Verification Setup

Verification Setup


Important control tables for daily work in BC, when it is necessary to obtain important information about the company's suppliers and customers in order to comply with all legal and tax regulations

MS regularly updates the documentation for this setting area. Documentation valid for BC22 is available at the following link:

Validate VAT Registration Numbers - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Czech Local Functionality - Unreliable payer [CZ] - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

CZ localization documentation valid for BC22 is available at this link:

Core Localization Pack for Czech - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

In the chapters below, all the setting tables that are important for accounting and taxes are described.

ARES – Verification of Registration No.

ARES is an information system enabling obtaining information on economic entities registered in the Czech Republic. The user can fill in the http address of the ARES service in the Registration No. Validation Service Setup.

Update You can start ARES from the contact, vendor or customer card on the button in the Registration No. (IR) field. You can search for companies and decide which fields to update in BC (name, address, city, zip code).

The table is available in Manual Settings, Service category, or by searching via the system magnifier.

Set Default Endpoint – set only in rare cases when service permission is interrupted

Registration Plate Verification Protocol

At the overview Registration Log Not only can you check all the checks performed and their status, but you can also start bulk verification using the Verify Registration No.. The overview can be found using the system magnifier.

EU VAT Registration No. Verification

It is important that the VAT number numbers for customers, suppliers and contacts are valid. For example, companies sometimes change their tax status, and in some countries, the tax authorities may ask you to provide statements, such as the EC Sales Statement Statement, that show the VAT IDs you use in your business.

The service is called in BC EU VAT Registration No. Validation Service Setup. Joining the service is free, and registration is not required.

When you use this connection, BC records the history of VAT numbers and verifications for each customer, vendor, or contact in the VAT Registration Logso you can easily keep track of them. The protocol is specific to each customer/supplier. For example, the log is useful for proving that you have verified that the current VAT number is correct. When verifying the VAT number, the column Request Identifier in the log to reflect that you have taken appropriate action.

You can view the VAT Registration Log on the Customer, Vendor or Contact cards on the Invoicing Select the search button in the box VAT Registration No..

This service can also save you time when creating a customer or supplier. If you know the customer's VAT number, you can enter it in the VAT Registration No. on the customer or vendor card, and BC fills in the customer's name for you. Some countries also provide company addresses in a structured format. In these countries, BC will also fill in the address.

The table is accessible by searching through the system magnifier.

Setting description:

  • Set Default Endpoint

    • It is set only in exceptional cases when the service permission is interrupted

  • Enabled

    • It must be checked for the service to work and for checks to take place. You must have administrator privileges to enable EU VAT Registration No. Validation Service Setup.

  • Service Endpoint:

To check the format and duplicates of VAT numbers, you can use the task Batch VAT Registration No. Check

Check for unreliability of the VAT payer

The amendment to the VAT Act No. 235/2004 (Section 106a) introduced the concept of an unreliable payer. The Ministry of Finance publishes electronically a list of unreliable payers. This feature uses this service to retrieve published information and shows the payer's status on vendor cards and purchase documents, and is set in the Unreliable Payer Service Setup. The Ministry of Finance also publishes information on registered bank accounts of payers (only these accounts are allowed for payments). Information about registered payers' bank accounts is stored in the Vendor Bank Account and used in the payment system.

The inspection can be run from the vendor card by using the Unreliable VAT Payment Check available in Actions -> Functions -> Unreliable VAT Payment Check. When the scan starts, the table is populated Unreliable Payer Entries an indication of the state of unreliability and data on published bank accounts. Above the Bank Account line, you can then use the Create Vendor Bank Account this to establish.

The result of the check is visible on the vendor card in the Invoicing tab. The check can be disabled on the Vendor tab by selecting the check box Disable Unreliability Check.

The check takes place when posting purchase invoices and when making payments in a payment order.

The table is accessible by searching through the system magnifier.

Setting description:

  • Set Default Web Service

The fields in the Parameters tab are set according to the company's own requirements.

Checking the Insolvency Register

This service is used to check customers at the time of posting sales/purchase documents and also to set up the method of working with such identified customers or suppliers. Therefore, it is possible to set up a control so that when a customer is found in the Insolvency Register proceedings, the posting of sales documents (including orders) is blocked.

ATTENTION!!! This service is not part of OC (BC). It is a paid add-on that you can purchase if you are interested in using this service.

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