirement Date field

  • Total PC

    • Decimal

    • Non-editable, calculated from FA entries The FA posting type is Classification or Evaluation, analogous to the existing Classification or Evaluation fields

    • In the depreciation book, it is placed before the Classification field

    • In the asset overview, it is placed after the License Plate field

Batch Jobs Setup

Batch job settings are available in the Fixed Asset Setup table in the Depreciation menu. You can also search for it using the system magnifier.

After searching, an overview of all batch jobs opens Batch Jobs Setup List.

A new batch job is created using the + New button. Editing is done using the Manage ->> Edit button on the Batch Jobs tab.

Batch Jobs Setup Card for the Create Asset Cards job

The Batch Job Setup tab for the Build Fixed Asset Cards job is created with Batch Job Type = FA – Card.

Description of field settings:

  • Code

    • Code 10 – enter a code according to your needs

  • Batch Job Type

    • Option "FA – Card" is selected

  • Object Type and Object No.

    • are non-editable, fixed to the selected option in the Batch Job Type field, i.e. after selecting Option Batch Job Type = FA – the Object Type and Object No. tab are automatically filled in

  • Fin.Product Type Filter, Contract Status Filter, Detail Contract Status Filter

    • For all fields, it is selected from the menu according to your needs. It is a composite filter and is selected individually

  • FA Class Code and FA Subclass Code

    • the codes to be transferred to the header of the created FA cards for financing contracts are selected

  • Fixed Asset Nos. (FA) number series

    • If it is required to number the generated FA cards according to the number series, then the number sequence is selected. If the numbering of the generated FA cards is required to be the same as the number of the financed object for the contract, this field is left blank.

Batch Jobs Setup Card for the Accounting Depreciation Interruption job

The Batch Job Setup tab for the Interruption of Accounting Depreciations job is created with Batch Job Type = FA – Interrupt.

Description of field settings:

  • Code

    • Code 10 – enter a code according to your needs

  • Batch Job Type

    • Option "DM – Interrupt" (FA – Interrupt) is selected

  • Object Type and Object No.

    • are non-editable, fixed to the selected option in the Batch Job Type field, i.e. after selecting Option Batch Job Type = FA – the Object Type and Object No. tab are automatically filled in

  • Fin.Product Type Filter, Contract Status Filter, Detail Contract Status Filter

    • For all fields, it is selected from the menu according to your needs. It is a composite filter and is selected one at a time.

Batch Jobs Setup Card for the Transfer to STOCK and Dispose Off the Asset Card job

Several cards are being created to set up a batch job for the Transfer to STOCK and Dispose Off the FA Card job. The conditions for conversion to STOCK are different from the conditions for disposal. Therefore, at least the following batch job cards are set up:

Card for Transfer to STOCK

The Batch Job Setup tab for Transfer to STOCK is created with the Batch Job Type = FA – Stock setting.

Description of field settings:

  • Code

    • Code 10 – enter a code according to your needs

  • Batch Job Type

    • Option "FA – Stock" is selected

  • Object Type and Object No.

    • are non-editable, fixed to the selected option in the Batch Job Type field, i.e. after selecting Option Batch Job Type = FA – the Object Type and Object No. tab are automatically filled in

  • Fin.Product Type Filter, Contract Status Filter, Detail Contract Status Filter

    • For all fields, it is selected from the menu according to your needs. It is a composite filter and is selected individually

  • FS Fin. Settlement Type

    • The Financial Settlement Type that has Type for Contract with Services = Recalculation is set. It is a composite filter and is selected individually

    • In order to process the job correctly, you must have this code set up. If no code is set, the task works with all types of financial settlement and ends with error messages with an untraceable comparative copy of the contract

  • General Journal Template and Batch

    • selected from the menu, the worksheet should preferably be created separately for that particular job and without setting up number sequences

  • Posting No. Series

    • It is selected from the dial. No number series is then set on the template sheet

  • Posting Date

    • The date formula for calculating the posting date is being set. If no Posting Date Offset is required, the formula is set to 0D (0D)

  • FA Posting Group For STOCK

    • It is set by selecting from the menu of FA posting groups the group designated for asset records to "STOCK". The setup of this posting group is then used to repost the total amount of each FA entry type within the general ledger accounts.

Card for Disposal of Liquidations

The Batch Job Setup tab for the Dispose Off the FA Card for Asset Disposal job is created with Batch Job Type set = FA – Disposal, with Batch Job Subtype = Liquidation, and the Reason Code set in the Advanced Posting Group for Liquidation field is selected.

Description of field settings:

  • Code

    • Code 10 – enter a code according to your needs

  • Batch Job Type

    • Option "FA – Disposal" is selected

  • Batch Job Subtype

    • the "Liquidation" option is selected

  • Object Type and Object No.

    • are non-editable, fixed to the selected option in the Batch Job Type field, i.e. after selecting Option Batch Job Type = FA – the Object Type and Object No. tab are automatically filled in

  • Fin.Product Type Filter, Contract Status Filter, Detail Contract Status Filter, Ins. Claim Type Filter

    • For all fields, it is selected from the menu according to your needs. It is a composite filter and is selected individually

  • General Journal Template and Batch

    • selected from the menu, the worksheet should preferably be created separately for that particular job and without setting up number sequences

  • Posting No. Series

    • It is selected from the dial. No number series is then set on the template sheet

  • Posting Date

    • The date formula for calculating the posting date is being set. If no Posting Date Offset is required, the formula is set to 0D (0D)

  • Reason Code

    • the Reason Code set up in the Advanced posting group for Liquidation is selected.

Card for Disposal by Sales

The Batch Job Setup tab for the Dispose Off the FA Card for Asset Disposal job is created with Batch Job Type = FA - Disposal, Batch Job Subtype = Sales, and the Reason Code set in the Advanced Posting Group for Sales field.

Description of field settings:

  • Code

    • Code 10 – enter a code according to your needs

  • Batch Job Type

    • Option "FA – Disposal" is selected

  • Batch Job Subtype

    • Option "Sales" is selected

  • Object Type and Object No.

    • are non-editable, fixed to the selected option in the Batch Job Type field, i.e. after selecting Option Batch Job Type = FA – the Object Type and Object No. tab are automatically filled in

  • Fin.Product Type Filter, Contract Status Filter, Detail Contract Status Filter

    • For all fields, it is selected from the menu according to your needs. It is a composite filter and is selected individually

  • General Journal Template and Batch

    • selected from the menu, the worksheet should preferably be created separately for that particular job and without setting up number sequences

  • Posting No. Series

    • It is selected from the dial. No number series is then set on the template sheet

  • Posting Date

    • The date formula for calculating the posting date is being set. If no Posting Date Offset is required, the formula is set to 0D (0D)

  • Reason Code

    • the Reason Code set up in the Advanced Posting Group for Sales is selected.




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